
Mask with cognac for hair - a great way to restore hair elasticity and shine

Cognac is not only a noble drink, it is also useful for health, if you take it not only in traditional ways. It is extremely effective and with external use, for example, masks and lotions for the hair, the face, which contains cognac, improve the skin's metabolic processes, activate the protective functions of the human body, promote blood circulation, have rejuvenating properties and so on. Cognac hair mask is a great recipe for improving the hair of any woman who cares about her beauty.

A mask with cognac for hair promotes the improvement of hair growth, promotes their strengthening. After applying the mask hair becomes obedient, elastic, acquire a mirror shine. There are several recipes for such masks, the composition of which depends on the effect that is necessary. Classical hair mask: cognac, egg, some types of oils ... Let's look at a detailed example.

Mask with cognac for hair classical

You will need a chicken egg, 40 gr. Cognac, 20 gr. Castor oil, 40 g. Burdock oil, a couple drops of ginger essential oil and as many drops of essential oil of rosemary. Ingredients are gently mixed and applied over the entire length of the hair. We wrap our head in polyethylene film, then in a terry towel for heat. After 40 minutes, rinse thoroughly with shampoo and balm.

Mask with brandy for brittle and dry hair

You will need two chicken yolks, some cognac and 80 grams. Extra virgin olive oil. The components are thoroughly mixed, then applied to the roots, and then to all lengths to dry hair. After that, you need to comb your hair, wrap it in a bag or cap and wrap it with a towel. The mixture on the head is recommended to hold for about 40-50 minutes and rinse with shampoo. With regular use of this mask hair will become silky and thick.

Mask with cognac from hair loss

You will need 40 grams. Cognac, 40 gr. Castor oil and one chicken yolk. The ingredients are whipped into a foam whisk or fork, then applied to dry hair, for the entire length. It is recommended for best effect to wrap your head in a film and wrap it with a warm towel. The mask is washed off after 30 minutes in the usual way with the help of shampoo and balm. A mask can be done every other day if the hair falls out strongly. In addition, it perfectly helps to accelerate hair growth.

Mask with cognac for hair, for volume

You will need 70 grams of cognac and crushed oak bark (about one spoon). Bark fall asleep in a glass jar, fill it with cognac and close the lid tightly. The mixture must be infused in a cool place for at least six hours. Having sustained time, the infusion should be filtered and rubbed into the head for 30-40 minutes. The mask is easily washed off with chamomile infusion without the use of shampoo.

The amazing effect of cognac masks is very simple: the quality of cognac includes tannins, which successfully provoke the development of the hair follicle, saturating it with trace elements, and this, in turn, gives a boost to the growth of hair. In addition, cognac improves blood circulation, at the expense of this hair gets the necessary portion of oxygen and strengthens.

A mask with cognac for hair is a great and quick way to restore hair to its former elasticity and mirror shine, as if you are in the rays of soffits. Of course, this is quite an expensive way to strengthen hair, but still beauty requires sacrifice. It is better to buy a good cognac and use it a little in the right direction now, than in twenty years to spend thousands of rubles to go to the clinic for hair treatment. Be beautiful, do not skimp on your own appearance, especially when it comes to non-chemical hair masks.

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