
Hair Colors - How to Keep Hair Healthy?

Modern women have a great opportunity to change their appearance as often as they wish. In this they are helped by modern cosmetics and, of course, a variety of hair colors. However, is such a change safe?

Attention! Danger!

If a girl wants to seriously change her appearance, she is ready to apply a full coloring. I would just like to remind you what harm hair colors do to their health. The fact is that this work of cosmetic science contains ammonia, deeply penetrating into the structure and destroying hair bulbs. On the hair there is an oxidation reaction, as a result of which the strands change their natural pigmentation. And the longer the staining process continues (which is necessary for radical changes), the greater the damage is done. Scales of hair after such aggression "stand on end" and die, leading to a complete or partial loss of natural color.

Problems can arise already just a few days after the first staining, manifesting in the most unpleasant way. Hair becomes dry, brittle and brittle, tangled, poorly combed and require frequent washing. Repeated procedure - and it is necessary, as the roots quickly begin to grow - can only aggravate the disease and lead to serious consequences.

However, not all colors are equally harmful. Some colors of hair dye bring more problems, some less. Making light curls of light shades can pass almost painlessly, whereas a complete change of color (from blonde to brunette or vice versa) can cause truly irreparable harm.

How to avoid trouble

It would be desirable, that strands for a long time after coloring kept health and attractive appearance? There are two ways out - apply the paint every week or use some means that are able to heal the hair and restore their beauty. Of course, the second option is preferable, since it is more harmful than chemical staining that the staining can be reusable. After the hair has acquired the desired color, they must be regularly washed with a shampoo and air conditioner of a special type, which neutralizes the effect of ammonia and restores their structure.

A good remedy may be masks for hair that have been dyed, moisturizing and nourishing the scalp and strands themselves. These agents work on the scales of hair, smooth them, help quickly absorb the pigments and cause growth.

After the staining procedure, in no case should you use the hot air dryer. If you need to dry your hair quickly - it's worth using warm air, or even better - cool. And ideally - let them dry naturally.

To strengthen hair that has undergone the process of repainting, some home remedies may come in handy. In the diet should necessarily include eggs - the source of the necessary for the health of curls of minerals, nutrients and vitamins, and also make of this product nourishing masks that stimulate hair growth.

Change without harm?

But nevertheless some shades of a paint for hair can not give - so some women declare. That the shade was beautiful and natural, it is necessary to try to spend painting by natural agents, for example, henna, or sparing preparations in which the ammonia is not contained. These methods will not give such a long effect as chemical hair dyes, but they will help to acquire a bright individuality without harming the health of the most important ornament of any beautiful female.

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