Hobby, Needlework
How to make a figure from napkins? Volumetric figures from napkins
It's hard not to agree that the birthday of the child should take place in a festive atmosphere. Usually, the parents of the birthday person try to brighten up the room of the little culprit of the celebration in a special way, in the hallway they hang a large congratulatory inscription allowing guests from the threshold to be charged with positive and cheerfulness. Alternatively, you can use the help of professional decorators. But it is much more interesting to do the decoration of the holiday on your own. Joint creativity of parents and children will allow to spend time fascinatingly and with advantage.
One of the most popular options
Today, the popularity of such a festive decoration, as a figure from napkins, has become very popular. This element of decor is quite budgetary, and at the same time it provides the necessary positive attitude of the participants of the celebration with a high degree of efficiency. Figures from napkins can often be seen at a children's party. Many will agree that this decoration simply has no competitors. Napkin numbers are light enough, and children play with pleasure, they are inexpensive, very bright and beautiful.
The original composition in the form of figures from napkins is easy to make, and yet the process requires a creative approach. The creation of an ornament will take many hours, but the happiness of a birthday person who received a colorful napkin surprise will pay for all the costs of time and effort. This article contains information on how to make a figure from napkins.
On the ways of creating festive decorations: we produce a flat figure
Many mothers on the eve of a child's birthday are interested in how to make a figure of napkins with their own hands. To begin with, it should be noted that these decor elements are both flat and bulky.
Flat decorations are made faster, since they do not require the carcass bonding. To create them, it's enough to cut a contour out of a cardboard sheet. In addition, much less flowers are used to decorate it. How to make a large figure of napkins? It can be cut from cardboard and decorated in accordance with the features of fantasy and the resources of the master. In this case, it is decorated with flowers or various figures of napkins.
For the base, you can take a conventional cardboard box of the desired size. On the cardboard should outline the contours of the desired figure. The figure is cut with a clerical knife and decorated. This figure is obtained flat. Usually it is decorated with a wall.
How to make a volumetric digit from napkins?
It is best to make a figure with which the birthday girl wants to play, rearrange from place to place. To create a three-dimensional shape you will need more materials and time costs than for making a flat one. But the result will justify the efforts spent - the volume figure differs in a particularly impressive appearance.
To create a voluminous figure, the wizards are advised to use two identical cardboard blanks. In addition, it is also necessary to cut out long strips of cardboard with even edges (the same width) for gluing the sidewalls. The frame is assembled with a paint tape or a thermo-gun.
Decoration for the figure
Those who want to know how to make beautiful figures from napkins, of course, will be interested in information on how to decorate the manufactured cardboard frame. This can be done with the help of flowers from napkins. Those who are determined to learn how to make a figure of napkins with their own hands, you need to be patient and cut out of the usual napkins a lot of the same size flowers. Having decorated them with a figure, you can please the dear birthday with the most beautiful fluffy figure in the world.
How to make flowers from napkins?
This question is usually faced by those who decided to thoroughly study how to make a figure from napkins to please this little girl with this decoration. Flowers from napkins are usually cut out in unlimited quantities. For this:
- A single-layer napkin is folded four times and divided into four squares;
- The squares are stacked in an even pile and fixed in the center with a stapler or a piece of fine wire;
- Next, a square pile is cut so that a circle is formed;
- It remains only, not reaching the center, to cut the edges of the created circle;
- Then raise the petal petals and straighten them.
This creates fluffy flowers, which in the future can be glued with PVA glue to the base. However, needlewomen offer many other options for creating flower napkins. Some of them can be found further in the article.
Master class: how to make the figure "1" of napkins?
The whole process of making this decoration consists of three stages. Then each of them is described in detail.
First we make flowers
This information will be useful to everyone who wants to know how to make a figure of "1" from napkins. This stage is very simple, but it takes a lot of time, because to create a figure you need a pretty large number of flowers. If there is such an opportunity, it is better to involve assistants in this case.
To create this option, the numbers begin to work with the use of red two-layer napkins with a size of 33 cm. One of these napkins produces two flowers. To make a flower, you should:
- Cut a napkin in half;
- Halves once again folded in half and cut again;
- Two quarters folded together and in the middle fasten them with a stapler;
- Then a circle is cut out of the square. You can do this by eye;
- Then, beginning from the top, one by one with fingers, each layer is compressed;
- Then the flower is unfurled, neatly straightening each petal.
To optimize the process, the wizards are advised to first make as many of these blanks as possible, and then create beautiful flowers from them.
The same principle is used to create white flowers. If you get white napkins, which, unlike the red ones, are single-layered and smaller in size, you will have to make some efforts to create the same work pieces with red ones. It is necessary to put together three white napkins, on top of them attach a red square of the correct size and cut out the workpiece by its contour. Then everything is done according to the scheme described above. In total, to design the figure "1" it will be necessary to make red flowers 86 and white ones - 65. This will take about four hours.
If you want to know how to make a figure from napkins, you should learn how to make a cardboard frame for it. This is not particularly difficult if a flat number is created. It will be harder for those who are interested in how to make a volume figure from napkins. For the construction of a three-dimensional frame, two sheets of corrugated cardboard with a size of 50 x 30 cm will be needed. Of these, the facial parts of the "unit" are cut out. The remaining trimming will go to the side of the figure.
- On one of the sheets draw a contour figure. The width can be determined by focusing on the number of rows of flowers that will need to be glued to it. For example, if you start with the dimensions of the cardboard, you get 2 rows of flowers. In this case, the width of the digit along the entire perimeter is about 9 cm.
- Then cut out one. If the cardboard is very solid and solid, you can use a construction cutter.
- The resulting figure is placed on the second sheet of cardboard, it is traced along the contour and also cut out.
- Next, make blanks for the side parts. To do this, measure and cut out cardboard strips of 9 cm wide. Experienced masters advise to make them as long as possible - so it will be more convenient to glue them.
- Then, first, one and then the second half of the unit with the strips prepared for the "sides" are glued together with adhesive tape. The craftsmen advise for lateral parts to use a softer and more flexible cardboard, which will be easier to bend and glue along the contour of the figure.
How to collect and decorate the figure?
Those who want to know how to make a figure from napkins, you should also familiarize yourself with the final stage of the process.
At this stage, you should paste the flowers to the frame. For this, the wizards recommend using the universal glue-gel "Moment", because it is colorless and seizes quickly enough. In order not to crumple the flowers, it is necessary to apply pressure on them from above, then press their finger under the petals carefully. After the glue dries, the flowers spread out to make them look more lush.
There are many ways to complete the image of a unit. One of them is the decoration of the golden crown. On the Internet you can find a ready-made stencil of the right size, print it and cut it.
Since the figure is two-sided, the same should be the crown. Therefore, on a sheet of holographic cardboard (A4 format), it should be circled twice, cut out both halves and glue them together. As a result, the crown will be "golden" on both sides. In the end, the number is solemnly "crowned", gently sticking the crown to the flowers.
Often mothers, preparing for a children's celebration, ask the question: how to make a figure of 5 of napkins, 2, 3 or some other? Guided by the above instructions, you can make from napkins any number or even a letter. Merry holiday!
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