HomelinessTools and equipment

How is the mounting clamp and where is it used?

Almost all industrial enterprises in Russia use such an auxiliary device as a mounting clamp. This tool is a small device in the form of a screw with a bracket. Its main function and value is to fix the parts for a certain time in special clamps. In other words, this element keeps the part in a stationary position, thereby allowing the master to perform work more qualitatively and quickly. In addition, the mounting clamp is widely used in private workshops and even on the farm. What has it gained in popularity, and how is it arranged?

Features of constructions

The mounting clamp has three main parts: a body, a screw and a special support pad. In this case, the body of this device has a G-shaped structure and is made of high-strength carbon steel. A helical gear or simply a screw provides a significant contact load, which is necessary for reliable fixation of the tool in the clamp. All work and actions for the clamping of parts are carried out manually, that is, using physical strength of a person. Due to the fact that this tool does not have an electric motor in its design, it is one of the most reliable and durable.


The mounting clamp is used for turning the products (turning the part from one plane to the other) and lifting them in a horizontal position. However, the main function of this device is still to hold the device in so-called "vice" for carrying out repair and restoration works. It is worth noting that if you need to use this device for turning parts, you do not need to purchase any expensive devices. With such a job can handle even the cheapest device. If you need to apply a clamp as a lifting element, for such purposes you need to have universal devices. Such tools (clamps for fixing ducts, including) differ in that they can be equipped with additional attachments.

What does it give?

Due to a number of experiments, it was stated that such a clamp is 8-10 times heavier than its other counterparts. However, at the same time the manufacturer categorically prohibits lifting the load in an upright position. Why is that? The fact is that the fasteners for air ducts of the "clamp" type do not have the ability to fix the product normally on the working surface. By the way, for lifting of cargoes in a vertical plane, a tick or eccentric clamp with a similar type of clamps is widely used.


Thus, this element is a universal device for screeding and for canting products during construction and installation works. In addition, the clamp can be fully used as a lifting device. For all its many years of existence, it has proved itself in the construction sector only from the very best side, thanks to which so far it is so in demand on the Russian market.

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