Arts & Entertainment, Humor
How to entertain yourself and friends
In moments of sadness and sadness, or simply out of boredom, many simply do not know how to entertain themselves. In the current age of information technology, most likely, you will want to "untie" the computer. And not for nothing - there are lots of ways to get rid of boredom.
- Write a letter in the near future (and if you want, then in the next century - to your descendants). After a while it will be interesting to read it.
- Write a song and pick up music to it. Develop your talents!
- You can recall the youth, so to speak, and "chopped" into the console - "Segu", "Dandy" or "Sonka". It's not very difficult to connect them to new TVs, only adapters are needed. And many "Sony Play Station" consoles already have a USB-output.
- How to entertain yourself? Learn to speak to the "public", and listen to yourself. Turn on the camera and talk as if you are a celebrity, or share your experience. Believe me, you can learn something new. Speaking, a person more objectively sees this or that situation.
- Perhaps this is not exactly entertainment, but the fact that you will eventually be satisfied is for sure! Sleep, because usually this is not enough!
- The network is full of various panoramas, and the "journey" along them is very exciting! You can consider the Milky Way, Earth, Mars and other planets. And you can also "wander" around Moscow, St. Petersburg and other cities. This is a fascinating sight!
And so it is clear that you can find a lot of entertainment at the computer. Even considering such usual pleasures as movies, serials, toys, radio, etc. But how to get rid of boredom among friends? What to do when the pause is prolonged? How to entertain yourself and the guests?
- Different games. Eternal and beloved: "Crocodile" (is that the participant must show the word, and the remaining players - guess it), "Stickers" (each player writes a neighbor on the sticker a well-known name, after which the participants stick them on the forehead, the essence In understanding who you are) and "Mafia" (a card game that does not need to be represented).
- If you are close friends, you can dream up and come up with your own slang. The kind of nonsense you can think of all together, you will be surprised and, finally, cheerful!
- How to entertain yourself and the guests? Have a party. Thematic holidays are very popular now. And the preparation for them is a pleasure: you need to think everything over, create an entourage, change clothes, according to the topic.
- If the weather is fine, you can go for a walk. This is a great entertainment in the fresh air. You can observe people, nature (and it's so beautiful, you just have to look at it!), Sunset or dawn.
- Sport games. Great fun for clear weather. Volleyball, table tennis ... Arrange competitions!
- What to entertain yourself and friends? Go to a picnic. Bring a twister, badminton and rest properly! Of course, do not forget about the food. The mere thought of a shish kebab can awaken your desire to go to nature!
- Arrange the photo session. Here, you can also come up with a specific theme. Fun is guaranteed!
Now, in the question of how to entertain yourself, you have become more enlightened and certainly will not make you or your friends and friends feel bored!
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