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Gaidar, "Hot Stone": a summary, analysis and feedback

Arkady Petrovich Gaidar is a children's Soviet writer, he created many works. Among them are "Timur and his team", "RVS", "Chuk and Gek", "The Blue Cup". He wrote and wrote Arkady Gaidar "Hot Stone". The brief content will acquaint the reader with this work, main thoughts, reviews.

A little about the author

In fact, the name of the famous writer is Golikov, and Gaidar is a literary pseudonym. He was born on January 9, 1904 in Lgov, Kursk region, was killed in the Great Patriotic War, October 26, 1941.

By profession, Golikov was a military man. Already in incomplete 18 years he commanded the regiment, as early as 14 years he was admitted to the Communist Party. In 1922-24 he wrote his first novel, "In days of defeat and victories". Since 1935, he began to work in the newspaper Zvezda as a special correspondent. He traveled through the city, villages, met with different people, which helped him to create his works, including the "Hot Stone". Review of VI. Semenov, the editor of the children's magazine Murzilka, about reading this story by Arkady Petrovich was very positive. He said that he seemed not to read to him, but simply told an important case. Many were enthusiastic about this latest work of the writer.

The old man, who had a lot of grief

The story begins with the acquaintance of the reader with one of the main characters of the narrative - a lonely old man. He was a watchman - he monitored the safety of the collective farm. An elderly man is not local, but he came to the village long ago from somewhere far away, and so he stayed here.

People, looking at the new inhabitant, immediately realized that the person had suffered a lot of grief. His scar, speaking from his cheek across his lips, eloquently spoke of this. Because of him, the face of even a smiling person seemed stern and sad. Lameness, gray hair beyond his years, also spoke of the plight of a person. This is the senior hero, who invented AP. Gaidar. The "hot stone" (the short content of this work including) goes to the story of the second acting person - the boy Ivashka Kudryashkin.

Ivan penetrates into the collective farm garden

The young tomboy decided to secretly make his way into the kolkhoz garden to pick apples there. In those days there were not so many fruits as you can see now on the shelves of markets and shops. Moreover, apple trees growing on the plots of rural residents were taxed. There was almost no money for the peasants, therefore, in order not to pay taxes, very many felled fruit trees.

Therefore, on the one hand, the child can be understood. But penetration into the kolkhoz garden was equated with crime, and such an act could be deplorable not only for Ivan, but also for his parents.

Of course, this is not said in his work Gaidar, "Hot Stone" (a summary of this confirms) teaches high morality and the fact that someone else's and public can not be taken. In addition, A.P. Golikov. Was a convinced communist, from the age of fourteen he was a member of the party, and at that time the condemnation of the laws of this leading organ of the country would lead to a prison line or a capital punishment. Therefore, the taxation of fruit trees in a small story is not told.

So, the boy entered the garden to eat plenty of apples, but did not calculate - he fell on the bush of a prickly gooseberries and cried out in pain. At the noise came the watchman, who showed miracles of nobility. He did not take the boy to school to tell about his terrible deed, did not use nettles. The old man silently looked at the crying child, who tore his pants, scratched his hands. An elderly man took the boy by the hand and, leading him through the gate, let him go.

As Ivashka got to the swamp, an unexpected find

The boy was very ashamed, so he wandered, not dismantling the road, got into the forest, went to the swamp and lost his way. Ivan saw a rather large stone and decided to sit down on it to rest. Nestled on this hill is a boy - and he immediately jumped up. He thought that through his two pants he was stung by a bee. But there were no insects, the boy realized that the heat came from the stone.

That's the story Arkady Petrovich Gaidar came up with. The hot stone was not simple, but magical, this was quickly ascertained by the child. He jumped up and saw that there was an inscription on the block, but because of the dried clay it was impossible to read it, then he began to beat the dirt with the removed shoe.

He managed to read the inscription. She said that whoever can carry this stone to the mountain and break it there, will again become young. Below there was a seal.

Meditations of the boy

Ivashka realized that for him this great thing is of no value. After all, the child was just 8 years old, so he did not want to become younger. Moreover, then he will again have to stay in the first class for the second year, but he did not want to. From this passage it becomes clear that the student has not studied well. But, despite this, the fact that he could climb the kolkhoz garden, Vanya was still a kind boy. This can be understood by reading the relevant places and doing a plot analysis. Gaidar conceived the "hot stone" as an exponential and moralistic work. After all, kindness is needed in any era - in the forties of the last century or in our time.

The author also expresses the idea of the need to learn. This can be seen from the following episode. Kudryashkin thought that it was good if this stone allowed him, without teaching lessons, immediately jump from the first class to the third. It would be great, but even the most magical things can not.

Good returns

So, nothing came up, went to Vanya's way back. When he walked past the garden, he saw the old man. He walked with difficulty, often stopping and coughing. He was carrying lime and a brush, apparently, he wanted to whitewash the trees, but each step was difficult for him.

Seeing this, the child thought that this is a kind man - he did not whip him for misconduct with nettles, did not betray him. Therefore, the boy also decided to do good for him. That's what the story "Hot Stone" teaches - that good returns. Cheering, he went to the elderly man and told him about the magic stone. The old man, though harshly, thanked the child and said that he can not leave yet, because he is on duty, otherwise during the absence someone can come and clean the collective farm garden.

The watchman said that the boy would go to the stone, roll it up the mountain, and then he would come with something heavy and smash this block.

Gaidar "Hot Stone"

The summary goes to a significant point. The next morning, Ivashka took a sack from the house and thick mittens, so as not to burn himself on the stone, and set out on a journey. With difficulty, he rolled a stone out of the swamp and lay down on the dry grass to rest. At this time the boy thought how good it would be when the grandfather came, broke the stone and could live a happy life. After all, he probably did not see anything good, while Ivan himself was happy for his still short life as many as 3 times. Once a strange man drove him in a beautiful car when the student was late for school. Another time he caught a big pike with his hands in the ditch. And the third - when Uncle Mitrofan took him to the city, where he celebrated on May 1, during the Soviet times - one of the main holidays.

That's about such a simple boyish happiness told writer and military AP. Gaidar. The tale "Hot Stone" continues with the fact that Ivashka rolled the stone to the top of the mountain and waited for the old man. He did not come for a long time, he appeared only before sunset. The boy was surprised that he did not have a hammer in his hands, a scrap he could break a lump. To appreciate what you have, not to complain about fate, to live by conscience, that's what the story "Hot Stone" teaches. This is clear from the following narrative.

Happy life of an old man

The elderly man quickly brought clarity. On the child's question about why he did not bring anything heavy, the grandfather replied that he did not want to start life first. The boy was amazed, and the adult companion continued. Having stroked the child on the head, he told that he was not as miserable as it might seem, in fact he is the happiest. The old man talked about his limp.

It was a long time ago. A log hit him on the leg, but a trauma was obtained when he and his group of comrades dismantled the fences to build barricades out of them, which helped to rebel against the tsar.

His teeth were knocked out for singing revolutionary songs together with his comrades-in-arms. The scar remained from the sword, to which his face was cut while fighting the enemy white army.

Here is an interesting and instructive story written by AP. Gaidar.

"Hot Stone" - a reader's opinion about a fairy tale

Opinions about this work may be contradictory, but the fact that the story teaches compassion, goodness, not to take someone else's is unquestionable. Through the lips of an elderly man, the author expressed his wish that our country, albeit without it, be as great and mighty as possible!

The old man did not want to start a new life, since he lived this honest and clear. And the stone was left to lie, people passed by, but nobody used his magic power. So, everyone was happy with the life that they had, and did not want to start it again.

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