
Historical information: ancient Slavs

The ancestors of the present Slavs, the so-called ancient Slavs, stood out from the vast Indo-European group that inhabited the entire territory of Eurasia. With the passage of time, tribes, close in economic management, social structure and language, united in the Slavic group. The first mention of them we find in the Byzantine documents of the 6th century.

In 4-6 centuries BC. The ancient Slavs participated in the great migration of peoples - a major migration process, as a result of which they settled the vast territories of Central, Eastern and South-Eastern Europe. Gradually they divided into three branches: the eastern, western and southern Slavs.

Thanks to the chronicler Nestor, we know the main East Slavic tribes and places of their settlements: the Krivichi lived in the upper reaches of the Volga, the Dnieper, the Western Dvina and higher up to the north; From Volkhov to Ilmen there was a Slovenian; Dregovichi inhabited the lands of Polissya, from Pripyat to Berezina; Radimichi lived between Iput and Sozh; Near the Desna one could meet northerners; From the upper reaches of the Oka River and downstream the lands of Vyatichi stretched; In the area of the Middle Dnieper and Kiev there were glade; Drevlyane lived along the Teterev and Uzh rivers; Dulebas (or Volhynians, Buzhane) settled in Volhynia; Croats occupied the slopes of the Carpathians; Tribes of ulcers and tivertsev settled from the lower Dnieper, Pobuzhye to the mouth of the Danube.

The life of the ancient Slavs, their customs and beliefs were clarified during numerous archaeological excavations. Thus, it became known that for a long time they did not depart from the patriarchal way: each tribe was divided into several genera, and the family consisted of several families who lived together and owned common property. Managed genera and tribes of the elder. To solve important issues, a veche of elders was convened.

Gradually, the economic activities of families were reconciled, and the clan unit was replaced by neighboring communities (verves).

The ancient Slavs were sedentary farmers who grew useful plants, bred livestock, engaged in hunting and fishing, knew some crafts. When trade began to develop, cities began to emerge. The glades have been built by Kiev, the northerners by Chernigov, the Radimichi by Lyubech, Krivichi by Smolensk, and the Ilmen Slavs by Novgorod. Slavic warriors created squads for the protection of their cities, and at the head of the squads were the princes, mostly Varangians. Gradually, the princes seize power and actually become masters of the land.

The same chronicler Nestor narrates that such princedoms were founded by Varangians Askold and Dir in Kiev, Rurik in Novgorod, Rogvold in Polotsk.

The ancient Slavs settled mainly in the settlements - settlements near rivers and lakes. The river not only helped to reach neighboring settlements, but also fed local residents. However, the main occupation of the Slavs was agriculture. They plowed with plow on the oxen or horses.

Cattle breeding was also significant in the farm, but due to climatic conditions it was not too developed. Much more active than the ancient Slavs were engaged in hunting and bortnichestvo - the prey of wild honey and wax.

In their belief, these tribes were pagan - they deified the nature and the dead ancestors. The sky they called the god Svarog, and all heavenly phenomena were considered children of this god - svarozhichami. So, for example, the swarowwoman Perun was especially revered by the Slavs, because he sent thunder and lightning, and also gave his patronage to the tribes during the war.

The fire and the sun were their destructive or beneficial force, and depending on this, they were personified by a kind Dazhbog, giving life-giving light and warmth, or the evil Horse that burns nature with heat and fires. Stribog was considered a god of storm and wind.

The ancient Slavs ascribed to the will of their gods any natural phenomena and changes in nature. They tried in every way to propitiate them with various festivals and sacrifices. It is interesting that any person who wanted to make a sacrifice could do this. But in each tribe there was a magus-master or magician who knew how to cope with the changing will of the gods.

The ancient Slavs did not build temples and for a long time did not create images of the gods. Only later they began to make idols - roughly made wooden figures. With the adoption of Christianity, paganism and idolatry were gradually eradicated. Nevertheless, the religion of our ancestors has survived to this day in the form of people's signs and agricultural natural holidays.

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