HobbyCard games

How to play preference? rules

Game preference appeared in the fourth decade of the XIX century, and since that time to play cards learned from the earliest years. After some time, it became very popular among amateurs of gambling and commercial entertainment. In preference, the ability to play is valued, luck is not particularly important, although they play for money. Only thanks to his own skill can you achieve good results in this aristocratic game. The name preference from the French word preference occurs. It is translated as "preference, advantage, superiority". Earlier this word was called the card of the highest suit. This term was also present in other card games. In whist, the so-called trump card, for example.

In our time, the preference has not lost its popularity. In 1996, the Code was adopted.

It also stipulated general provisions, describes the principles and rules of the game. In our time very often tournaments are organized in which different players can take part. In the era of computer technology there are many simulators, playing on which you can hone your skills. When playing a virtual card preference, the computer distributes as well as during the usual one. Therefore, the simulators are trained in order to become a professional player in the future and learn the rules by heart. In our time, the game has not lost the positions that it occupied in the dawn of its popularity. Now, just like before, companies gather in the evening to paint a bullet, try their luck in this very logical and hazardous game. In preference for money are very many.

Code of preference

The Federation of Preference wrote the Code in order to correctly determine the procedure of the game at all stages. Among its main tasks is the protection of the rights of each individual player, maintaining equal chances of winning and losing all participants. It describes how to play, what is compensation, even with a random violation of the rules of the game, and it is always adequate. The Code teaches us to fully support the adopted rules and not to lose one iota of their compliance. If the player, by negligence or inattention, has violated the law, he should be ready to accept with dignity the penalty for this violation. As you can see, a very serious occupation is playing preference. The rules should be observed strictly. The Code written and accepted into the game is intended for punishment for forced violations of the rules and conditions of the game. As a result of different rules adopted in different territories, it was necessary to create a single law that would regulate the game among participants from different countries. In order to develop common fair rules and a single terminology that would eliminate ambiguity in explaining concepts, the Code was written. Also this document is intended to reduce disputes that arise constantly in the process of the game, when there are no unified agreements. In the future, it is planned to organize the League of Preference. The provisions of the Code - this is a kind of higher justice, which is based on Roman law. Participants need to know exactly how to play preference. Rules should be learned. Only in this case will a fair and productive game. Every year the number of people wishing to learn to play preference increases. The rules of the game for beginners tried to prescribe in the Code as clearly as possible.

Deck for the game

Card games: rules and concepts begin with a deck. The preference box has 32 cards - 8 of each suit. According to seniority, the suits are as follows: worms, diamonds, clubs, peaks. This seniority is important when trading and ordering a contract (game). Each suit consists of an ace, a king, a queen, a jack, ten, nine, eight, seven. When playing preference, cards are dealt two. At the beginning of the game, any of the suits can be assigned a trump. A trump is always considered to be older than any other suit. When recording, each of the suits has its own designation. Worms - @, Ё - tambourines, & - clubs and Є - peaks. The names of cards also have abbreviations: a lady, for example, D, a jack - J and so on. The numeric value is written with a digit. When ordering the game in the first place, write a value, and on the second - a trump suit. For example, 7 @.


The fun principle involves playing with bribes. This fun is known as sports preference. With the help of rules, appoint someone to take a bribe and write down a number of points. They start the game on the move. The move is the first card put on the table. After calling in worms, for example, other players put on the table a card of the worm suit. Only in the absence of a card of such a suit can you put a trump card. Of course, if there is no suit or trump, then you can put any card. Usually, if the game goes in ascending order, then give the card a small value. Players take turns to put cards on the table, and the oldest in seniority and on the trump card takes all the bribes. In preference, unlike a thousand, the game is both to take a bribe, and, conversely, not to take a bribe. This is like a lady's preference - I do not want.

Types of games

The games are divided into three types. This division exists in different types of preference. Russian preference is no exception. In the first game of bribes, you need to guess the amount you need to take, while you order a trump card or play without a trump. With a maser, one should try not to take a single bribe. And with the third game, the rallying, everyone should try not to take bribes. There are games in which you have to take 6, 7, 8 or 9-10 bribes per game. Everyone in his game needs, correctly evaluated the odds, to play the ordered game. When handing out the important thing is the ability to choose such a rally, which in this scenario will bring more points. All the games that need to be played by the player are called pulses.

Player Locations

Bullet preference begins with a draw of seats. It happens like this: everyone draws from the deck on the map, and the one who pulled out the younger one, and chooses the place first. The rest are seated in a clockwise direction. If the two draw cards of the same value, they are distinguished by the seniority of the suit. The ace is considered the youngest of all. If three are playing, and the fourth comes, then he writes down the middle points between the pulka and the mountain. The newcomer takes the place to the left of the surrenderer and begins to take it.

Card distribution

Card game preference has its own peculiarities in the distribution of cards. The first to give out cards is the one who wins, just as they played out the seats. They distribute the cards clockwise. The player who first starts the shuffle, finishing, puts the cards in front of the player on the right and offers him to take off and shift the cards. Any player can ask to shuffle the cards. Having done this, he returns the cards to the depositor. After the player on the right removes the cards, the player who surrenders continues the distribution. If you turn over during the distribution, you must shuffle them. The deck should be removed not in hand, but on the table, so that when you remove the cards, there are not less than four left on the table. If the rules of removal and distribution are violated, it is necessary to repeat the procedure again. If the player who is to take pictures is away, then the person sitting to his right may take it. When the distribution is made with errors, the cards will be re-made in a new way until everything passes without violations. For how many cards on hand, each is responsible for himself, and at the end of the game, if necessary, everyone himself reaps the fine. Therefore, as soon as notice a discrepancy, talk about this even before the game. If there is a discrepancy between the number of cards before the start, then you can re-card the cards, or you can give the missing card to the player. The main thing is that the rights of the third player who does not take part in the distribution are not infringed. In any case, if there is a loss in interest, then compensates them for the transfer. And if the player started the game with the number of cards less than necessary, then he will be punished with a fine in the form of the maximum possible plus. Claims for surrender are considered prior to the start of the game. When a player sees the rally before the game begins, he has no right to participate in the trade. And if the rallying is played, then he must pick up the first two bribes, which begin with the map of the famous redeemer. In a situation where someone mistakenly takes a ration, the guilty man mixes his cards and gives the dealer to pull out any two. Watching in the game is prohibited before the game, even the dealer. Penalty for violation - 5 points uphill. You can not show your cards to opponents, as well as look into other people's cards. Before the commencement of the trade, all must check the number of their cards and agree that there is no claim to distribution. After the commencement of trade, a discrepancy in the number of cards is recorded as a fine no longer for the surrenderer, but for the one with the disorder.


Immediately after the distribution there is such a process of playing as a trade (or auction). The one who makes the highest bet, takes the buy-in and starts the game. The first to start trading is sitting on the left hand of the dealer. This is called the first hand. Then (clockwise) - the second hand and the third. If it is convenient, then you can call players around the world - north, west, south, east. Participants bargain, following the rule: everyone says how much they can take bribes, if they take the red tape, assign a trump card and start the game. The competition for the right to first play begins with a promise to take six bribes. First they say that they will take six spades, six clubs, six tambourines and, finally, six worms, and the first stage is completed by six without a trump card. Then the same thing begins, but for seven bribes. When all but one of them were passed in the trade, the player who wins the auction takes the buy-in and can play the price that he said, or any other that is more expensive than the one with which he won the bidding. Only the miser can not be appointed after the end of the trade, it must be traded immediately. There is a rule: you have to bargain strictly following the ladder of prices, you can not jump over the stairs. This exists in order for the player to have an idea of who has a strong suit. Misery can be ordered only at the first move. If the player has already started bidding and did not name the miner, then he loses the right to order a miser in the game. Anyone who does not want to continue trading or can not - pass. If the application is named, and the rest are folded, then the winner must start the game, the bet must play, there is no turning back. When all were lost during the trade, they play a rallying-everyone tries to take as few bribes as possible. The buyer can only be revealed to the person who won the trade. He takes the redemption, announces the final price, which can be no lower than declared for trading, and starts the game. If at first the first and then the second hand folded, then the third hand has the right to pick up the forfeit without trade and undertakes to take in the game any price, except for the miser. When a player looks at the buy-in before the end of the auction, he has no right to take further participation in the trade. And if in this case, damage is done to others, then compensation is due (at the expense of the offender) to all players. If the buyer is open for public viewing, and someone has not made a bet yet, then the person who has not made a bet gets a buy-in. If the rally is opened, and two more of the players have not made bets, then everyone opens the cards and assumes how many who could play the prices, and then they write it down to the penalty box. For example, someone could play nine worms, and someone - six tambourines: a penalty box write 52 whistles for a nine and 7 whistles the difference from their benefits. In situations where the player has taken a redemption before the end of the trade, but the player who has not yet traded remains, the latter can mix the cards of the drawer and pull out any two in the draw. The dark one can be played only by prior arrangement. When you play a pass in the dark, if no one has interrupted the seven games, bribes are considered at a double price. If, after the seven games, a second pass is again ordered, then interrupt the eight, and the points are counted four times. Trade is possible - once in the dark. Interrupt the most common application and continue to trade at a price. You can open the cards and continue to bargain on the stairs. If a player wins a game in the game, then he does not show anyone a draw. If a game is ordered six, then all must vystovat vtemnuyu, but in other games, whist is normal. When the game is dark, the price of any game is doubled. Before the player withdraws the game, when the game is dark, you can change the price and declare a minus one. Of course, then the buyer opens and the double rate disappears. There is still such a game as a minuscule vtemnuyu. Interrupt such a game only with a nine-rate betting or a ten-day light. With such a game, they take the red tape without showing, catch such a minuscule thing, in other words, those who whistle do not open their cards.

Ordering price

After the trade is over, the winner takes a draw, puts aside two unnecessary cards without showing, and starts the game. He is called a point guard and can raise the price he expects to play. If the player does not want to play or the number of cards is not equal to ten, then he is penalized by a penalty (penalty) without two on the claimed game. When the price is ordered, it is not allowed to change the cards in demolition. After the first move it is forbidden to watch demolition. If this rule is violated, one bribe is punished. And even if he played, how many ordered, it is considered fine - without one. When more is taken, then write down one less. If you refuse to buy, you can assign a penalty in the form of an agreed amount of points up the hill. In serious tournaments, the rule does not work - no one should suffer from the inability to put in the stock of aces. If a bribe was given to a player who is playing, he is awarded a bonus as a bribe in his game. For an ace, for example, in the buy one trick is written, and for an ace and a king of the same suit, two bribes are recorded. Two aces in the purchase will cost a premium of three bribes, and the marjage is only one bribe. But this rule again does not work in serious rating games. You can not tell strangers and you can not use other people's hints.


After the trade, the winning player starts the game. He announces, if he wants, a game higher ordered and begins to take bribes with a trump or without it. If you order a game minuscule, it means that the player who ordered ordered to not take a single bribe. After that, when someone won in trading on a minuscule, he reveals the cards of the payoff. After that, any two cards are demolished (demolition is not shown to anyone). In a situation where the move belongs to the player, he does it until the opponents "fall" (open their cards), and if the move is to be done by the whistlers - they also open the cards before the first move. There is no trump card in the muse, the seniority of the cards is respected, the move goes to the player who took the last bribe. When playing a miner, you can record the layout, when it is forbidden in other games. All these rules help to understand how to play preference.


It is played at three passes. We must try to take the least amount of bribes. Before the game, the participants agree on where the rallying will be recorded - uphill or whist. With different types of preference, each bribe costs the required number of points in the mountain. If the player did not take any bribes, then they will write down one bribe. The one who took the least amount of bribes, writes a conditional number of whistles on other players. If not a single bribe is taken, then only one point is written. After the end of the game, as with the amnesty, the same amount of bribes is written off at all. With the opening of the trump card there is not, if you do not have a suit, you can carry any card. If four players play, then when the game starts, the game begins with the opening of the first draw card, and the senior in the suit takes the bribe. The second move is also made from the payoff. And only the third move is made by the player who is to the left of the distributor. Mixing in the classic game is played in order for all players to earn a certain number of bombs.

The cost of games

With different types of preference, there are different prices for games. In the bullet, the ordered prices are recorded and taken at the game. When recording, some rules for calculating points must be observed. If a game is scored more than can be written for that game, then the remaining points are written to other games or written off from other whists. The final score in the game is determined in the played whists. The largest amount of typed whists is an objective assessment of the victory. These are the basic rules of how to play preference. It is also worth mentioning that you can use to determine the winner and the number of won rallies or the number of bribes at all rallies. But in the end, the difference in whists is considered. In the final game always recalculate points in monetary terms. After all, in preference for money play without a twinge of conscience. This game was created for this purpose. How to play preference if you can not take risks?

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