
Growth hormone

Hormones are active substances that regulate the work of our body, synthesized by the organs of internal secretion, which subsequently enter our bloodstream and have a significant effect on the metabolism of our body.

Human hormones are very important for all life processes, they affect literally everything: the rate of puberty, growth, sweating, mental activity, etc.

One of them - the growth hormone - was discovered by the English scientist Maurice Raben in 1956. It stands out throughout the life of a person, in adolescence, respectively, it is more than in old age.

In our body, growth hormone stimulates the production of a protein hormone called "somatomedine" in the liver, which in turn promotes the growth of muscle and bone tissue. And it does it cunning enough, switching the body to burning fat stores. As a result of burning fat , energy is released, which goes to the growth of muscles and bones.

Currently, growth hormone is mainly used to increase muscle mass. For athletes create a special course to improve the relief of muscles, which includes the use of growth hormone. Dosages of this hormone are made on the basis of scientific developments, which excludes harmful effects on the body. Practice shows that the course is effective and justified.

The growth hormone course is practiced by men and women after twenty years to increase the musculature. For younger people this course should not be used to avoid asymmetrical development of bones. At the same time, the total mass of a person increases insignificantly, because the increase in muscle mass occurs due to the burning of adipose tissue.

Recommended growth hormone preparations: "Intropin", "Ansomone", "Getropin", "Dynatrope", "Blue Tops" ("Blythops"), , "Neotropin" ("Neotropin") and others.

Thanks to this course, not only the growth of muscle mass occurs, but also the rejuvenation of the body, the elasticity of the skin increases, wrinkles are smoothed.

Do not use large doses of growth hormone, as this will not accelerate the result. The course is held individually for three to six months. A longer course is not recommended, because unwanted side effects can occur.

To effectively build muscle mass simultaneously with the course, it is recommended to use anabolic steroids, such as "Testosterone." But you need to consider: steroids can not be used for more than seven weeks.

When conducting a course aimed at fat burning, it is additionally recommended to use thyroxine preparations. Increase the normalized dose can not be, follow the recommendations to avoid side effects. To use preparations of a thyroxine more than one month it is not recommended.

Growth hormone is available only in the form of a powder. On the ampoule must be indicated its number.

It is necessary to dilute the hormone strictly dosage. To do this, take as a unit of reference 1 mg - 3 units. Injections are made as follows.

Cotton swab dipped in alcohol, wipe the ampoules with hormone and dilution liquid, open the ampoule. We take a syringe in three cubes with a needle to 1.5 mm, we collect the liquid for breeding. Its number does not play an important role. Then we inject it into the ampoule with the powder of the hormone. We inject the liquid slowly, slowly. Then mix the powder and the injected liquid. Ampoules do not shake, so slowly rotate it. As a result of mixing, a clear liquid should be obtained. Then you can do the injection in the dosage that is prescribed in the course. Keep the powder in the refrigerator. Bactericidal water as a dilution liquid can be stored for up to three weeks. Sterile water is stored up to five days. Be sure to wash your hands thoroughly with water and soap before the injection.

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