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Housing in the Crimea. The Barrier of Thinking.

Imagine for a second a man, painfully puzzling over the solution of a difficult task. He already approached it from different angles, applied this or that method - nothing works! And suddenly, it would seem, at the most inopportune moment, the screen into the unknown opens, and the person in his thinking rushes forward. Naturally, he is interested in the truth, the road to it is open. But how, how the screen was opened, until then tightly closed, the person does not know, and can not remember. Is not it true that it seems like a happy accident: as if someone's voice sounded soundlessly and sent the thought along the right path.
When we turn to the history of science, we will be amazed at how often the important decision was prompted in the most unexpected way. Einstein with his usual depth and humor to the question - how scientific discoveries are born, answered: it is very simple, all people know that this can not be done, comes not a very knowledgeable person who does not yet know what can not, begins to try, and ... It turns out. This, of course, is a funny explanation of a very complex creative process. From personal experience I will say that these transitions between the steps are often not smooth, often accompanied by jerks. Very often we face a barrier, a veil that hampers progress. In this there are both positive and negative sides. Positive is that nature, over hundreds of thousands of years of evolution, has developed a special psychological mechanism for dealing with external reality: after reaching a certain stage, we must linger on it, "exhaust" it, otherwise our thinking will simply slide along the steps, and The result of knowledge will be poor-quality research. Such a barrier that holds our thoughts arises automatically. Everything would be fine if, taking care of us, nature prompted also how to remove this barrier. A jump through the barrier is what we call an opening.
But the discoveries are different. Each of us, regardless of gender and age, reveals something new every day. Today we will not talk at all about scientific discoveries, but about that seemingly everyday trifle, about those discoveries that we make every day without even noticing how much they make our life easier.
I decided to find housing in the Crimea. There was a free week off, I wanted to breathe air, saturated salts and not containing dust))). Yes, and on the stories of friends about the high cost of recreation decided not to pay attention. But after the top ten sites specializing in housing for holidaymakers - the mood began to deteriorate. Indeed, he began to think about rest somewhere abroad, because if the prices there are really the same, or even lower, can not just rumors, and it's worth a try? And so at that very moment I got a little discovery, I accidentally came across the site of free ads. Imagine what was my surprise, when both the choice, the conditions, and the prices - fully corresponded to our shabby time crises and my wallet! The reasons for such a significant difference in prices are many, but the most important is the absence of a cloud of intermediaries, which in 99% and provoke a price increase. The hosts were very hospitable, met and carried to the train on a private minibus, in general my wife and children decided to go there next summer. Much in the pricing policy of recreation in the Crimea depends on the mentality of people, because it is enough to reduce the price and earnings will not be lost, it will appear on the number of people on the turnover. After all, there is an opinion that the prices for housing in the Crimea can be compared with the prices in European resorts. Only the earnings of our compatriot are not European at all ...
In general, we will finally return to the barriers in our thinking. I will give one simple example: the store came dumb and wants to buy a hammer. How does he let the seller know that he needs this thing? Correctly, he will show gestures - fat, fat, and the seller will give him a hammer. But here in the same store came blind. How does he let know that he needs scissors? What will he do? Show two fingers? ... Stop. But why show him, he's not dumb. He can say! I prevented you from guessing the same barrier that arises in thinking. I have overcome one for myself, and I recommend that you not so "kusyuchaya" pricing policy of the Crimean holiday, perhaps you should also step over the barrier and more carefully look for housing in the Crimea? After all, who is looking for that will always find!

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