
Indications for use "Indapamide" - arterial hypertension

Currently, according to the World Health Organization, the leading position in the list of diseases that cause human death, take the pathology of the cardiovascular system, gradually worsening the quality of life and ultimately leading to the defeat of all other internal organs.

Relevance of the problem

This is how arterial hypertension and atherosclerosis, accompanying almost every second adult, especially after forty years. Most people treat these diseases very superficially, explaining this by their prevalence and, it seems to them, is not a danger. However, complications lead to death. This is myocardial infarction, ischemic and hemorrhagic stroke, aortic aneurysm, cardiac and renal insufficiency. Arterial hypertension and atherosclerosis often accompany each other, since the first of them steadily violates the trophism of the vessels, ultimately leading to the second.

Characteristics of the pharmacological group

The most common drugs for the treatment of persistent high blood pressure are diuretics - drugs that increase urine output and thereby reduce the volume of circulating blood and vascular tension. Thus, patients with arterial hypertension have direct indications for use. "Indapamide MI Stade", "Indap", "Acrypamide", "Arindap", "Arifon", "Ravel" are trade names of the same medicine, since these drugs are made on the basis of one active substance - indapamide, and only Producers, auxiliary additives and, of course, price. They belong to the pharmacological group of thiazide-like diuretics, which, unlike the loop ones ("Furosemide", ethacrynic acid, "Bumetanide") do not have such a powerful diuretic effect, however arterial hypertension is also included in their indications for use. "Indapamide" has many additional effects.


It increases the elasticity of the blood vessels, thereby reducing the overall peripheral resistance. And this leads, in turn, to a decrease in the load on the left ventricle of the heart and allows it to strain less during the ejection phase. This is due to the ability of indapamide, such as selective blocking of slow transport channels for calcium, without which vasospasm ceases. Also, it lowers the sensitivity of the vessels to catecholamines causing a reduction in their walls, and stimulates the production of their relaxant-prostaglandin E2. At the same time, indapamide does not affect lipid and carbohydrate metabolism, which makes it possible to use it in patients with diabetes mellitus. Thus, it has a wide spectrum of action on the cardiovascular system, so that "Indapamide", the indications for use of which include essential arterial hypertension, is an effective medicine and allows to reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke.

back side

Of course, like any drug, it has not only indications for the use of "Indapamide", but also contraindications, which are associated with a rather large number of side effects. First, it affects the central nervous system, causing spontaneous nervousness and irritability, anxiety, headaches and dizziness, drowsiness or, on the contrary, insomnia (individually for each patient), depression, increased fatigue. Due to the inhibition of the action of catecholamines, there may be a disturbance in the rhythm of the cardiac activity, which will be manifested by a strong palpitation. Also, due to the moderate diuretic effect of indapamide and loss of urine not only of sodium and chlorine, but also of potassium with magnesium, hypokalemic syndrome may develop.

Influence on organ systems

Also, this drug affects the human digestive system, causing a feeling of nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, loss of appetite right up to anorexia, diarrhea disorders of the stool (diarrhea / constipation). Inflammatory changes in mucous respiratory tracts with development of a cough, a rhinitis, a pharyngitis or sinusitis are seldom possible also. And because of the direct action of indapamide, the patient will experience frequent urge to urinate, including night time, and a feeling of dry mouth (polyuria, nocturia). In the presence of restless patient's allergic status or hypersensitivity to the components of the drug, there may be a rash with itching, develop hives or even hemorrhagic vasculitis. Extremely rare, but still there is a manifestation of the action of indapamide on the human hematopoiesis system in the form of hemolytic anemia, leukemia or thrombocytopenia, agranulocytosis, bone marrow aplasia.


In connection with the side effects of the drug, direct contraindications to its use are marked hepatic or renal failure, increased sensitivity to any of the components included in its composition, under-age (under 18), hypokalemia (regardless of the source of origin), pregnancy or lactation period. In addition, with extreme caution, the drug is used to detect abnormalities in water-electrolyte balance, renal or hepatic function, hyperparathyroidism, diabetes mellitus (decompensated stage), hyperuricemia (especially in the diagnosis of gout or urate nephrolithiasis). It is also important to take into account its influence in combination therapy of the disease.


Usually, a daily dosage of the drug in the amount of one tablet "Indapamide" is sufficient. Indications for the use of this drug are arterial hypertension and heart failure. They are treated in a complex way, and therefore it is extremely important to correctly mix the drugs with each other. If the patient, especially the elderly, takes cardiac glycosides or laxatives, continuous monitoring of creatinemia and potassium, as well as sodium and magnesium, glucose and uric acid in the blood plasma is necessary. All these preventive measures are aimed at preventing the development of acute renal failure or severe electrolyte imbalance. It should also be remembered that this drug has a pronounced hypotensive effect, and therefore it can reduce the concentration ability of a person, so you should not drive a vehicle after taking "Indapamide".


Thus, despite the fact that this drug has a large number of side effects and narrow limits of indications for use, "Indapamide" is an extremely effective tool for the treatment of essential arterial hypertension, as well as secondary hypertension. This is due to multiple directions of its pharmacological activity, its rapid and complete absorption from the gastrointestinal tract, as well as high bioavailability. These qualities distinguish it from a number of diuretics and make an important achievement in the treatment of diseases of the cardiovascular system.

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