Today, more and more money transactions can be performed directly from home. It is enough for you to have at hand only a computer or mobile phone, as well as access to the World Wide Web. Already no one is surprised at the opportunity to make purchases through the Internet, replenish the account of a mobile phone, pay on receipts and so on. If there is enough money on the bank card, then it will not be difficult to carry out all the above transactions.
Who can use the services of Sberbank Online?
For the convenience of customers, Sberbank of Russia has created a service - an application called Sberbank Online, through which you can transfer money from your account to your account or pay for purchases and fines while sitting at home on your computer monitor, and not stand in line with an ATM or savings bank. This application is completely free, you just need to "tie" the mobile phone number to the bank card and then track the replenishment of the account, withdrawing money from the card or paying for goods in online stores. In all listed cases, SMS will be sent to the specified number - notification of a change in the status of the account. And what if the customer wants to use the new mobile phone number and the SIM card is no longer active? About how to change the phone number in "Sberbank Online", is detailed below.
The most reliable way to bind a new phone number to a bank card
The main and most reliable way to link a new phone number to an account is to contact the Sberbank office. In order to avoid misunderstandings, it is better to come to the branch where the card was drawn up and where the client's contract remained. If this is not possible, you can be assisted at any branch of the bank, since all customer data is in the database of the financial institution. So, the bank employee will tell in detail how to change the phone number in "Sberbank Online", and moreover, will do it yourself. You do not need to take any further action. To change the number with you, you must have a passport or other document proving your identity, best of all with a photo, for example, a driving license or a passport. If in more detail, in order to change the phone number in the Sberbank Online system, it is necessary to write an application for changing the number attached to the card. This procedure is carried out within a few days, unfortunately, you will have to wait. After the card is tied to a new phone number, it is recommended to disable or block the old SIM, which was previously attached to a bank card that gives access to the client's funds. This will save your finances from the actions of scammers.
What should I do after changing my phone number?
After the operation in the Sberbank Online system was completed, the phone number change was successful, and the client of the bank needs to reconnect the option "Mobile Bank" and all those services that were activated with the help of the previous SIM card. It should be noted that there are other ways of how to change the phone number in "Sberbank Online" and "bind" the bank card to another "sim card", which will receive SMS with confirmation of your transactions. So, you can completely change the phone number of the terminal payment terminal. To do this, you need to insert a bank card into the ATM receiver (terminal), go to the "personal data" section, select the "change number" function. After that, you need to click the "Select operator" button and enter a new phone number. Click "Save Changes" when finished. It is convenient that you can do this from anywhere and at any time convenient for you.
What should I look for?
This article provides useful information on how to change the phone number in "Sberbank Online". This procedure is not too complicated, although it may take some time. It is required by the bank to verify the customer's data, which, in turn, protects the money from fraudulent activities. When the customer's personal data is verified and the phone number is changed, you will again be able to use the Sberbank Online service and conduct cash transactions without leaving your home. If you have any questions, you can ask them to the employee of the call center "Sberbank of Russia" by calling + 74955000005 / 788-92-72 or 8 (800) 200-3-747. Operators of the center work round the clock.