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Gothic rose in architecture
The rose window often refers to a common term that unites such an architectural phenomenon as a round window. Most often it is decorated with stained glass. The term "gothic rose" is especially well-known, since this technique was especially popular during the period of the Gothic style in architecture.
Short description
For the first time the phrase "window-rose" appeared in the XVII century and had to do with the Gothic round window, often found on the facades of Gothic and Roman temples. This name was given to this architectural device due to the similarity of the "multi-petalled" and symmetrical stained-glass window with the English rose, under which, especially at that time, the flower of the dog rose was implied.
Gothic rose in architecture is especially characteristic of the Gothic style, but is not limited to it. Round windows were observed in the structure of temples, churches and other structures from ancient times, throughout the Middle Ages and especially during the Neo-Gothic period. That's why a large round-shaped window is found all over the world in buildings of different purposes, ages and styles.
The roots of the Gothic rose go back to the Roman oculus - a large round hole, designed to let in not only light, but also air into the room. The most famous oculus is located in the Roman Pantheon, on the very top of the dome. In early Christian and Byzantine architecture round oculi were used either on the tops of domes or on low pediments. A round window with a stone frame appeared also in antiquity, but rare variants have survived to our times. As for the geometric pattern of roses, it was extremely developed in Roman mosaics.
Styles and Types
The window-rose is of several varieties, among which there are four main ones:
- Oculus - the simplest round window without a figure-bound. Example: The Roman Pantheon.
- A simple rose is a circle in the center, along the edges of which there are arches in the form of petals. Example: "The Eye of the Abbot" in Lincoln Cathedral.
- The wheel is a round window with symmetrical spokes. It is also called the Catherine's Rose in honor of St. Catherine, who was tortured on the wheel. Example: the cathedral of Lucera, Italy.
- Gothic rose is a round window with a complex design, often decorated with stained glass. By appearance resembles a blossoming rose. Example: Notre Dame Cathedral.
Of course, over time, some other types of Gothic roses appeared, for example, oval and elliptical windows of the Baroque style, but the above mentioned species are the most frequently used.
Size of windows
Initially, the windows were small and smoothly moved from the Romanesque style to the Gothic. Over time, the Gothic rose began to occupy more and more space on the facades of buildings, giving lightness to stone structures. After the completion of the construction of the Notre Dame Cathedral, these windows became almost an integral part of the architectural style, in much the same way as columns, lancet windows and arkbutans. However, compared with the further development of this kind of window, the famous Rose of the Notre Dame Cathedral is not such a big window, especially compared to the facades of Chartres or Saint-Denis.
History and development of the Gothic Rose
Despite the fact that the origins of the rose window go deep into antiquity, its modern form and popularity it has received thanks to the Gothic architecture, so it makes sense to follow the development of this form, from the period of early Gothic and ending with modernity.
- Early Gothic is characterized by a relatively simple shape of the rose, mainly using the wheel structure and clear geometric shapes: circles, triangles and squares. It is this style that got the most popularity during the Gothic Revival, probably because of its simplicity and effectiveness.
- High Gothic is characterized by a more complex design with a lot of racks and divisions, with complex shapes and a complex stained glass composition. In addition, the size of the roses began to increase, and they were given whole arches of transverse naves.
- Flaming Gothic is characterized by ornate patterns that resemble flames, hence the name. This trend has found a vivid reflection in the round windows of the period of the formation of style. Patterns reminiscent of the weaving branches of lianas and the curvature of the Latin S, adorn the Gothic stained glass. Rose in the rest differs little in its shapes and sizes.
- The Renaissance differed in its desire to shake off the "grayness" of the dark ages, so almost all Gothic elements were no longer actively used, giving way to classics. However, the rose found its continuation in the form of simple oculuses, occasionally decorating the facades and domes of the Renaissance buildings.
- Baroque style ventured to change the shape of the rose, leaning towards oval windows with a simple uncomplicated design, often completely without stained glass.
In modern architecture, the simple and uncomplicated style of the oculus is most often used. With the exception of Gothic Revival, during the Art Nouveau period, the Gothic rose became an architectural luxury and a rarity.
At the time of Gothic, the object of the image of the stained glass rose most often was the Day of Judgment. A Gothic rose was placed in an arch over the western entrance to the temple, which could serve as the reason for choosing subjects, since it was the western wall that was usually dedicated to the topic of the Last Judgment.
Over time, roses began to appear on the naves, where at least one of them was dedicated to the Virgin Mary. The connection of the Gothic rose with the symbol of the Mother of Christ is also supported by the fact that Mary is often called the "Mystic Rose" and is credited with the symbol - the flower of the dog rose. However, this symbolism appeared long before the window was called a rose.
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