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How to write an essay on CSE in social studies. Essay essays and writing plan

Essays on CSE in social studies is considered to be one of the most difficult tasks when passing the exam. According to statistics, only every sixth graduate copes with it. You can score from 3 to 5 points for the assignment. In order not to lose them, it is extremely important to carefully prepare for the delivery of the written part of the exam. Let's consider some examples of an essay on social studies, a plan, typical mistakes in the performance of this task.

Criteria for verification

Essays on CSE in social studies are written according to one of the selected statements. There are six citations in the assignment. Ready-made essays on social studies are evaluated in stages. The first and most important criterion is K1. The disclosure of the meaning of the chosen statement is evaluated. If the graduate did not identify the problem posed by the author, the examiner sets zero points according to the criterion K1. Ready-made essays on social studies in such cases are no longer evaluated. By other criteria, the examiner automatically sets zero points.

The structure of the essay on social studies

The task is performed as follows:

  1. Quote.
  2. Determination of the problem raised by the author, its relevance.
  3. The meaning of the selected statement.
  4. Expression of one's own point of view.
  5. Use of arguments at the theoretical level.
  6. Bring at least two examples from public practice, literature / history, which confirms the correctness of the judgments.
  7. Conclusion.

Quotation selection

Defining the topic on which the essay on the CSE on social studies will be implemented, the graduate should be sure that he:

  1. He knows the basic concepts of the subject.
  2. Clearly understands the meaning of the quotation used.
  3. Can express his opinion (partially or completely agree with the chosen statement, refute it).
  4. He knows social science terms that are necessary for the competent justification of his own position at the level of theory. Here it is necessary to take into account that the chosen concepts should not go beyond the topic for an essay on social studies. It is necessary to use the terms that correspond to it.
  5. Can confirm his own opinion with practical examples from social life or from literature / history.

Identifying the problem

Here you should immediately give examples. An essay on social studies (EGE) can disclose problems from areas:

  • Philosophy.
  • Families.
  • Sociology.
  • Political science.
  • Jurisprudence.
  • Economics and so on.

Problems in the philosophical aspect:

  • Correlation of consciousness and matter.
  • Development and movement as modes of existence.
  • Infinity of the cognitive process.
  • The relationship of nature and society.
  • Theoretical and empirical levels of scientific knowledge.
  • Spiritual and material aspects of social life, their correlation.
  • Culture as a transformative activity of people in general.
  • The essence of civilization and so on.

Essay on social studies: sociology

At writing it is possible to open following problems:

  • Social struggle and inequality.
  • The ratio of subjective and objective factors that affect the processes in people's lives.
  • The value of material and spiritual values.
  • Preservation of stability in public life.
  • Features of the city.
  • Youth as a community.
  • The social nature of thinking, knowledge, people's activities.
  • Interaction between society and religion.
  • Features of socialization of young generations.
  • Historically unequal rights of men and women.
  • Progress of public organization.
  • Social mobility and so on.


As part of writing an essay on social studies, a person can act as a key object of research. In this case, problems such as:

  • Interpersonal communication, essence and solved tasks.
  • Psychological climate in the team.
  • Relationship between the individual and the individual group.
  • Norms, roles, status of the individual.
  • National identity.
  • The value of the communication process.
  • The essence of social conflict.
  • The inconsistency between the claims and the capabilities of the individual.
  • Sources of social progress.
  • A family.

An essay on social studies can also affect the specific functions of the science in question.

Political science

Within the framework of this topic, for an essay on social studies, problems can be revealed:

  • Authoritarian regime.
  • Subjects of politics.
  • The place and role of the state in the system.
  • Modern political interactions.
  • Totalitarian regime.
  • The relationship of politics, law and the sphere of economy.
  • The origin of the state.
  • Political regime (through the disclosure of its concepts and signs).
  • State sovereignty.
  • Civil society (through the disclosure of the structure, signs, concepts).
  • Party systems.
  • Social and political movements, pressure groups.
  • The essence of the democratic regime.
  • Mutual responsibility of the individual and the state.
  • Political pluralism.
  • Separation of power as a principle of the rule of law.
  • Political modernization and so on.

Economic system

Another common science, which can reveal problems in an essay on social studies, is economics. In this case, questions such as:

  • The contradiction between the limitless needs of people and the limited resources.
  • Production factors and their significance.
  • Capital as an economic resource.
  • Essence and functions of the monetary system.
  • Efficiency of using existing resources.
  • The meaning of the division of labor.
  • The role of trade in the development of society.
  • Efficiency and incentives for production.
  • The essence of market relations.
  • State regulation of the economy and so on.

Legal Discipline

Within the framework of science, it is possible to identify a number of key problems and to disclose any of them in an essay on social studies:

  • Law as a regulator of people's lives.
  • Essence and specific features of the state.
  • Social importance of law.
  • The political system and the definition of the role of the state in it.
  • Similarities and differences in morality and law.
  • Social state: the concept and signs.
  • Legal nihilism and methods for overcoming it.
  • Civil society and the state.
  • The concept, signs and composition of offenses, classification.
  • Legal culture and so on.

Cliché phrases

In addition to revealing the problem, the structure of the essay on social studies implies an indication of its relevance in the modern world. To effectively implement this task, you can introduce in your text a cliché phrase: "This problem is relevant in the context of ...

  • The globalization of relations in society;
  • Contradictory nature of inventions and scientific discoveries;
  • Aggravation of global problems;
  • Formation of a single economic, educational, information field;
  • Rigid differentiation in society;
  • Dialogue of cultures;
  • The modern market;
  • The need to preserve traditional cultural values, the own identity of the nation. "

An Important Moment

In the essay on the CSE on social studies, as, indeed, in written assignments on other subjects, you should periodically return to the issue raised. This is necessary for the most complete disclosure. In addition, the periodic mention of the problem will allow you to stay within the topic, prevent reasoning and use of terms that are not relevant to the chosen utterance. The latter, in particular, is one of the common mistakes of graduates.

Main thought

In this part of the essay on CSE on social studies should reveal the essence of the statement. Together with this, one should not repeat it verbatim. Here you can also use cliché phrases:

  • "The author is convinced that ..."
  • "The meaning of this statement is ..."
  • "The author focuses on ..."

Determination of own position

In the essay on CSE on social studies, you can agree with the opinion of the author in part or in full. In the first case, it is necessary to disprove the part with which a contradiction of opinion arose. Also the writer can completely deny the utterance, argue with the author. Here you can also use a cliche:

  • "I agree with the author's opinion that ..."
  • "In part, I adhere to the expressed point of view about ..., but with ... I can not agree".
  • "In my opinion, the author clearly reflected the picture of modern society (the situation in Russia, one of the problems in the modern world) ..."
  • "I will allow myself to disagree with the author's position that ..."


Essays on CSE in social studies should contain a substantiation of the expressed opinion of the writer. In this part, it is necessary to recall the key terms related to the problem, theoretical positions. The argument should be conducted in two levels:

  1. Theoretical. In this case, social science knowledge (opinions of thinkers / scientists, definitions, concepts, directions of concepts, terms, interrelationships, etc.) will serve as a basis.
  2. Empirical. There are two options here: use events from your life or examples from literature, social life, history.

In the process of selecting the facts that will serve as arguments for your own position, you must answer the following questions:

  1. Do the examples confirm the expressed opinion?
  2. Do they agree with the thesis?
  3. Can they be interpreted in a different way?
  4. Are the facts convincing?

Following this pattern, you can monitor the adequacy of the examples and prevent a deviation from the topic.


He must finish the essay. The conclusion summarizes the main ideas, sums up the reasoning, confirms the correctness or incorrectness of the statement. He should not word for word the quote that became the theme of the essay. When formulating, you can use such cliches:

  • "To summarize, I would like to note ..."
  • "Thus, we can conclude that ..."


Do not forget that the essay - this is a small volume of the volume. It must differ in semantic unity. In this regard, coherent text should be formed, logical transitions should be used. Also, one should not forget about the correct spelling of terms. The text should be divided into paragraphs, each of which reflects a separate thought. It is necessary to observe the red line.

additional information

In the essay you can include:

  • Brief information about the author of the quote. For example, information that he is "an outstanding Russian scientist," "famous French educator," "the founder of the idealistic concept," and so on.
  • Indication of alternative ways to solve the problem.
  • Description of different opinions or approaches to the issue.
  • Indication of the ambiguity of concepts and terms that are used in the text to justify the meaning in which they were applied.

Requirements for work

Among all the variety of existing approaches to writing technology, there are a number of conditions that must be met:

  1. Adequate understanding of the meaning of the utterance and problem.
  2. Correspondence of the text to the raised question.
  3. The selection and disclosure of key aspects to which the author of the statement indicated.
  4. Clear determination of one's own opinion, attitude to the problem, to the position expressed in the quote.
  5. Correspondence of disclosure of aspects to a given scientific context.
  6. Theoretical level of justification of one's own opinion.
  7. The presence of meaningful facts of personal experience, social behavior, social life.
  8. Logic in reasoning.
  9. Absence of terminological, ethnic, factual and other errors.
  10. Compliance with the norms of the language and the requirements of the genre.

There are no rigid limits on the volume of the essay. It depends on the complexity of the topic, the nature of thinking, experience, the level of graduate training.

Errors in formulating the problem

The most common shortcomings are:

  1. Misunderstanding and inability to highlight the problem in the statement. On the one hand, this is due to the lack of knowledge on the discipline, to which the statement relates, and on the other hand, to an attempt to fit the question to the papers examined, written or read earlier.
  2. Inability to formulate a problem. This error is associated, as a rule, with a small vocabulary and terminological stock in the basic sciences.
  3. Inability to formulate the essence of the quotation. It is explained by misunderstanding or misunderstanding of the content of the statement and the lack of necessary social knowledge.
  4. Substitution of the position of the author. This error arises because the graduate does not see and does not understand the difference between them. As a problem in the essay is the topic, to which the author argues. It is always voluminous and extensive. It can express different opinions, often quite the opposite. The meaning of the statement is the author's personal position on the issue. A quote is just one of many opinions.

Deficiencies in the determination and justification of their position

The absence of arguments confirming the position of the graduate speaks of ignorance or ignoring the requirements to the structure of the essay. Frequent mistakes in the use of concepts are the unjustified narrowing or widening of the meaning of the term, the substitution of certain definitions by others. Incorrect work with information indicates inability to analyze the experience. Often the examples given in the text are weakly related to the problem. The lack of critical perception of information received from the Internet, the media leads to the use of unchecked and unreliable facts as justifications. Another common mistake is one-sidedness of the view of those or other social phenomena, which indicates the inability to identify and formulate cause-effect relationships.

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