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How to read correctly, and also do it as quickly as possible

How to read correctly? The question seemed somewhat stupid. If you do not talk about knowledge of reading and writing, then take a book and read to yourself for your health. In fact, not everything is so simple. Almost all of us read books for our own development. But do we effectively extract the most useful for ourselves? Especially it concerns books on self-development, psychology and so on.

So, let's call the basic condition that you understand how to correctly read books, and will extract from this process a maximum of useful information. One must passionately desire to learn what is described in a particular publication. That is, you, as a reader, must firmly decide for themselves what you want and will develop all the qualities and skills that the book teaches you. About it should be as full as possible. It is not worth it because you want to save time skipping some chapter or section. If the material contained in it is to be remembered, then one reading will not be enough. It often happens that a person misses important moments. In the process of reading, one must deeply comprehend what has been written, stopping every now and then. You can stock up with a simple pencil and emphasize important points. When you read again, this will help a lot. If the material presented for you is really important, then the memory should be refreshed about once a month. Just look through the book, stop at the highlights. Obtained knowledge must be enshrined in practice.

This, of course, concerns the question of how to correctly read scientific literature, books on self-improvement, and so on. But with other publications you are free to do as you see fit. If you read an ironic detective, it does not matter how you do it. Some, for example, prefer to study such books in order, while others deliberately look at the last pages to know the denouement.

There is one more question that worries many today. How quickly to read books? In this age, when the amount of printed information is just off scale, this skill will be very valuable. Therefore, how to read correctly is, of course, important, but it is much better to learn how to do this as quickly as possible to develop at a higher speed. So, what is needed for this?

First, turn back your eyes to what has already been read. If you need this for a complete understanding of what is written, then it is worth paying attention only to individual fragments.

Secondly, you must determine for yourself what the purpose of reading a particular book. When it comes to professional and educational literature, it is usually studied to obtain specific information. Here on it and concentrate.

Thirdly, it is necessary to learn to perceive the text using a differential algorithm, and it includes key words, necessarily - the semantic series, and the dominant. What does all of this mean? When reading, emphasize the key words that express the main semantic load in pencil. From them, semantic series are formed, they allow us to briefly understand what is being said in a specific paragraph. The dominant expresses the semantic part of the text, but at the same time it is formed by the reader in his own words after understanding the information received.

Fourth, it is worth reading to myself. The main enemy of speed reading is articulation. It is not necessary to say the words out loud and even move your lips. If you can not, pinch a pencil in your mouth. You can get rid of articulation if you tap the rhythm with your hand while reading.

Fifthly, it is just necessary to develop peripheral vision. So you will quickly find the information you need in the text, while focusing on the keywords. The text should ideally be perceived as whole paragraphs, rather than lines or words. You must keep one page in your field of vision.

Sixth, you should develop your attention. After all, such qualities as stability, concentration, volume, switching and distribution make reading productive.

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