Hobby, Needlework
How to make and install a wooden gate
All gates represent a wide entrance or passage, located in a fence or in a wall. This entrance must be closed with doors. Installed gates should be easy to use.
Wooden gates can be made by hand. Their construction consists of a frame and a lath. The frame is made of bars and has a rectangular shape with a junction in the corners. This will prevent the gate leaf from further sagging.
The gates can be made carved or polished with boards. To a wooden fence it is necessary to make a gate and gates made of solid wood. Wooden gates can be painted with a paint with a preliminary impregnation of the wood used by the antiseptic. For this, a spruce or pine tree is suitable. When choosing the material for their manufacture, one should not pursue its cheapness. Only strong material will make them strong. The best timber for the gate is chestnut and larch.
The gate can be made high or low. Installation of wooden gates will depend on the individuality of the countryside. They can be oriented to perform different tasks. Their appearance should be beautiful, practical and well fitting into the enclosing structures. It is necessary that the wooden gate be reliable. Do not forget to leave a gap between the gate and the road height of 10 or 15 centimeters. This height depends on the snow cover in the winter. In summer, this space is covered by a board.
Before you start creating a gate, you must perform accurate measurements with a good tool. Having decided to make street wooden gates with their own hands, it is necessary to immediately decide what kind of warehouses will be. They can have two leaves or be in the form of a canvas that will move along the fence. This version of the gate allows you to significantly save on the space inside the yard.
Wooden doors by weight are not heavy. This allows you to use simple or reinforced loops. Pillars, depending on the features of the site, you can install wooden or metal They need to dig deeper than the rest of the pillars and necessarily concrete. From the fortification of the gate will depend on their further operation and durability.
When you need to install a wooden garage door, you may need a built-in wicket. Usually it is unlocked from the inside. The technology of manufacturing wooden gates for the garage is not complicated. The main thing is to have a good command of the necessary tools for this and to be able to understand the drawings of parts manufacturing.
Gates should be conveniently locked, so you need to think in advance which type of locking is most convenient. Be sure to consider the different types of locks and choose the most suitable. The most convenient are the garage doors, consisting of several sections. They need to be made from four or more horizontal panels, which must be connected by loops. Well, if the gate will move on the rollers, which are installed on the side racks.
Thus, it is possible to ennoble and protect your site with your own hands.
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