Hobby, Needlework
How to make a beautiful kokoshnik yourself?
Such a decorative element as a kokoshnik is simply indispensable in creating the image of a Russian beauty or the Snow Maiden. A theatrical or carnival costume without such a headdress will be incomplete. Therefore, intending to play the New Year's Eve role of Snow Maiden or Vasilisa the Beautiful, you will need to make a kokoshnik yourself.
There are many different variants of such decoration of the graceful head of a beautiful woman. We will consider several ways how one can make a kokoshnik with their own hands, without resorting to the help of atelier workers.
Remember any Russian fairy tale in a filmized version. Each princess had a kokoshnik on his head. For each case, they needed their own headdress, of different heights and manner of execution. The more solemn was the occasion, the higher and more luxurious this element of decoration.
How to make a Snow Maiden kokoshnik with your own hands
The headpiece of a snowy beauty should be airy, transparent and shiny, reminding the natural beauty of the snow. Therefore, you can make a kokoshnik with your own hands using a wire frame. The simplest variant of manufacturing is from a flexible wire to create a headpiece in the form of half a snowflake. The finished frame is wrapped in fluffy tinsel. For attachment to the head, we add two ribbons of suitable color, which we tie from behind, fixing the kokoshnik on the head.
The second option is a bit more complicated. We bend out of a wire in a white braid frame a pointed kokoshnika with several bridges of rigidity. We put it on the lace fabric and, adding three centimeters on each side, we cut out the part. We put the cut out part on the frame, skirt around the wire and fix it with the help of needles. Manually sew the lace along the contour. A few stitches fix it on the stiffeners. On the contour of the kokoshnik we sew a thread from the blue swan's down.
Using natural pattern of lace fabric, we decorate it with rhinestones, glass beads, paetkami or beads. Instead of fixing, we sew wide ribbons, which we tie at the back. Finished product covered with a layer of hairspray strong fixation with sequins.
How to make a Russian kokoshnik
To begin with, we cut out a framework of solid cardboard. For finishing we choose bright patches of brocade, satin or satin. From the gold brocade we cut out two details of the kokoshnik, adding 2 cm to the seams. Using red, blue and green flaps, we cut out the details of the pattern. We paste them on a doublet for stiffening. We take one detail of the base, lay out on it a conceived pattern, fix with needles and spend a zigzag along the edges. Only after that we remove the needles.
We fold the main parts of the gold brocade out from the inside out and lay a straight line along the two sides that make up the top of the kokoshnik, retreating 1 centimeter from the edge. Make neat cuts along the entire length of the seam. We turn the parts outwards. We insert inside the frame from cardboard. On the other sections we fill the allowances for the seams inside and sew the parts manually. On the contour of the kokoshnik we fasten a string of bright beads. On the pattern we sew rhinestones, bugles and patches.
A special fascination for the headdress is attached to the openwork mesh on the frontal part. It can be knitted from a string of suitable color and sewed. If you have the skills of weaving from beads, then you can use them to create this part. For whom both of the proposed methods are a problem, we propose to make such a mesh from a thin satin ribbon.
To do this, put on the kokoshnik on an old holey ball that keeps the shape. After this, we begin to superimpose the cuts of a thin ribbon on the supposed frontal part, intertwining them with each other, forming a reticulum. We fix all ends with needles, sticking them into the ball. Sew the ribbons between each other in the junction and hide the stitches under the bead. Having cut off all excess ends at the frontal part, we attach it to the kokoshniks manually. The connection point is masked under a decorative braid or string of beads. Sewed on the sides of a wide ribbon will help fix the made kokoshnik with his hands on his head.
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