Spiritual developmentTarot

8 pentacles Tarot: meaning and interpretation

Tarot cards are widely used magic practice. Contrary to popular misconception, this way of obtaining information is not just a guessing. Tarot - a complex system of symbols, the key to the deep level of the subconscious, allowing you to look into the hidden corners of the soul and consider any situation from different sides.


The traditional image of the "8 Pentacles" card (Tarot Ryder White, Universal and some other classic decks) is as follows: a person who performs engraving on discs (or coins) is drawn. Seven of them are ready, the master is working on the creation of the last - the eighth denarius.

8 pentacles Tarot: value in the forward position

Prosperity, prosperity, success, favorable outcome, diligence, patience, diligence, mindfulness, development and self-realization ... Here is only an incomplete list of the basic values of 8 pentacles. Tarot gives a fairly accurate description of the situation. However, when performing any kind of analysis, one should not immediately look for interpretation of the cards. First of all, you need to carefully consider the image, listen to your own inner voice and catch the first thoughts that arise about the question. Perhaps, it is in them and the main answer lies. But if, on the basis of such inferences, it was not possible to compile a complete picture revealing the essence of the situation, one can turn to interpretations and obtain the missing pieces of information. This method allows you not only to find answers to exciting questions, but also helps to develop intuition, insight, the ability to foresee the future and understand the true essence of what is happening.

Inverted position

Like the rest of the cards, 8 pentacles inverted carries an opposite meaning. It portends future difficulties, possible obstacles to success and warns against danger.

If the question concerned a particular person, then the eight denarii in an upside-down position talk about negative qualities of the person, such as dishonesty, hypocrisy, lack of self-confidence, laziness, incompetence, vanity and the desire to appear better than in reality. If it was not about the nature of the person, but about the state in which a person is staying, then such a card can talk about financial difficulties, problems at work and other failures.

In matters of professional activity or education, such a sign tells of a boring, tedious, monotonous work that does not bring positive emotions.

However, we should not consider such signs as something inevitable. The answers received should be taken as advice, what is better to pay attention to in this life stage, what is worth working on. This is just a mapping of the situation at a given moment in time. The appearance of 8 pentacles in the scenario indicates that, in spite of temporary difficulties, everything is in the hands of a person, and any obstacles can be overcome if the situation is not allowed to go wild.

Also, the reverse position of the card can talk about wasted effort and time, useless work, financial loss or fraud.

Layout of love and relationships

Rods and goblets personify passion and emotion. As for the 8 pentacles, the significance in the relationship in this case is somewhat different. In matters of love, this card implies a strong relationship, built primarily on mutual understanding and respect. Wisdom, discretion and responsibility prevail over passion. In such families peace and harmony reigns.

If the questioner (that is, the person to whom they are guessing) is lonely, then the fall of this arcana foreshadows a meeting with his second half in the near future. Those who because of disappointments in the past were afraid of starting a new relationship, the card advises to start working on themselves. Self-improvement, ordering of one's own thoughts and feelings will help change life for the better.

Turned 8 pentacles in a relationship warns of possible misunderstanding, lies, mistrust, unwillingness to compromise. There is a possibility of parting. In combination with some other arcana can mean a desperate situation (for example, 8 swords + 8 pentacles), duplicity and betrayal (if the Devil is in the situation). But such conclusions can be made only in cases when the alignment was carried out on one of the partners. If we were talking about relationships in general, then the overturned lasso speaks of discord, misunderstanding and, probably, even about the sooner parting.

One more question, the answer to which can be a tarot card of 8 pentacles is a relationship that is at the completion stage, that is, parting, divorce. But in this situation everything will be pretty peaceful. The understanding has come that these relations are unpromising. Both partners will conduct themselves judiciously and will be able to disperse civilized.

Work and education

If we are talking about a profession, this lasso tells about work that requires doing monotonous actions, the ability to concentrate for a long time on a task, and scrupulously study details. A person systematically fulfills all steps on the way to success, experiencing joyful emotions from doing what he likes. Also, we can talk about the educational process. If the question raises the question of a specific person and his profession, this card can indicate both simple artisans, computer geniuses, trade unionists and teachers.

In questions about finding work, 8 pentacles portend a successful outcome of the case. You will be able to find a useful interesting activity that brings a good income. But to rely only on the favor of fortune should not be. You will have to make efforts, show patience and diligence. Perhaps, it is necessary to master a new profession, and this will take time. However, the work will bring positive emotions, inspire further advancement on the career ladder.

An inverted position can mean not only unscrupulous labor, fraud and lack of inspiration. Another negative side is the desire to put career growth above everything else. Such people often stop paying attention to their relatives and relatives, lose interest in everything that is happening around them, forget about their dreams, focusing only on material gain.

Personal Characteristics

If the goal of the scenario was to obtain a characterization of the personality of a person, 8 pentacles speak of such qualities as diligence, purposefulness, aspiration for self-improvement. This person knows what he wants and achieves everything with his work. Due to the high level of self-discipline and the ability to focus on the goals, he will be able to achieve what he wants. However, it may take time. Such a card does not herald a lightning success. It implies that you will have to make an effort, have patience and show prudence.

In some cases, the map indicates a disinterested person who does not work for his own benefit, but to benefit people. He does not know his vanity and ambition. He is quite pleased with what he has, has inner freedom, because he is not tied to the thirst for fame and money. This self-sufficient, sophisticated person, well versed in his business.

The main qualities of the person, characterized by the eight denarii: practicality, discretion, wisdom, prudence, a clear understanding of one's desires and purpose, disinterestedness.

The overturned lasso tells about opposite character traits, such as dishonesty, self-interest, vanity, lack of knowledge and experience.

Health status

If the question was about health, the 8-pentacle card in its upright position indicates recent illnesses or injuries. However, with proper treatment, negative consequences can be eliminated. Most likely, you will need to conduct a recovery course. This can be a set of physical exercises, proper nutrition, breathing and meditative practices. In more serious cases, when the problems relate not only to physical health, but also to the mental state, the psychoanalyst may need help.

In an inverted position, this lasso warns that excessive enthusiasm for work can have a detrimental effect on both the physical and psychological state of a person. However, do not take this as an inevitability. Maps only talk about a possible trend of events, provided that a person does not change anything in his life. In this case, it's just a warning and advice to reconsider your attitude to work, to begin to rest more. If you make some effort, negative consequences can be avoided.

Situation on the situation

If the question concerns whether it is worthwhile to undertake the conceived, then the appearance of the eight denarii in the scenario portends a prosperous outcome of the case, prosperity and success in all endeavors. Perhaps you will need to do self-improvement, master a new direction and acquire any skills that will later help to succeed. It is not necessary to doubt, the spent efforts and financial means will pay off and will bring in the future good fruits. Perhaps in the near future you will not be able to get a reward, but in the future the result will be positive.

The probability of success is very high. However, we will have to make efforts. You can achieve the desired result if you step by step to implement all the necessary actions on the way to the goal. The systematic fulfillment of the plans, attentiveness to detail, diligence and belief in a successful outcome will help to achieve success. Perhaps there will be periods when inspiration will leave you and begin to doubt the feasibility of the work. In such moments, the most important thing is to show willpower, do not stop and just keep moving towards the goal, without falling into despair. In this case perseverance and patience are the key to the realization of dreams.

Another side that you should pay attention to is caution. Sometimes this card serves as a warning. This is a sign that you need to be more attentive to what is happening, because in some cases success in one life sphere can cause a failure in another. Do not make hasty decisions. Before you perform any important actions, you need to weigh the pros and cons. Additional values of this lasso are wisdom, dimensionality, orderliness.

In some cases, the appearance of 8 pentacles should be taken as advice to focus on the important and not to be distracted. The thing that you are currently occupied with must be in the first place. Do not get upset if something went wrong as you wanted. Over time, your patience and perseverance will be rewarded.

The inverted position of the map may indicate impatience, a desire to let things go on its own or find the easiest ways without putting any effort. However, this is not a situation in which one can rely on a successful combination of circumstances. In this case, you have to take responsibility for yourself.

In any scenario, in order to understand the true meaning, it is important to pay attention to what cards 8 pentacles (Tarot) fell with. The combination with some arcana, such as the Devil and 7 swords, can talk about deception or fraud.

Growth perspective

In matters relating to personal growth, this card represents a successful self-realization and advancement. If you have long planned to do self-improvement, now is the time to translate the plan into reality. This can be both a career growth, and the beginning of spiritual development. However, do not expect quick results. It is necessary to have patience and begin to implement the plan. It is important to approach the work on yourself responsibly. Judiciousness, patience and endurance are the qualities on which development it is necessary to pay attention in the near future. They will help to achieve success.

If on this issue as an answer turned upside down 8 pentacles (Tarot), the value takes a completely different meaning. This may mean a stop in development, laziness, stagnation, indifference to everything, apathy and depression. Do not deny what is happening and seek excuses for your own inaction, otherwise it can lead to very deplorable consequences. The only way out of this situation is to confess honestly to yourself that you have been in such a state. Awareness of the problem is the first step towards solving it. Most likely, the root of the problem lies not in external circumstances, but in relation to what is happening. Changing the way of thinking will help to reach a new level of self-development.

Cards of another suit with the same numerical value

All eight have some common characteristics: success, the beginning of something new, stability and harmony. Among the older arcanes, this card corresponds to the card "Strength" (in some other decks, "Justice"). Regardless of which symbol falls out in the scenario, whether it be 8 swords, 8 pentacles or wands, this indicates the beginning of something new, the opening of new ways and, perhaps, even a reassessment of values and the selection of new priorities.

In the global issues related to the life purpose, the appearance of the eights in the scenario can foreshadow the future changes in any sphere. Changes can occur both in personal life and in a career. A little more detail about the combinations of junior arcanes:

  • 8 pentacles + 8 cups indicate the end of the previous period of life and the beginning of something new. Do not take the completion of a certain stage as a loss. This is just a transition to a higher level, the ability to turn the page and start creating something new. You need to find the strength to recognize that the old way of life does not suit you anymore. If this step is not taken, the consequences can be very negative, the questioner risks falling into depression, despair, depression. Do not cling to the old. It's time to get rid of the old emotional burden and let the changes happen. It can be a relationship, a career or an exit from a creative crisis.
  • 8 pentacles + 8 wands: in any case, these cards portend success. The appearance of these arcana in the scenario suggests that you need to get down to action, since you are expecting good prospects. If before in life there was a period of stagnation, now is the moment when there will be a revival. These junior arcana personify productivity, prospects and creative impulse. The presence of wands in the layout can talk about the spontaneity of what is happening.
  • 8 swords + 8 pentacles: this combination, most likely, carries a negative meaning. These arcana can mean burdensome work, wasted time or stagnation in creativity.

Map of the day

This is one of the simplest ways to find out what the future day is foreshadowing. Eight denarii says that on this day you need to devote time to work, you can not indulge in laziness. In addition, speech can also go about creative activity, talent development or education. The spent efforts in the future will lead to success. It is important to have patience and zealously fulfill the plan.

However, 8 pentacles in the inverted position warns that one should not overestimate one's own strengths. Perhaps your knowledge and experience is not enough to implement the plan. Do not rush to conclusions.

The basic advice that gives the junior arcane is 8 pentacles: meaning in a global sense implies that a person must build his own life, not relying on an occasional coincidence or on the help of others. Do not be afraid of failures, it is important to start working on yourself and improve skills in various fields. Tune in to a good result and discover your talent.

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