HealthWomen Health

Increased tone of the uterus: causes

The most cherished dream of future parents, it is natural, is the birth of a healthy baby. But often this dream can be clouded by anxiety after the results of ultrasound and the diagnosed "increased tone of the uterus." This diagnosis indicates the occurrence of problems in the body of a pregnant woman. However, the tone is not a disease, it is a consequence of the processes taking place in the body of a woman, and far from being favorable.

In most cases, the appearance of the tone occurs at the beginning of pregnancy. This condition is an active contraction of the uterus for labor, but premature. Its manifestation is aching and drawing pains in the lower abdomen and lower back. However, there is not necessarily a manifestation of such a symptomatology. It is not uncommon for cases when it is possible to detect the tone only with a planned examination on ultrasound.

Tonus of the uterus: causes

Somatic causes of the appearance of a tone refer to the physiological or biological problems of the body. The diagnosis of "increased uterus tone", the reasons of which depend on the conditions of life, age, habits of the future mother, can arise even because of a specific menstrual cycle or the consequences of previous pregnancies. Influences of various pathologies or diseases of the uterus.

Such a diagnosis, like "the tone of the uterus," whose causes can be covered in dangerous infections during pregnancy, often arises from the complications of bearing the fetus. Can affect the Rh factor or the conflict between the rhesus of the mother and baby, severe toxicosis in early pregnancy, placenta previa.

Severe pregnancy - the tone of the uterus, may well become synonymous. Hard work, inhaling toxins, viral diseases become the causes of severe pregnancy and, as a consequence, the tone of the uterus.

The diagnosis of "tonus of the uterus", the causes of which can have a psychological nature, are quite common. These are experiences, stresses, various family problems - everything that can affect the nervous system of the woman in childbirth. This cause can provoke increased uterine tone even at the end of pregnancy. However, women often do not pay attention to the psychosomatics of the origin of this condition, and in vain. Hypertension of the uterus, the causes of which are psychosomatic - this is a very dangerous condition, which can provoke spontaneous miscarriage. In addition, an increased tone harms the baby. This is due to a violation of the blood supply of each organ of the small pelvis and, as a consequence, oxygen deficiency of the fetus.

How to get rid

All is trivial. A pregnant woman should eat well, take vitamins, exclude hard work, walk more, follow all the doctor's instructions, if necessary, observe strict bed rest, stop worrying and worry. Pregnancy is happiness, you need to live it, rejoice at every day that brings you closer to the emergence of a new family member. And, of course, do not allow doubts about its favorable outcome.

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