HealthDiseases and Conditions

How to cope with nephrotic syndrome?

Nephrotic syndrome is a condition that develops against a background of various systemic, purulent, infectious, urological and metabolic ailments. This pathology complicates the process of kidney disease in about 20% of cases. The syndrome most often occurs in adulthood, usually between thirty and forty Years of human life. Less often it occurs in childhood and in advanced people.

In the case of this disease, a classic set of symptoms is observed: the level of proteinuria is above 3.5 g / day, hypoproteinemia and albuminemia are less than 50 g / l, the amount of cholesterol is more than 6.5 mol / l, edema. When there are no first and second manifestations, the condition is called a reduced (incomplete) nephrotic syndrome.

Factors contributing to the development of pathology

By the method of origin, the nephrotic syndrome is divided into the primary syndrome, which complicates the course of the independent kidney disease, and the secondary one is the result of ailments that again involve the organs mentioned in the process. The first type of pathology is often observed with pyelonephritis, amyloidosis, in pregnant women, with hypernemia and some other ailments. A secondary nephrotic syndrome is pathology, which can be due to a variety of conditions. These include:

- rheumatic lesions and collagenoses;

- nodular periarteritis ;

- hemorrhagic vasculitis ;


- rheumatism;

- suppuration processes;

- diseases of the lymphatic system;

- parasitic and infectious ailments.

Nephrotic Syndrome: Diagnosis

Sometimes the pathology develops against the background of an allergic reaction to medications, poisoning with mercury vapor, insect bites or reptiles. Occasionally, the cause of the disease can not be identified (mainly in children), thus, an idiopathic form of the disease is identified.

The main ways to detect pathology are data obtained by clinical laboratory tests of urine, blood (general and biochemical analysis). Nephrotic syndrome can be determined by objective examination by a doctor. In this case, pearlescent, pale dry and cold to the touch patches of the skin, puncture in the tongue, bloating, swelling and enlarged liver size are revealed.


Treatment of nephrotic syndrome (in children including) is carried out only in a hospital under the strict supervision of a doctor. The main medical measures in this case - the restriction of fluid intake, salt-free diet, bed rest, use of medicines.

People suffering from nephrotic syndrome are prescribed such drugs as antibiotics and heparin, potassium and diuretics, antihistamines and cardiac substances, vitamins. In the case of an unexplained cause of the pathology, therapy with steroids (prednisolone) is recommended. This makes it possible to suppress the formation of antibodies and improve blood flow and filtration in the kidneys. In case of infection, antibiotics are prescribed. During the remission of the disease, treatment is prescribed in climatic specialty resorts.

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