
How to strengthen the nails at home

Beautiful healthy nails and sleek handles have always been considered a sign of the beauty of a woman, her high birth and aristocracy. Today, every self-respecting lady simply must monitor the condition of her hands, the benefit of doing this in the world of beauty salons is not so difficult. There, for example, they know how to strengthen the nails with gel, and quite easily and quickly. But what if there is no time to go to the masters?

Quietly to solve this problem it is possible and at home, without special expenses of forces, time and the finance. The main thing in this matter is to eat properly and "nourish" the nails with their favorite masks and ointments, regularly dip your fingers into special baths and use only high-quality varnishes and coatings. Yes, and about gloves during the performance of homework can not be forgotten.

What to strengthen the nails, they knew, it turns out, even our grandmothers. It's also our turn to plunge into the world of strong nails and gentle handles.

1. Their best friend is olive oil and lemon juice (especially in tandem). So, we warm a spoonful of oil, add a couple of drops of lemon juice and apply this pleasant mixture on the surface of the nail. Then we put on cotton gloves and go to bed.

By the way, not only the nails, but also the skin of the hands like gloves: you can apply any fat cream (or the same preheated oil) and leave the mask on all night. Thanks to this procedure, the hands will become unusually soft and smooth.

2. Another tip on how to strengthen the nails. In warm water, we dissolve ordinary table salt without flavoring agents and keep fingers in it for 20-30 minutes. You can add a few drops of any butter or lemon juice. After the bath dry with your hands and smear them with a fat cream. After 10 days of regular procedures, the nails will be thanked with an incredible strength and vitality.

3. Very good on the nail plate and affects iodine. You can, for example, in a glass of warm water to dissolve a tablespoon of salt without a slide and add 3-4 drops of iodine or simply apply it before going to sleep on the surface of the nail. The yellow color will disappear by morning, so you do not have to worry about it.

4. Knows how to strengthen nails and red peppers. In addition, its use will accelerate the growth of nails and prevent their delamination. So, a burning masochka: ½ teaspoon red pepper, a tablespoon of boiled water, a teaspoon of petroleum jelly. All mixed, warm in a water bath, cool and apply for 15 minutes. Attention, you can do such a miracle mask not more than once a month!

5. Restore the strength of fragile nails will help the bath of lemon juice and iodine in combination with vegetable oil. If you add a couple drops of vitamin A to the mixture, then the price will not be at all.

6. Gelatin has a wonderful effect on the nails. It is enough to just put your fingers in it for 15 minutes. The effect will surpass all expectations!

7. To be engaged in the beauty it is possible and in the evening, looking the favorite serial. How? Strengthen the nails can simply rubbing into them vitamins A or E, bought at the pharmacy. They will soften the cuticle, and the strength of the nails will be added. But rubbing the glycerin in half with lemon juice, you can achieve the return of not only the strength, but the healthy color of the nails.

So, we told you how to strengthen your nails at home. It's not so difficult, you must agree. Enchanted views of men you just assured!

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