Business, Industry
Industrial Steam Boilers And Concrete Production
In the Russian conditions, when the construction season is often limited by the warm season, the question of accelerating the production of concrete structures in a short time is very urgent.
Strengthening concrete in an accelerated mode can be extremely important in the technology of precast reinforced concrete and prestressed reinforced concrete production, since it allows achieving the desired strength of the billet of an industrial product in a shorter time than with a naturally occurring hardening cycle.
The optimized speed of the process of hardening concrete using industrial steam produced in industrial steam boilers allows, at the current level of knowledge about the production process, to significantly reduce the cost of formwork and reduce the production area.
Acceleration of hardening of concrete with the use of industrial boiler equipment for steam production allows, in warmer periods, to shorten the time for preparation of the formwork for recovery, and in cold and winter periods these times can be reduced up to ten times with the cycle norms for natural hardening of concrete.
Industrial boiler equipment is extremely necessary for modern construction production to reduce costs and improve the quality of materials. Industrial steam boilers in this case are the best choice among other industrial boiler equipment. The choice in favor of steam is due to a number of reasons.
Unlike other heat carriers, steam allows you to transfer the maximum possible amount of heat to the maximum extent in the minimum volume.
In addition, it is manufactured on industrial boiler equipment (in steam boilers), which turns water into steam, with high heat output.
It follows that, compared to other types of equipment (hot air generators, superheated boilers, diathermic oil generators), the use of a steam boiler has low costs, since it requires pipelines with a smaller diameter, which in turn affects the cost of the final product .
Proceeding from all this, the reason for the widespread use of industrial steam as a heating substance in equipment for accelerated hardening of concrete becomes understandable.
Since the late 1950s, the world's enterprises for studying, designing and supplying industrial boiler equipment for process plants for accelerated hardening of concrete using steam boilers provide customers with ready-made solutions in this field.
At present the industry of steam boilers and other industrial boiler equipment assumes complete automation of production processes and control of all technological parameters of accelerated hardening of concrete in real time. Unfortunately, Russian-made steam boilers in this segment are substantially inferior to European counterparts. The optimal price / quality ratio at the current time is the offer of Italian manufacturers of industrial boiler plants that have accumulated substantial production experience both in the field of industrial boiler equipment and in the production of building materials and work.
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