Hobby, Needlework
How to make a Christmas tree with your own hands
Do you want to create original Christmas decorations and souvenirs? There are a lot of ideas. For example, you can make beautiful trees with your own hands from threads. It's easy to make such a thing. You do not need any special devices and materials. Everyone has to have everything in the house. The process of doing this souvenir is very simple and fascinating. Even the child will take part in it with pleasure.
How to make a tree of threads
Such crafts are the simplest from the point of view of manufacturing. You will need the following materials:
- whatman;
- scissors;
- Glue PVA ;
- Food film or any other;
- Thread;
- needle.
There are two technologies for manufacturing these objects. They are similar in the sequence of actions, but in one case, a film and a needle are required, and in another case, no. Which method to choose depends on the materials at hand. If you make a Christmas tree will be a child, it is better to do without a needle (or take a plastic).
Master class: Christmas tree of thread
The manufacturing process consists of the following steps:
- Prepare the base in the form of a cone from the paper, using scissors and glue. You can use the ready-made frame by buying cardboard caps for the holiday.
- Wrap the surface with a film or bag so that the minimum number of folds is obtained. This operation can not be performed, but then it will be a little more difficult to remove the product from the base.
- Wind the threads on the cone, pre-greasing them with glue. To facilitate the work, you can pass a needle with threaded thread through the hole made in the tube of glue. After passing through such a system, the threads are ready for use. Twist yarn is usually in a chaotic order. It is quite possible to entrust the child. It is better to work from the bottom up. Do not try to use a lot of yarn. It is better when the tree remains openwork.
- When the threads are wound, it is necessary to leave the product for a while (for drying).
- Carefully remove the cardboard backing.
Your souvenir is ready. Fur-trees with their own hands of thread can be made in different sizes: from 5-10 cm to a meter decoration of the room. The color scheme is applied both traditional (green shades of one tone), and decorative (red, white, alternating circles of several colors). Do not be afraid to experiment.
How to decorate a made souvenir
When your tree of threads is ready, it can be left or decorated with various elements. Usually the following options are used:
- An asterisk or a ball on the vertex (plastic, paper);
- Beads;
- Patches;
- beads;
- Bows;
- Snowflakes
- Tinsel;
- Rain.
Now you know how to make a Christmas tree out of thread and how to decorate it.
Balls and subject compositions
A Christmas tree of threads can be decorated with balls made in the same way. As a basis for them, balloons are used, which, after the glue dries, is pierced with a needle and extracted.
If a large Christmas tree is made for decorating an interior, you can supplement it with other similar objects: a snowman, stylized Santa Claus and Snow Maiden. The combination of different colors and textures will create a spectacular stylish decor.
How to make a souvenir-lamp
Fur-trees from threads (photo of them are presented in the review) are used for decorating the interior as night lamp shades. They create whimsical shadows from the openwork structure and look very unusual, stylish and romantic. There is nothing difficult in creating such a thing. You just need to pick up a small lamp. Having bought a basis, calculate the necessary diameter of the base of the tree, take measurements and proceed to create a lampshade according to the technology described above.
In addition to the tree or as a supplement to it, you can use other objects, which are described in the previous section. Lamps-Christmas trees, snowmen, balls will be excellent decorations for New Year's Eve or even gifts for relatives and friends.
We use thread-weed
Modern opportunities for needlework are very wide. The yarn store offers a wide range of this product not only in terms of quality and color, but also the texture of the future product. Try to make a Christmas tree yourself with threads of different kinds. Original, and most importantly, very naturally and naturally looks "grass".
It should be said that in this case the threads should be wound on the basis with distinct horizontal rows or spirally. If you make this process chaotic, the tree of thread-grass will turn out to be disheveled. However, if you want to surprise the audience, then you can experiment. For example, try to make such a souvenir from yarn, which consists of several colorful threads. Combining them with "grass", you can get original effects.
Christmas tree of string strips
In addition to the above, another decorative yarn is also sold, for example, made in the form of ribbons. They can resemble lace, frills, sewing. From the edges, such tapes have a thread with loops, which are used to join the yarn into a single web. How to make a tree of string strings? Yes, it's very simple. It will be enough for you to glue such strings-strips on a base, which you do not need to remove.
You learned how you can simply and easily make a Christmas tree yourself with threads. Such a souvenir can decorate both the festive table and the interior of a large room. Prepare yarn, decor, glue, base. And start an exciting creative process.
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