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How to write a composition about sports

Many people have a lot of problems expressing their thoughts in writing. Before you write, read the basic principles. We suggest to analyze the composition about sports.


In order for the work to sound beautiful and laconic, it is necessary to adhere to several rules:

  • The essay should contain an introduction, a basic part and a conclusion;
  • The beginning and the end should occupy not more than a third of all work;
  • To write it is necessary strictly according to the plan, developed in advance on the draft;
  • The essay should reveal the main problem;
  • This should not be a retelling;
  • Bring comparisons from famous works and life;
  • Divide the text into paragraphs for easier perception.

Using these recommendations, it will be very easy to learn how to write correct and beautiful works.


To write a composition about sports and not only, take a draft and very well plan the plan. To reject when writing from it is impossible. How to draw up a plan:

  • Transform the theme of the work into a question;
  • Making up the bulk of the work, answer it;
  • Break the main point into several subparagraphs, which will laconically move from one to another, thereby smoothly approaching the answer to the question of writing;
  • Answering questions, you prove your point of view, this is the sense of writing such works.

Where to begin

Entry and conclusion are the hardest stages of work. Now we give some examples of introduction, if you write a composition about sports. To start, we list the varieties:

  • Historical fact;
  • Analytical introduction;
  • Biographical;
  • Comparative;
  • Lyrical.

If you write an essay about a sport, then you can start like this:

  1. Now the pace of life has become such that for sports there is simply no time left. Work from early morning until late at night, perpetual traffic jams, huge queues in stores. When do you give time to sports? Nevertheless, I believe that sport is an integral part of our life ...
  2. What is a healthy lifestyle? First of all, this is health and well-being. To maintain yourself in good shape, you need to eat right, stick to the regime of the day and, of course, play sports ...
  3. The composition about the favorite sport can also begin: "I just love ball games, I give my football a preference, it's an exciting and adventurous game that came to us from England, but even ancient Egyptians and Indians had such pampering with balls ... "

As you can see, in the last example we used the historical introduction. If it seems to you that it is not finished, then collect the necessary references, dates, facts, interesting stories and supplement it.

Main part

It's just as easy to write the main part. It is very important not to go deep into your thoughts, strictly adhere to the plan. The composition about sports should be dedicated to athletes and a healthy lifestyle, there should not be anything stranger.

Make paragraphs, each of which must end with a mini-conclusion and a small introduction. Reinforce your point of view with quotations from famous people or examples from works.


The composition of the sport must be and it is finished properly. If you wrote about the famous athlete, then the ending about the surrounding nature does not fit. Strictly watch your thoughts. The conclusion is a summing up, you have proved your point of view. The end should not be steep, unfinished. The transition from the main body to the conclusion should be smooth, not catch your eye.

For example: "If you want to live up to a hundred years, and in the evenings to experience a pleasant fatigue from running, and not a headache from watching TV, then my advice to you - do sports."

Or: "It's not necessary to be a professional athlete, the main thing is that you like it." Taking a sport not only makes us stronger and more confident, but also gives us the opportunity to get acquainted with very interesting people. "

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