
How does the body react to the frequent use of nasal spray?

In the warm season in the air, pollen concentration increases significantly, which leads to the appearance of seasonal allergies in many people. The nasal spray perfectly removes its symptoms. But in the end, it can be addictive and worsen the overall condition of the nasal passages.

Benefit or harm?

The most effective nasal spray is "Afrin", the main active substance of which is oxymetazoline. It narrows the inflamed blood vessels in the nasal passages, widening the sinuses. So through them more air can pass. All this, of course, is good, but Dr. Madeleine Shaberg of the New York Eye and Ear Disease Hospital states that frequent use of nasal sprays rather harms than helps. After several days of regular use, blood vessels get used to the drug. And over time, much more begins to expand than before its use. Thus breathing through the nose is difficult and there is a disease like rhinitis. It is required to increase the dose of the spray to narrow the blood vessels.

But this can be avoided! According to Shaberg, nasal spray is still worth using, but only for a short time and in small doses. In addition, the allergy should be treated comprehensively. And this means that in addition to the spray, it is necessary to use antihistamines and do salt rinsing of the nose.

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