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How to take chihuahua at home (step by step instruction)

The birth of a chihuahua, this tiny dog, causes a lot of anxiety from the owner. After all, from the proper care and preparation for this moment will depend on the health of the pet and future puppies. Therefore, it is worthwhile to study the information on this issue in advance. How to properly take birth in chihuahua and what you need for this, learn by reading the article.

We prepare a place for childbirth and we accustom a dog to it

The first thing to do is to think where your pet will give birth. In the room there should be no unnecessary noise and strangers. It will be better if you select a separate room for the dog. It will not be easy for her, and unnecessary stimuli will only distract her. The windows in the room should be curtained so that direct sunlight does not penetrate. Therefore, it is necessary to take care of dense curtains in advance.

The room was sorted out, now it's time to think about boxing, in which the chihuahua delivery will take place. You can buy it at a pet store or build it yourself. The design and form can be arbitrary. The main thing is that he was not cramped, and the dog was able to rest with the paws in the wall during childbirth. Boxing tinkering is better from a material that can be washed. And such a need, most likely, will arise. The front wall of the delivery box is recommended to be removable. So it will be more convenient to clean and take care of the puppies.

Keep the box away from drafts and heaters. The way to it should be free, so that you can be on time to help the pet. After all, you can not accurately foresee when the birth will begin. And you can not tarry in such a case.

Boxing can be put in a room about fifteen days before the alleged delivery. Then it is necessary to accustom the dog to a new place. Introduce her to the box, persistently, but gently make you spend time there. If necessary, use a clicker or a favorite treat, so that the chihuahua genera are at home in the prepared place. If you do not accustom your dog to boxing, she will simply find a place for herself. And it will be inconvenient for you and for her.

For a couple of days before the birth, put a clean oilcloth and diaper in the box. You can take old or a little shabby. After all, they will have to be thrown out when all the puppies appear.

We make a house for puppies

The maternity box is ready, now it's time to think about where the newborns and their mother will later live. In general, you will need to make two houses. The first one will be used immediately after delivery. It can be made from an open box with low sides. In it, always put a mattress and a heating pad. And the room in which the box will be located should be heated to almost thirty degrees. This should be taken care of before taking delivery of chihuahua.

Once all the puppies have appeared and all manipulations with them are carried out, the mother and the newborn should be moved to another house. The dwelling can also be made out of the box, but with rather high bumps. It is necessary to make a door so that it would be convenient for the mother to go out. Cut it is recommended in ten centimeters from the bottom. If the passage is done very low, the puppies will simply crawl out of the house ahead of time. At the bottom of the box, put a mattress and a diaper, which will need to be changed as it gets dirty.

Mom with the kids in the new house will live about two weeks. All this period in the room should be quiet and calm, so that the Chihuahuas feel protected. After fourteen days the dogs no longer need a house and usually leave it. Then the temperature in the room can be reduced to twenty degrees. Remember that decorative dogs are fragile, poorly tolerate both cold and heat.

Also, before taking delivery of chihuahua at home, you need to collect in advance the necessary equipment and medicines.

We prepare the equipment for delivery

During the delivery, you can not do without inventory and medication. They will help you do everything right. Below is a list of the required items.

  • thermometer;
  • warmer;
  • Manganese (or furatsilin);
  • Newspapers;
  • Absorbent diapers ;
  • Towels;
  • Sharp scissors;
  • tweezers;
  • Medical alcohol;
  • Cotton wool;
  • Silk sterile threads (for bandaging umbilical cord);
  • Pipettes;
  • Libra;
  • Box for newborns.

It may be necessary to stimulate generic activity. To do this, you need to buy syringes, "Mastometrine" or "Oxytocin." But on this issue it is better to consult a veterinarian. Also useful are clocks, a pen and a notebook to fix the beginning of the process and the time of appearance of each puppy.

All that is necessary for chihuahua delivery, fold in one place near the box. Otherwise, at a critical moment, you will nervously look for the necessary inventory and in time will not help the dog.

We follow the signs of the approach of delivery

Approaching birth can be recognized by several physiological signs.

For three to four weeks, the tummy greatly increases in size. There are transparent discharge, and the sexual organs swell. For a week and a half, the mammary glands begin to increase. Individual dogs have nipples from their nipples.

A few days before the birth of the chihuahua appears colostrum, and the stomach is greatly lowered. During the day, body temperature drops to 37 degrees.

When there are less than a day, some dogs refuse food or, on the contrary, eat with great appetite. You can observe excessive affection with the owner or the desire to hide from everyone in a secluded corner.

Usually the approaching genera in a chihuahua dog are determined by the nervous state. There is a shiver, rapid breathing and palpitations. Petomitsya begins to rush, dig the floor with his paws. It may also seem that the tummy seems to interfere with the tummy.

Of course, you need to be ready for childbirth even at early signs, and do not delay with preparations until the very last symptoms.

We are expecting birth and are preparing for them

Measure the body temperature of the dog twice a day. Next to the maternity box, keep a cup of clean water, which you need to periodically change. It is recommended to exclude meat, fish and salt from the diet.

As soon as you notice a thick discharge of whitish or grayish hue, start to measure the temperature more often. It can fall off at any time. And this, as already known, is a harbinger of approaching fights.

In order for the chihuahua to give birth at home successfully, prepare it for it. The dog itself and its sexual organs should be washed with warm water and a small amount of soap. After treatment with a light solution of potassium permanganate. It is necessary to take one part per liter of water. Manganese can be replaced by furatsilinom. But then it must be diluted with five liters of water.

Do not forget to prepare yourself for delivery. Cut your nails and disinfect hands. Clothing is better to choose a comfortable, but not dangling.

Fix bouts

The body is preparing for childbirth by contracting the muscles of the uterus, that is, contractions. As a result, the neck gradually opens. This process is painful, so it can be determined by behavior. The dog becomes restless, hard and often breathes, digs into the nest.

It is also very important to take into account the physiological signs - the gradual lowering of the tummy down. If your chihuahua pregnancy and childbirth are first, then not everything is so obvious. Lower belly can be barely noticeable, so be extremely careful. During the fights, you can see how the sides of the dog strain, and the characteristic fossa on them. Usually it lasts from an hour to a day.

As soon as you notice the pain in the dog, start fixing the time. After that, hardly any attempts are made. Gradually they intensify, and the interval between them is about forty minutes. The process can take up to five hours after the first attempts. If pups do not start to appear in this period, then immediately contact the veterinarian. Perhaps your pet does not cope with a natural birth. In this case, the specialist will be forced to do a caesarean section. Of course, at home, such an operation is not worth it.

Process of childbirth

Dog owners often ask themselves: when does the chihuahua begin, what do you need to know for their proper acceptance? And this is a competent approach to business. In order not to harm the pet, one must understand how everything happens naturally, without interference from the person.

When intense fights begin, the fetus moves to the birth canal. At this time, the dog lays on its side and, if possible, resting its paws and back in the walls of the box. In this situation, the chihuahua will be easier to bear all the hardships. Some dogs do it more conveniently in a standing position. The birth itself begins when the amniotic fluid leaves. The bubble usually breaks, or the dog does it. Water flows out to wash the ancestral path and to facilitate further yield of fruits. You can not pierce the bubble yourself.

The contractions are already going on longer and stronger. The dog is going to the forces to make puppies born. At this point, it's best to be near the python to help and facilitate the chihuahua delivery if necessary. How long can the pain last until the first puppy appears? Usually this process takes no more than five hours.

The appearance of puppies

Each kitten is located in the fetal membrane. It bursts when it passes through the birth canal. If this does not happen, the mother herself gnaws the protective film and releases the puppy. Then the chihuahua with teeth bites the umbilical cord and licks the newly born baby, thus making him a massage. Such actions help stimulate breathing and blood circulation.

After the appearance of the first puppy, the latter also appears (placenta, fetal membranes and umbilical cord). Their chihuahua usually eats, because there are a lot of nutrients. They are necessary to gain additional strength and continue childbirth. Also, trace elements trace well to the production of milk.

The birth of the next puppy does not occur immediately, but after a short interval. The time interval can vary from one to sixty minutes. We can assume that the chihuahua genera has ended, if more than two hours have passed.

Decorative dogs are able to tolerate a small number of fruits, and the owner should know about it. Of great importance is the number of pregnancies and the weight of the chihuahua before delivery. By the way, in the norm this indicator should be at least two kilograms. Depending on this, your pet can bring you from one to six puppies.

We provide assistance

Sometimes a dog can not cope on his own with the birth of a kut. Especially if this is the first pregnancy. In such cases, the competent assistance of the owner does not interfere. Therefore, you need to know how to take chihuahua at home.

The first to come out is a fetal bladder, which usually bursts itself. Then a puppy appears in the shell. As a rule, he goes head first and does not need help from the person. If the kitten is born a tail, then most likely, he himself can not cope. Then very gently pull the puppy by the legs, without touching his chest. Gradually go to the skin on the back, and then to the back of the head. So you have to pull the kid all the way.

After that, immediately rip the fetal membrane in which the puppy was. If you do not do it in time, the newborn will simply suffocate. Quickly remove mucus from the mouth and spout. You can clean it with sterile gauze napkins. Wipe the puppy with a cloth. Now massage the body to stimulate vital activity.

If the puppy is weak and does not breathe, thoroughly clean the mouth and nose of mucus. Lower it upside down and massage, moving from the tummy to the ribs, then along the spine. After that, shake it a little, like a thermometer.

Now it's time to cut off the umbilical cord. Keep it over the newborn so that the liquid drains back. Step back from the tummy a couple of centimeters, pinch your fingers and bandage with silk thread in two places. Now the remaining part can be cut with sterile scissors. Do this carefully and do not pull the cord. Place the cut off with an antiseptic.

After these manipulations, attach the baby to the nipple in order to stimulate the following genera of Chihuahua puppies. Do the same with other kids. After this, the newborns are put in a box with a heating pad while cleaning in the box and putting Mummy in order.

When to call a vet

Above described the ideal course of childbirth. But they do not always go smoothly, and the veterinarian may need help. Call him without delay if you feel something is wrong or notice the following signs:

  • Attempts have been going on for more than five hours, and puppies are not born.
  • The kid is stuck and does not come out of the birth canal.
  • The interval between the appearance of puppies is more than two hours.
  • Before the birth of the first-born, the mother-chihuahua has black, dark-green or bloody discharge.
  • The dog loses consciousness during labor because of pain.

With a veterinarian it is better to agree in advance just in case. You never foresee when you need the help of a specialist.

We care for chihuahua after giving birth

When all the puppies appear, they can be weighed. Record these indicators and the characteristics of each in a separate notebook. In the same place it is possible to note, a thread of what color is appropriated to this or that newborn.

Take care of the mum-chihuahua. Immediately after birth, invite her to drink water, or even better - tea with milk. After a warm vodichkoj wash the genitals, the body and dry with a towel.

If the weather is warm, then after a while the python can be taken out for a walk so that she goes to the toilet. But do not stay out too long. The dog has spent a lot of energy and is still weak, and long hikes only harm.

While the newly minted mother walks, let one of the household members put things in order in and around the box. It would be nice to ventilate the room in which the chihuahua was born.

After that, the mom with the puppies can be moved to their house, in which they will live for two weeks. Kids with joy cling to the nipple. Make sure that all the puppies eat and lie as close to the mother as possible.

Chihuahua often give birth between late evening and early morning. Therefore, be on guard at any time to help your pet in time.

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