Law, State and Law
How and where to apply for divorce?
If every couple that registers their marriage in the registry office, lived all their lives together in love and harmony, then the world would be different. But, unfortunately, according to statistics, more than 5 divorces are registered for 10 marriages. This means that almost every
If you decide to terminate the marriage, but your other half is against, you will have to file a statement of claim with the court about the dissolution of the marriage. In it, you must specify the defendant, that is, the person with whom you are divorced, and justify all the reasons why you can no longer remain married. Also, if you have any discrepancies in the issues of the division of property, this must also be indicated.
In accordance with the general rules, the application for divorce must be filed at the place of registration of the second party, but if the plaintiff has underage children or is sick, the law allows the application to be filed at the place of residence of the plaintiff.
Depending on the issue on which the spouses have differences, the case will be examined by a world or district judge. So, if the spouses have no disputes, and they have reached an agreement on alimony issues, as well as in everything related to the child's life, the case will be transferred to the magistrate. It is he who considers cases when one of the spouses in the absence of children simply does not want to give consent to divorce. But if there is the slightest disagreement about a minor child, then the application for divorce will have to be submitted to the district court. In the absence of agreement, the court shall decide on all matters relating to the child. The district court also considers property disputes. According to the Family Code, the judge has the right to postpone the trial for three months, to reconcile the parties.
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