
Guarding our health. Modern medicine for worms for humans

Currently, medicine has moved far ahead. Not one remedy for worms for humans has been developed. But meanwhile, cases of infection with these parasites are recorded annually. Especially often, helminthiases are detected in children. Therefore, the question of how to save your body from uninvited guests remains relevant.

What are helminthiases?

Helminths (or worms) are parasitic flat and round worms that settle in the human body. For the infected, this is dangerous because the parasite not only "takes away" important nutrients and minerals from its owner, but also destroys its tissues with the products of its vital activity. In severe cases, helminthiases can be the main cause of death. That is why it is so important to know which remedy for worms is the most effective and safe for humans. After all, according to world statistics, helminthic invasion is fixed in every 4 people. The most common among people are ascariasis and enterobiosis.

Treatment of helminthiases

Of course, the remedy for worms for humans is the best way to rid the body of parasites. But, unfortunately, none of the existing drugs can not protect a person from re-infection. Therefore, prevention plays a very important role in the treatment of helminthiases. This is primarily the observance of personal hygiene. Banal washing of hands and raw foods before meals, the use of only thermally processed meat can at times reduce the probability of infection with worms. It is also necessary to carefully choose places for recreation in the summer, eggs of helminths are very often found in biologically contaminated water bodies. Especially it is necessary to avoid small quarries and small rivers, where cattle come to the watering place. And this is practically all the reservoirs located near the villages. Bathe in them is not recommended. But this is a preventive measure. And what if the worms are already found in the body, or are there any symptoms indicative of this? First, the patients are almost always prescribed antiallergic drugs (claritin, suprastin). Secondly, at present there has been developed not one effective medicine for worms for humans. Therefore, you only need to choose the most suitable for the price and quality.

Effective preparations from helminths

Now in drugstores there is a set of means from worms. Therefore it is very difficult not to get confused in all these tablets. Perhaps, one of the most popular drugs is Albendazole. This effective remedy for worms has a wide range of action. It helps against most types of helminthic invasions. The drug acts not on the human body, but directly on the worm, inhibiting the work of its digestive system, blocking the synthesis of ATP. The action of this substance inevitably leads to the death of parasitic helminths. This remedy is also effective for polyinfusion. Another medicine for worms - "Pirantel", also affects parasitic helminths, causing them to have a neuromuscular blockade. This actively promotes the expulsion of them from the body. This drug is especially effective against ascarids and pinworms.

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