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How to draw a snowflake in different ways

Snowflakes are very popular with children. When they fall from the sky, they can be caught, you can even taste. And you can do it yourself, namely, cut, fashion, draw. This is an interesting and entertaining pastime. There are many different options for how to draw a snowflake. Let us now consider at least a few of them.

A little palm ...

How to draw a snowflake if your baby is still very small, but already showing a huge interest in drawing and creativity? We will do this easily, simply and quickly enough. We take colored paper or cardboard better than blue, blue or purple. Let's rub our baby's pens with white paint. Ladoshkoy make prints on paper in a circle. While the paint is still dry, you can decorate our snowflake. For this, it is necessary to pour balsa on it. The snowflake has turned out solemn and beautiful.

Magic on paper

We will describe how to draw a snowflake in pencil so as to surprise small artists. First, take a white pencil or a wax candle and draw a snowflake on a piece of plain paper. After that, ask the kid to take a paint (better watercolor or a much diluted gouache) and paint this leaf with some color. You will have a little magic, which will suit the young creator.

Unusual technique

How to draw a snowflake using baking molds? For this we will need the molds (snowflakes), white paint or glue, colored paper or cardboard, a manga and / or a brilliant powder. Pour the white paint (glue) into any dishes, into it with one edge we dunk the mold, then put the imprint on the prepared paper. Sprinkle with a manga, so that the picture is voluminous, if desired, you can use a shiny powder.

A surprising result

How to draw a snowflake using natural materials, spruce twigs or pasta-florets? Both those and others resemble snowflakes in form. Let's drop them into white paint and make prints on colored paper. Or, on the contrary, the paint is colored, and the paper is white. It turns out unusual and interesting snowflakes.

Methods of drawing salt

Tell you how to draw a snowflake in stages salt. This can be done in two ways. Necessary material: salt, any form, like a snowflake, paint and a clean sheet of paper.
1 way. Cover our sheet of paper with any color, create a background. Immediately after this, sprinkle it with fine salt. We are waiting for the paint to dry. The size of our snowflakes depends on how wet the paper was.
2 way. We take a sheet of paper, mold it in dye and put it on prints (so-called "blanks") on the sheet, while the workpieces are wet, pour salt. We wait, while all will dry up, and blow off surpluses of salt. All is ready!

And further…

Drawing snowflakes with a sprayer. To start, we cut snowflakes from cardboard, paper or similar material. We put them on a clean sheet of paper and use a "sprayer" of colors (a bottle with a hopper spray), which is in every house. Fill it with tinted water and sprinkle on snowflakes. After that, we soak the paper from excess moisture, remove the cut out snowflakes. You still have painted paper with white snowflakes.

Spend time with children is interesting and enjoyable!

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