The port is checked for availability on a Windows computer using the Microsoft Telnet client. It allows you to set up a TCP connection to a local node through the item of interest.
The port is checked for availability by performing a series of sequential actions. First of all, we call the main Windows menu using the "Start" button. Specify the telnet command in the search string to perform the client start operation. We press the button "Find". Call the context menu of the telnet.exe element with the right mouse button. If you want to check the port for availability, start the client with administrator rights. Confirm the selection in the appeared control window by clicking the "Yes" button. Specify the value of the administrator password in the system request to report its authority. Alternatively, you can use an alternative way to start the client.
Command line
Go to the "Start" and specify the value of cmd.exe using the search string. We press the button "Find". We call the context menu of the received item using the right mouse button. Run the tool with administrator rights. Confirm the selection by specifying the password in the system request. Specify the telnet command using the text field of the resulting command line. Press Enter to confirm the task. The next step is to check the port for availability by entering the value of "o" or open To do this, use the opened window of the command interpreter of the Microsoft Telnet tool. Confirm the action by pressing the Enter key. We are waiting for the cleaning of the tool window to complete, or the notification about the impossibility of establishing a connection, using the following commands to determine the required parameters. The code? / H will give you a help. The command will ensure that the active connection is complete. The value of u will reset the parameters. The st code displays the current state. The d symbol displays the parameters. The o port number command is used to connect. The value sen allows you to send the selected string to the server. The symbol q terminates the client. The combination of set is necessary to determine the necessary parameters.
additional information
Now let's look at how the UDP port is checked for availability. First of all, it is worth considering the option with the software from Apple. It is here that special UDP ports are used. They can be closed on your computer by a security system or network settings. To perform the check, you must perform several actions. First of all, you need to know the IP address. We launch the program "System settings". Specify IPv4 in the search string. Press the Enter key. On the resulting panel, use the "Advanced" button. Open the TCP / IP tab. There you can see the IPv4 address. If you are using the Windows platform, enter the ipconfig value on the command line. Press the Enter key. Then you can follow the instructions described above. So we figured out how the remote port is tested for availability.