EducationThe science

Geometric shapes, or What does geometry begin with?

Many people mistakenly believe that for the first time they meet geometric figures in high school. There they study their names, properties and formulas. But in fact, from the very childhood, any item that the child sees, feels, smells, or interacts with it in any other way, is precisely a geometric figure. The couch on which the newly born woman lies - a rectangle, a lamp, which gives the obstetricians a light - a round figure, window panes - squares. This list can be continued indefinitely.

Geometric figures, directly as an element of science, are first encountered for schoolchildren in middle classes. You can even say that geometry begins with them. However, as already mentioned above, the first interactions with them occur long before that. Take, for example, a point. It is the smallest figure in geometry. In addition, it is considered to be the basis of all the rest (as atoms in chemistry). All triangles, squares and other figures in any drawing consist of a set of points. They have certain properties, each of which is inherent only in one figure (no other can be endowed with them).

It can be assumed that all geometric figures consist directly of lines, but what is it? This is the set of points arranged in a row. They can be continued indefinitely, because the straight line does not end. If it is bounded from two sides, then it is usually called a segment. If there is only one restriction, then there is a ray in front of you. Consequently, all planar figures in geometry consist of segments, since the components have both an end and a beginning. It should be noted that the straight line, which was divided by a point, is two rays directed to opposite sides.

Geometry is not only made of plane elements, but there are also three-dimensional geometric figures. To study them at school they start later, closer to the end of their studies, but the person encounters them, again, much earlier. For example, when a child picks up a cube, he holds a cube in the palms of his hands. Or, if he looks at the dresser, then in front of him is a rectangular parallelepiped. All three-dimensional figures consist of planes (that is, it is an indefinite primary concept, as well as a straight line). The same parallelepiped consists of six such elements. You can visually see the plane by looking at the surface of any table. But this will be only part of it, since there are limitations. The plane itself is as infinite as the straight line.

Thus, there is no sphere where geometric figures are not encountered. Their names are different, they determine the properties and characteristics. For example, the formula of the area of a triangle is not suitable for a rectangle or a square.

It is advisable to introduce the child to geometric figures as early as preschool age. You can make them yourself, and then spread them different drawings on paper (if it's flat elements). However, do not give up on the three-dimensional figures. On the Internet, you can find many didactic games related to this. But you can not postpone acquaintance with them, because everything that we see - geometric shapes. Even a person consists of them!

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