
He blows from the plastic windows. Why it blows through plastic windows

It is believed that replacing the traditional wooden frame with a modern PVC profile immediately removes drafts from frost, freezing. However, after the onset of cold weather, many people start to notice something wrong: they blow from the plastic windows as before. Why is this happening? And most importantly, how to eliminate this deficiency?

Installation quality

The first thing that comes to mind is the negligence of the installers. Indeed, the unfairness of installers, who did not attend to a thorough fit of the frame, badly blurred joints or made other technological mistakes, very often causes subsequent heat loss. But sometimes we ourselves are trying to save by choosing a cheap, but poor-quality profile. Or we choose single-chamber glass, which does not cope with its task to keep warm in the conditions of Russian winters. And much depends on the hardware.


The reason that cold air blows from plastic windows is an unreliable fittings. It is she who is responsible for the inadequacy of the fitting of the leaflets during locking. Sometimes it's enough to replace poor-quality hardware, and the problem will be solved. Sometimes you do not need a replacement. Just need to adjust the existing system.

Now produce designs that are designed for two modes: winter and summer. The first variant is characterized by a more dense clamping of the leaflets. If your master has not explained to you all the features of the adjustment, you will have to deal with this issue yourself.

First of all, inspect the flaps along the perimeter. You will find round or oval elements, called "trunnions". These parts are just responsible for the pressure. The trunnions must be simultaneously moved to the maximum position, moving in a clockwise direction. The operation must be performed without closing the window. For the procedure, you will need a pair of pliers or a screwdriver (this really depends entirely on the type of hardware). Be sure to turn all pins. Otherwise, you will break the structure.

Some manufacturers have taken care of the automation of this process. Their fittings are equipped with a special roller, on which the ring is located. Rotating it, we easily change the modes from summer to winter and back. In the winter version, the handle starts to work tighter, the flaps are tighter, and the problem of what is blowing out of the plastic window disappears in no time.

We take care of the compaction

To exclude drafts, take care of a good seal for the profile in advance. Otherwise, low-quality rubber simply cracked with the onset of severe colds. Yes, and a good sealant may eventually become completely worthless.

Therefore, if you notice that it is blowing through plastic windows, immediately check the condition of the rubber cord. And if a defect is detected, change it immediately. This procedure is not complicated. With her, she can quite cope on her own. Or just call the master at home.

When choosing new gaskets, take a look at the commercially available silicone gaskets. They have excellent thermal insulation characteristics. And yet: before gluing a new gasket do not forget to thoroughly clean the profile of dirt.

The sealing quality is also affected by such a subtle design element as the glazing bead. It provides a tight fit of the glass to the profile. The stapiks are also subject to replacement. In addition to such a drastic measure, you can try to fill the gap between the frame and the double-glazed window with silicone. Or, to resort to an effective "grandmother" means - to glue the gaps with a dense tape.

Of all the slots

Why does it blow from plastic windows, even when both the sealant is in order, and the glazing is not bad, and the hardware closes the doors denser nowhere? In this situation, it is necessary to check whether drafts penetrate from the side of the slopes. The fact is that the space between the wall and the window structure, according to the technology, is foamed with a mounting foam. Special polyurethane composition by means of a pistol or a bottle with a tube is introduced into the gap, there it rapidly increases in volume and solidifies. Surplus then removed with a knife.

If you do not make enough foam, it leads to the formation of voids. And this is the direct reason for what is blowing from the plastic windows.

The mounting seam is not eternal. After five or eight years, the foam begins to slowly subside. There is a need to remove slopes, buy bottles with mounting foam and re-fill the gaps with the composition. After this, return the slopes to the site.

Blowing out from under the plastic windows

Under the windowsill, there are sometimes similar gaps. Again, this is either a consequence of saving the foam at the stage of installation of the structure, or simply wear. In any case, it is necessary to disassemble the window sill and restore the tightness.

As a preventive measure, it will not hurt to take additional measures to warm the space under the windowsill. Just buy the sealant and gently apply it on the seam between the PVC construction and the wall.

To ensure that the mounting foam does not deteriorate too quickly under the influence of humidity, it must be protected. With this, a silicone or vapor barrier film does a good job. They protect the wall from dampness and do not give fungi and mold to develop.

Check the loops

Sometimes you can find that blowing from the hinges of plastic windows. Why is this happening? In search of an answer, you will have to examine the outside of the frame. Look for extra holes. It is most likely that there will be technological gaps for fixing a mosquito net on the window. In winter they are not needed, so we close them until the summer.

We hope, now you have received necessary explanations concerning why it blows from plastic windows. And like any problem, this trouble is better to warn in advance. Selectively select a company to install PVC-structures, not less selectively select the profile, accessories. Follow the installation quality. Do not forget to inquire about the warranty service of windows. So it will be easier and cheaper to eliminate the detected defects. And still follow the rules for the operation of plastic window systems, monitor the condition of the sealant, timely eliminate any problems.

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