Health, Alternative Medicine
Grass from allergies to children. Collection of medicinal herbs from allergies
To date, allergies in children - a fairly common problem, which causes concern among parents. The increase in the number of allergenic children may be due to contaminated environment, the use of household chemicals, attempts by relatives to create a sterile living environment for the child.
If it was possible to determine the allergen by means of special tests, then the most effective treatment in this case is the exclusion of contacts with this substance.
Symptoms of the disease will help soften medications. The correct nutrition of the baby is very important. In addition, many experts recommend using medicinal herbs from allergies.
Types of allergies in children
In children under 2 years old, food allergy is most common for cow milk, egg white, fish, some vegetables and fruits.
Often cases of allergy to saliva, blood serum, epithelium, urine of animals that are carried by hair.
After eight years, reactions of plant pollen intolerance manifest themselves.
Allergy to medicines often causes penicillin and its derivatives. This kind of hypersensitivity to the substance is very dangerous, because the result can be anaphylactic shock.
Allergy to house dust arises as a reaction to the secretion of mites, which even the daily general cleaning does not relieve. It is also possible intolerance of insect bites, especially bees or wasps.
In some cases, there are pseudoallergic reactions that result from helminthic intoxication.
Allergy manifestations depend on its kind. Nutritional is manifested in the form of skin reactions, dust and pollen of plants cause respiratory problems.
In young children, signs can be minor, so you need to closely monitor the baby, especially when introducing new foods into the diet.
Caution should the appearance of rashes on the skin, itching, anxiety and poor sleep of the child. Urticaria, if left untreated, can go into allergic dermatitis or allergic eczema, in severe cases - in Quincke's edema. With herbal manifestations, grasses perfectly manage. Against allergies, many of them are very effective.
If a baby has a cold without signs of a cold, and it does not go away within 10 days, this is a sign of an allergic reaction. In this case, the child swells nasopharynx, he often sneezes. More serious respiratory reactions are allergic asthma or bronchitis, which can become chronic.
The most dangerous manifestation of allergy is anaphylactic shock. It develops rapidly. The child becomes difficult to breathe, pale skin, he loses consciousness. Medical care must be provided immediately.
The main principle of treatment is the elimination of the source of allergy. To do this, it is important to determine what causes the reaction of intolerance.
To determine the specific allergen, special tests are performed, after which the doctor prescribes the necessary medicines.
It is possible to use a non-drug treatment method. For this, over a period of several years, small doses of the allergen are introduced into the body, which results in a negative reaction to this product.
Herbal Treatment
In addition to modern means of allergy, folk methods of treatment are often used. Herbs from allergies for children should be used deliberately, after consulting a doctor, because this method has both advantages and disadvantages.
Treatment can be general and local. The herb from an allergy is selected strictly individually. Treatment should be started with very small doses. Grass is harvested in ecologically clean areas or purchased at a pharmacy.
It must be remembered that some medicinal herbs, as well as alcohol tinctures, are contraindicated for young children. In the treatment of babies for a year, only rubbing is used, and the use of any antiallergic agents is contraindicated.
What herbs from allergies are used in her therapy?
In the recipes most often used herbs that contain azulene - a substance that has anti-inflammatory, bacteriostatic and anti-allergic properties. Azulene is found in yarrow, camomile and wormwood.
Treatment of herbal allergies is effective in all reactions, from skin to respiratory.
Pharmacy Chamomile
Infusions, decoctions, compresses of chamomile are widely used in the treatment of cutaneous manifestations of allergies. To make a compress, you need chamomile flowers (three or four tablespoons) to pour boiling water and stir until a homogeneous mush. Then it should be laid out on a clean cloth, cool and apply to problem areas for half an hour.
To prepare the broth, one tablespoon of dry raw material is brewed with a glass of boiling water, wrapped with a towel and insisted for half an hour. Means take one tablespoon three to four times a day.
The decoction of this herb is an excellent antiallergic. To make it, you need dry grass (one tablespoon) to pour a glass of hot water and bring to a boil over low heat. After boiling, the dishes are removed from the fire, the product is insisted for an hour. Then the infusion should be filtered and taken two teaspoons three times a day.
This herb from allergies is used as a preventative. The turn is brewed like ordinary tea, it is used without dosage. It is necessary to pay attention to the color of the broth obtained - it should be golden. Muddy green water indicates that such a herb can not be used for treatment.
When diathesis, the child effectively uses a decoction of the turn for baths. To bathe the baby is preferably before bedtime three times a week. The duration of the procedure is 10-15 minutes. To get rid of the disease completely, fifteen such bathings will be needed.
Effective also lotions from the sequence. Dry grass is ground and brewed with steep boiling water. The broth is boiled in a water bath for several minutes, then the product must be slightly cooled and applied to the affected areas.
Mint infusion has calming and anti-allergic properties. To prepare the broth, take ten grams of dry grass, pour a glass of boiling water and insist for twenty minutes. The drug should be taken three times a day on a tablespoon.
This plant is used for skin manifestations of allergies. You can add a decoction (1 liter) when you bathe your child in water or use it as compresses.
In the treatment, the leaves of young nettles are used, which need to be washed thoroughly, finely chopped, folded into a liter jar, poured with boiled cold water. Insists the remedy for about ten hours. Nettle is well suited for cleansing blood, positively affects the work of the intestines, is useful for the nervous system.
Peony cultural
The plant helps to get rid of an allergic rhinitis. To prepare the medicine peel root peony is dried, pounded and taken for half an hour before meals. The child should take 1,5-2 st. L. in a day. To improve the taste of the medicine, you can add jam to it.
Mummy solution
Very effective. In one liter of water, dissolve 1 g of mummy, take half the glass, washing down with milk. Children dose reduced by half. To lubricate the rashes on the skin use a solution of mummy - one gram per hundred milliliters of water.
Ignaceous umbrella
A thousand-acres is a good tool for treating a food allergy in a child. A tablespoon of dry grass is poured into a glass of boiling water and insisted throughout the night. The medicine is given to the child before eating on a tablespoon. Treatment can be lengthy.
Willow branches
They are used for skin rashes in children. The infusion is prepared in the morning. In five liters of boiling water add 300 grams of willow branches. The agent is left until the evening to insist. Before bathing, the broth is heated. The effect is noticeable after only three procedures. Treatment should last for ten days.
Herbal baths
They help to soothe the itching of skin reactions. To prepare a decoction, you need a string, celandine, sage, valerian root, chamomile flowers. Take two tablespoons of each type of grass and mix. Received collection of herbs from allergies (5 items of l.) Pour 1 liter. Boiling water and insist half an hour. After this, the infusion is filtered and added to the bathing water.
In the acute stage of the disease, baths with chamomile help. To do this, two tablespoons of flowers fill 0.5 liters. Boiling water, insist half an hour and add to the bathing water.
The decoction of the oak bark has a positive effect. For its preparation, a hundred grams of bark is poured with a liter of water and insisted for six hours. Before bathing, the infusion is heated for 30 minutes on low heat, filtered and added to water.
Care should be taken when treating children. First, one herb should be used for allergies, not collection. Before you start using herbs for baths, you need to moisten the fleece in the prepared broth and apply it first to the healthy area of the baby's skin, then to the affected one. Herbs from allergies, after use of which the condition of the baby deteriorates or there is a reaction in a healthy area of the skin, can not be used. If there is no negative reaction, bathing will be beneficial.
To bathe the baby is necessary daily for 3-5 days. If the herb from the allergy does not have a positive effect, it must be replaced. Perhaps the improvement will come when using a decoction of several herbs.
Folk remedies are no less effective than medicines. But acute forms of allergies require immediate medical attention. Herbs from allergies are mainly used as an auxiliary method in the complex treatment of this disease.
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