LawRegulatory Compliance

How many orders for vacation are kept? Storage of personnel documents

The most important structural unit of the enterprise is personnel service. Specialists who work there often make different orders, and also organize their storage and turnover. The most demanded documents in the document circulation system include vacation orders. What are the nuances of their formation? What terms of storage of the relevant orders are determined by the regulatory legislation?

What documents are vacation orders?

Before considering the question of how many vacation orders are kept, we will study the documents to which documents they relate in terms of classification of corporate intracorporate documents.

In accordance with the generally accepted approach, it is legitimate to refer them to orders on personnel. These sources are grouped on the basis of common characteristics in individual cases. Personnel documents can be compiled both in unified forms, and in accordance with those developed by the enterprise independently.

Cases that combine the same type of orders should not combine documents that differ significantly in terms of storage. Consider how the relevant sources can be classified according to this criterion.

List of terms of storage of personnel documents

There are personnel documents that need to be stored for a long time. At the same time, it does not matter in what organizational and legal form the enterprises function. So, the law stipulates that some documents must be kept for 75 years. These include, in particular:

  • Orders for the admission of employees to work;
  • Orders for the dismissal of workers.

There are sources that can be stored for a much shorter period - within 5 years. Such personnel documents include:

  • Orders for holidays;
  • Instructions on business trips.

Thus, the shelf life of all orders for leave as a form of orders for personnel is 5 years.

These are the features of the regulatory legislation. Knowing how many vacation orders are kept, it is necessary for any HR specialist to correctly maintain the documentation for the company's staff. Accordingly, the competence of these specialists can also include ensuring the safety of the relevant sources.

Cases involving orders for annual leave may, in turn, be classified into separate categories based on the availability of additional grounds for this. For example, taking into account the organizational structure of the enterprise, the distribution of employees by departments and divisions of the company.

So, we now know how many orders are kept for vacation - five years. But there are a number of features that characterize the procedure for working with documents related to the release of employees. It will be useful to study them.

Organization of work with personnel documents at the enterprise: nuances

First of all, it should be noted that the legislative regulations establishing the procedure for organizing the turnover of the documents under consideration have not been adopted so far. Each organization independently or, perhaps, taking into account the recommendations of higher authorities, determines the work with the relevant sources. In order to optimize the work with personnel documents, in particular those related to the issuance of employee holidays, various unified forms can be used.

Working with holiday documents: nuances

If we talk specifically about the documents relevant to the holiday, then they are recommended for storage by experts, taking into account the classification:

  • On documents related to paid, educational holidays;
  • Orders for other types of holidays.

Various journals can be used to organize the circulation of relevant documents:

  • Registration of vacation orders;
  • Fixing orders for transfer, recall of employees from vacation.

At the same time, the relevant journals are usually kept in paper form.

Any order - on maternity leave, on study leave, basic under the contract - should be issued on the basis of some other document. These sources can also have special shelf life. Also, it makes sense to classify them by different groups in order to optimize the personnel flow of documents.

Organization of storage of personnel documents: nuances

Let's consider now features of the organization of storage of the personnel documentation. One of the key tasks of a competent specialist here is the formation of cases. At its decision it is important to develop, first of all, the list of terms of storage of the documents concerning to those or other groups. Each source must have the necessary requisites. If a particular document does not meet the established requirements, then it is undesirable to include it in the case.

When organizing the storage of personnel documents, the responsible officer can use various standard lists of information about the relevant sources or use intracorporate norms.

Above we gave examples of documents that can be stored for 5 years (in particular, vacation orders), as well as those that the organization must place in the archives for a significantly longer period. Turnover of sources of the second type can be regulated by additional internal regulations. So, if the document is to be stored for 75 years, norms can be put into effect at the enterprise, according to which the personnel documentation is transferred to the archive for long-term placement. In turn, documents with a 5-year shelf life in many cases do not need to be transferred to the archive. They can be placed in another protected, but at the same time more accessible for quick familiarization with the relevant documents of the place.

An important element of the workflow is inventory. They, in particular, firms can use just when transferring cases to the organization's archive.

It will be useful to consider the sequence of actions of the personnel specialist when preparing documents for leave.

Registration of documents for leave: check of the basis for the order

As we noted above, orders of the appropriate type are issued on any basis. It must be checked. In general, this is the approved schedule of employee leave. In addition, this source can be supplemented by a personal application of the employee for leave.

The corresponding schedule is drawn up taking into account the provision of the LC RF, and the duties of the HR specialist may include checking the procedure for the formation of this document for compliance with labor law standards. In the event that the schedule is compiled correctly and supplemented with other sources, an order is issued for the employee's leave. It can be noted that the company can adopt standards, in accordance with which, the details of the schedule and the documents supplementing it must be reflected in special registers. This procedure can be implemented in order to optimize the personnel turnover in the enterprise (in the event that the company's staff is large enough).

Execution of holiday documents: issuing an order

Now, in fact, about the orders for vacation. For the purpose of their registration, unified forms, such as T-6 or T-6a, or intra-corporate ones, can be used. At the same time, the director's vacation order and the corresponding document prepared for an ordinary employee can be presented in a similar structure. From the point of view of labor law they are the same type of documents. But, of course, it makes sense to distribute them in different cases in personnel record keeping: orders for ordinary employees are likely to be drawn up much more often than a document for the head of the firm.

Execution of the order: nuances

Filling in the form of the order for vacation is characterized by a number of nuances. So, when solving this problem, a personnel officer needs:

  • Specify the type of leave in accordance with the norms of the legislation or local regulations of the enterprise;
  • Reflect the correct period of work when issuing an order for annual leave.

A ready leave order must be signed by the head of the enterprise, unless other competent employees of the enterprise, such as the head of the personnel department, are endowed with similar powers.

Of course, these powers must be officially fixed in a separate local normative act. To publish it should, again, the head of the organization, delegating the relevant competencies to a certain employee. In turn, a person who is authorized to issue personnel orders in accordance with the established procedure, certifies the fact of acquaintance with this local standard and takes upon himself a list of certain obligations related to the execution of the relevant authorities.

Registration of documents for vacation: registration of an order

A ready-made vacation order must be registered with the personnel service. For these purposes, a special journal is used in the relevant structural subdivisions of enterprises. At the same time, it can be conducted in several copies, which is conditioned by the approach of the personnel service to the classification of documents that are relevant to employee leave. But if the company staff does not have a small and significant need to distribute personnel documentation for different groups, then the magazine can be kept in one copy.

Registration of orders: nuances

Among experts there is a point of view, according to which registration of an order is an obligatory condition for its entry into legal force. That is, the signing of a document by the head of the company may not be enough for this.

Upon registration, orders for annual leave and other documents that belong to the relevant category acquire a unique number, on the basis of which the source is included in the system of internal corporate workflow. The organization determines the procedure for assigning this number. As a rule, taking into account the chronology of the formation of the personnel service orders for leave.

Shelf life of the order log

Above we have examined how many orders for vacation are kept. A certain period of placement is also established for logs of relevant documents - it is 3 years from the date of entering information about the last order for leave, which is recorded in the journal. In addition to these sources, other auxiliary journals can be formed in the enterprise within the framework of certain lines of activity of the personnel service for the optimization of document circulation in the firm. The procedure for filling in the relevant documents may be established by separate local regulatory enactments, which are issued by the management of the enterprise.

The driver of the organization, delegating the relevant competencies to a particular employee. In turn, a person who is authorized to issue personnel orders in accordance with the established procedure, certifies the fact of acquaintance with this local standard and takes upon himself a list of certain obligations related to the execution of the relevant authorities.

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