Health, Diseases and Conditions
You are not as healthy as you think: 16 hidden signals
It is possible that you follow the doctor's instructions, consume a lot of vegetables, fruits and greens, if possible, choose organic products, visit the gym regularly and get eight hours of sleep every night (mistake, most nights), but this does not mean that your health Is in excellent condition.
The article describes some of the symptoms that indicate a malfunction of the body. Be sure to contact your doctor if you notice any of the following symptoms.
You get bloated after eating
You may think that bloating the body after supper is absolutely normal, but sometimes such a subtle symptom can signal more serious health problems.
Of course, some foods are very difficult to digest, but ... "If your body is in a bloated state, then it's time to adjust your health," says Joy McCarthy, an experienced nutritionist and natural medicine specialist. "It may mean that you have a food allergy or sensitivity to certain foods."
You snore
Discard all sorts of jokes related to night snoring, since it can be a sign of a serious health problem. In your body is a hidden process. Talk with your doctor to exclude sleep apnea, and make sure that you do not have a curved nasal septum. Insufficient intake of oxygen into the body can cause disruption of the cardiovascular system and brain.
The banal cause of the violation of a full-fledged passage of air into the body can be increased in size glands, polyps and adenoids, a malfunction in the thyroid gland, or even an ordinary cold, accompanied by a runny nose.
Often, snoring is caused by a pathological change in the shape of the jaw during prognosis and prognathion. The risk group includes smoking people, as the level of sensitivity of the respiratory center to oxygen is much lower in the central nervous system of the smoker.
Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Like bloating, extreme gas can be a sign of serious problems with the digestive tract. If this problem occurs more and more often, it may mean that you have an unidentified food allergy, sensitivity to certain foods, or you suffer from irritable bowel syndrome. Address to the gastroenterologist. So you can protect yourself from much more serious problems.
You feel chronically tired
If you feel yourself falling into a lethargic dream, no matter how many hours of nightly rest you get on a regular basis, then you definitely should talk with your doctor. Dr. Jason Marr, a naturopathic physician and specialist in the field of natural medicine, warns that fatigue is often a sign of many different systemic health problems.
You suffer from insomnia
It's one thing to have trouble falling asleep when you're just not tired during the day, but if you can not fall asleep, despite the feeling of fatigue, then it's definitely worth talking to your doctor. "Insomnia is an underestimated problem that signals significant health problems," says Dr. Marr. The absence of rest has a very negative effect on cognitive functions. Insomnia worsens memory, attention and concentration.
An unpleasant odor emanates from your mouth
Yes, this usually happens because for lunch or dinner you ate too much garlic or onions, but sometimes bad breath can be a sign of some more serious health problem. If brushing your teeth does not eliminate the unpleasant odor, then consult a gastroenterologist or dentist. It is possible that an unpleasant odor is the result of a malfunction of your digestive tract. Also, the cause of smell from the mouth can be dental plaque, the presence of stomatitis or gingivitis.
You experience regular headaches
In addition to pain (in the literal sense), headaches are usually quite harmless. But if you notice that the migraine becomes more regular, intense or permanent, then consult a health professional, as this is a signal that your body is malfunctioning.
It should be noted that most doctors do not associate a pathology such as a migraine with a poor physical condition of a person or with its unfavorable genetic background. As a rule, headaches are observed after serious intense mental effects. In particular, serious stress, persistent problems in the family and at work, financial difficulties, accumulation of unresolved problems can act as a provocateur.
Migraine is not considered as a separate disease, and its elimination lies in the cardinal change in the way of life of a person. But most people of our time can not provide this, because they can not afford to lose promising high-paying but nervous work, change their apartment in order to get rid of noisy neighbors, etc.
You are tormented by muscle cramps
Every person suffers from muscle cramps from time to time. This is especially noted after intensive training. But you should pay attention to how often you experience pain. Dr. Marr warns: "Muscle cramps are often a sign of nutritional deficiencies." Often they indicate a malfunction in the endocrine system (very common in hypothyroidism) or lack of calcium or magnesium.
You have an allergic reaction
It is possible that you have had an allergic reaction from an early age, but that does not mean that seasonal allergy is the thing that you should ignore. "Allergy is a sign that your immune system is not working properly and that you are exposed to the inflammatory process, which is not normal," says Dr. Marr. "Allergy is a sign of your body's dysfunction."
Your nail color has changed
The nails should be pink in color, so if you are observing any other color range, contact your doctor immediately. According to the Canadian Association of Dermatologists, glossy nails can be a sign of anything: from the presence of fungus to lymphedema. It turns out that your nails can tell your doctor about your health quite a lot.
You lose weight
Of course, the process of losing weight should not be alarming if you stick to a certain diet or visit the gym regularly, but if weight is lost for no apparent reason, it is recommended to consult a health professional. Unexplained weight loss can be a symptom of some serious health problems.
You gain weight
As with unexplained weight loss, a constant increase in body weight is the reason to call a doctor as soon as possible. This may be a sign of a malfunction of the endocrine system or polycystic ovary syndrome.
You have low libido
The presence of low libido can be absolutely normal. But this process can also be caused by hormonal imbalance, depression or high blood pressure.
You lose a lot of hair
The loss of 100 hair per day is quite normal, but if the process becomes more extensive, it is recommended to consult a professional. Significant hair loss can be a symptom of hypothyroidism or you may have a deficiency in some essential nutrients.
You have slowed down the processes in the body
If you do not stick to a diet high in fiber and drink plenty of water, but still experience problems with bowel work, pay attention to your health. Although regular emptying means different things for different people, causes such as depression and hypothyroidism can slow down normal body processes and cause constipation.
You have a strange craving for food
If you regularly look for unusual products, this may be a sign of iron, magnesium or vitamin C deficiency.
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