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How to remove a ban in Pokemon GO: step-by-step instructions, features and recommendations

Pokemon Go is a unique game in the segment of mobile applications. The developers of this project for two years tried to invent a successful combination of the Pokémon universe with modern technologies. As a result, their project has managed to interest absolutely everyone, who is at least a little interested in the mobile games market. The technology of augmented reality made it possible to create a unique game in which people will have to combine a healthy lifestyle and outdoor walks with collecting Pokémon.

Since the game is multiplayer, it completely prohibits any dishonest ways of development and passage. The creators and administration of servers is trying to monitor this and eliminate dishonest players by giving them a ban. From this article you will learn how to remove a ban in Pokemon Go and what kinds of ban are in this game.

What is a ban?

Ban is the blocking of the game account for violations of any rules pre-compiled by the owners of the server, committing prohibited activities, using third-party software and interfering with game files. Each game project has a list of rules and forbidden actions individually.

In the game "Pokemon Go" there are several types of ban. So let's look at them and how to remove the ban in Pokemon Go, in more detail.

Types of Bans

Depending on the degree of violation of the rules, you can get a permanent ban, a temporary ban and the same types of locks for your IP address. It should be noted right away that you can not get rid of any of the listed locks yourself. Before removing the ban in Pokemon Go, let's list the main signs of blocking your account.

Signs of Ban

If you enter the game and can not participate in any of the events on the map, then try to update the connection to the Internet and restart into the client "Pokemon Go". In the event that this does not help, you can assume that your account was banned. Of course, there are times when access to arenas and postcards is blocked due to bugs and technical problems with servers. If you fail with multiple attempts to connect, then you are blocked.

The second sign of the ban is the elusive Pokémon. No matter how hard you try to throw pokeballs, monsters will constantly run away from you. In this case, even lures will not help you. These two options are signs of a temporary ban (or, in other words, a soft-ban). Depending on the degree of violation, the lock can last from 20 minutes to 3 hours.

You can get such ban for using two accounts, too frequent connection to the server or disconnection from it, connection to the server not from your region, one-time use of cheats or the substitution of GPS data.

How to remove the soft-bath Pokemon Go?

However, you can not wait for the entire period of the lock and try to remove it yourself. It is worth noting that the described ways to release the lock are not official. This is the use of system shortcuts and bugs in order to remove the ban. Basically, for such tricks, the administration of the game does not give permanent bans, so you have nothing to fear.

To begin with, try to remove the client "Pokemon Go" from the smartphone and reinstall, after leaving the gaming account. If this does not help, try several times in a row to go to the post-it and exit it. According to the players, the ban flies to about 30-40th attempt, when objects start to drop out of the poke. After that, the ban is removed to the arenas, the elusive Pokémon and the movement on the map.

If these methods have not helped, it is recommended to take a break for 15-20 minutes, after leaving the gaming account. Since you can not remove the ban in Pokemon Go officially, all the methods described may not work. However, with a soft-bath, you can return to hunting for Pokemon in just a few hours, so it's recommended to just wait. We will deal with one more kind of blocking - ban on the player's IP-address: what consequences can it have?

How to remove a ban on IP (Pokemon Go)?

In this case, your account will not be blocked, but access from the current IP address will be denied. If you are using a provider with dynamic IP, then it's enough to reboot the router. In other cases, use a new Internet access point with a different IP address. It is impossible to remove such a ban by itself, however, it is easy to circumvent it with the help of another provider.

Permanent bath

This type of lock is the most severe of all. It is given to the account for the most serious violations. These include interference in software files, the constant use of cheats and changing GPS data. The most common is the latest violation.

With the help of special programs you can run "Pokemon Go" from a personal computer and travel the world through a change in geolocation via GPS. If the administration notices such a cheat, it will immediately block your account. Authorize from it you can not on any device. Since it is impossible to remove a permanent ban in Pokemon Go, use cheats wisely and imperceptibly.

For example, you should not move over long distances by changing the geolocation on your computer. This may cause suspicions from the administration. It is recommended to mimic the behavior of an ordinary pedestrian, then the chance that you will not get a permanent ban increases.

Now you know how to remove a ban in Pokemon Go. Failed Connection means that you have received a permanent lock and can not even connect to your account.


In order not to get into an unpleasant situation with a ban and not lose all the earned progress on your account due to a permanent lock, adhere to the rules that are set by the official developers of Niantic. Do not try to cheat the program, which requires a constant connection to the Internet, because the data from your device is immediately transferred to the server of the game.


If you believe that you were banned unfairly, then you can write to the technical support on the official Niantic website with all the data and description of the situation. The studio staff will review your complaint and make a decision. If you were banned by mistake, then the administration will unlock you with a 100% probability.

There is also a Unban Service website where you can leave a request for review of your case. Service has already helped many players in dozens of online games to get rid of the ban.

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