
How to Moisturize Your Hair at Home

Beautiful well-groomed hair is the pride of every woman. But sometimes, as a result of various hairdressing experiments, once the magnificent head of hair becomes dull and split. If there is absolutely no free time for visiting salons, then it is worth paying attention to various procedures that can be done at home perfectly. The results are just excellent.

Moisturizing the hair after lightening

Quite often, women whose hair nature has made dark, just dream of light curls. Of course, for a hairdresser this is a fairly simple procedure, which can not be said about hair. After such an incredible chemical attack, they acquire the desired shade, and with it the structure damage, fragility and dryness. How to moisturize your hair after lightening and return them shine and beauty?

First of all, it is necessary to abandon usual caring means. You should choose balsams and masks intended for clarified hair. You should not use metal combs. Give preference to accessories with natural bristles. They are like polishing hair, helping to evenly distribute sebum throughout the surface. In a hot period, you should always wear a hat, protecting your hair from the adverse effects of solar radiation.

In addition to compliance with these rules, the restoration of clarified hair will require the use of therapeutic masks. So, how to moisturize dry hair?

Oils for moisturizing dry hair

Oils perfectly moisturize damaged by the procedure of lightening the head of hear. Perfectly manifested burdock oil, which additionally serves as a great fortifying agent for hair loss.

The next oil, which is also great for moisturizing, is olive oil. But, unfortunately, it is quite expensive, so not every woman will afford it in large quantities. Therefore, olive oil can be simply added to ordinary masks. A perfect combination of olive oil and sour milk product is able to create a miracle.

Masks for clarified hair

There are many effective masks. Here are a few recipes. A fairly rapid effect can be obtained using a product containing vitamin A components. You will need:

  • 2 yolks;
  • Olive oil - 2 tbsp. Spoons;
  • Honey - 2 tbsp. Spoons;
  • Vitamin A - 5 capsules;
  • 1 tbsp. Spoonful of vodka.

Mix thoroughly all the ingredients and apply to the hair, leaving for an hour. After the due date, wash it off.

Honey and milk mask

The hair will soften the honey-milk mask. To make it, you need 2 spoons of honey diluted in 2 spoons of warm milk, put on hair and leave for 60 minutes.

Mint rinse

Perfectly restores dry hair mint rinse. Prepare the solution as follows: 2 spoons of mint pour boiling water, allow to brew. The broth is rinsed with clean hair.

Moisturizing the hair after the melioration procedure

Melirovanie, of course, is not so detrimental to the condition of the hair, as complete lightening, but still the locks need additional care and restoration. They are also exposed to the clarifying chemical composition that changes the structure of the hair. After this hairdressing procedure they become dry and brittle. How to moisturize hair after melioration?

First of all, do not use the hair dryer. Hot dry air causes even more damage to damaged hair. Let them dry naturally. There are many masks that perfectly restore the damaged structure. You will need:

  • 1st. A spoonful of burdock or olive oil;
  • A spoonful of honey;
  • Cognac and aloe juice in equal proportions;
  • mayonnaise.

Mix all the ingredients and apply to the surface of the hair. This mask perfectly nourishes the bulbs, so do not forget to gently rub it into the surface of the scalp. To get the most effect, wrap your hair first with a plastic bag and then with a warm towel.

How to moisturize hair at home without much effort? There is another great tool. For this miracle mask you need:

  • One egg yolk;
  • Flesh of black bread;
  • kefir.

Next, just mix all the ingredients to get a not too liquid consistency, and apply to the hair. Leave the mask on for several hours. You can use it several times a week. This mask perfectly restores the dried hair thanks to included in its composition kefir. It is the sour-milk products that help restore dry vital energy and natural shine to dry hair.

We treat the tips

Dry hair requires special attention. They become more fragile and dull. Special trouble is delivered by the tips, which, as a rule, are severely cut off. How correctly to look after them? There are two options: to acquire professional funds that are quite expensive, or to resort to methods proven by our grandmothers. Today we will talk about the second option.

But before you get some effective recipes for home masks, let's clarify a few nuances concerning the washing of dry hair. When choosing a shampoo, give preference to soft products that do not contain aggressive additives. Wash hair should not be more than 2 times a week, and the water should not be too hot.

And now about how the tips of hair moisturize with grandmother masks. A mixture consisting of an equal proportion of vegetable oil and carrot juice, apply to the tips. Leave for 20 minutes. Wash off with shampoo, which is applied constantly, with warm water.

Mask with white henna

We will need:

  • Colorless henna ;
  • hair oil;
  • A liquid solution of vitamins A and E (the drug "Aekol" can be purchased at the pharmacy) - 3 teaspoons.

Hen and pour a small amount of boiling water, to get a thick mass, and leave for 15 minutes. Heat the oil in a water bath and pour it into the henna together with vitamins. At the same time its consistency should resemble a liquid paste. Apply this mask to clean hair. Soak for at least 2 hours. Apply is recommended 1 time in 7 days.

The fine action is rendered by warm curdled milk, which is applied to the hair surface, paying special attention to the tips. The mask is washed off after 30 minutes.

Very dry tips are perfectly restored after applying the following mixture: 1 tbsp. A spoon of castor or olive oil, mixed with half a lemon. Apply to the hair before washing your head and stand for about 20 minutes.

How to moisturize hair folk remedies

The simplest and most effective way is to use sour-milk products. And the best thing for this purpose is a yogurt.

The formulation of this mask is quite simple: curdled milk is slightly heated and applied abundantly to the surface of the hair. Then they put on a shower cap, and either a warm handkerchief is tied up on top or they are wrapped around the head with a towel. The main thing is to provide enough heat. Hold the remedy for half an hour, and then rinse the hair with warm water. Shampoo does not use. The mask creates a protective film on the surface of the hair, which prevents damage and delamination of the ends of the hair.

Perfectly nourishes and moisturizes the hair mask, which is based on vegetable oils. Mix 9 parts of sea buckthorn oil with 1 part of any other. The oil mixture is gently rubbed into the scalp and spread over the entire surface. They cover their hair with a film. Leave the mask on the hair for an hour and rinse with a specialized shampoo for dry hair. Such procedures are carried out by the course.

Perfectly moisturizes the dried hair mask with a tincture of arnica flowers. In the colors of this plant contains a huge number of different active substances. You can buy it at the pharmacy.

To prepare the mask you will need:

  • 2 yolks;
  • Burdock oil - 2 tablespoons;
  • Tincture of arnica - 3 spoons.

All components are thoroughly mixed, and the resulting mixture is gently rubbed into the roots of the hair, and then distributed along the entire length. The head should be insulated with a terry towel.

In addition to the use of various cosmetic masks, an important role is assigned to the proper drinking regimen. Special attention should be given to the daily diet. The food should be fully balanced, which, in turn, will ensure uninterrupted operation of the intestinal tract and a full sleep.

To fulfill all these rules, you should drink 2 liters of liquid per day. Be sure to include vegetables and fruits on the menu. Sleep should last at least 8 hours. It is absolutely necessary to walk every day. Observing these simple instructions, you will not only look great, but also feel yourself.

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