Computers, OS
Forgot password for Windows 7. What should I do?
Unfortunately, sometimes we come across a situation where the user forgot the Windows 7 password from his account. However, there are quite a few methods for recovering the password.
Many of them require the use of third-party software, but this can be time consuming and dangerous for the system. Third-party software, especially if it is taken from the Internet, can be infected with various viruses that can damage your computer. Cure such damage is almost impossible. The only way out of this unpleasant situation will be a complete reinstallation of the operating system, which means that all your files and documents will be lost and will not be recovered. That is why the simplest and safest for a personal computer method, in case a person forgot the password of Windows 7, is the use of a drive from which the operating system version was previously installed. To reset the password, you need to enter the command line using administrator rights.
How to get to the command line if you forgot the password of Windows 7?
First you need to boot from the disk. After setting the standard language settings, a menu appears with a choice of actions to install the system. Under it is the item "System Restore". We click on it. In case the user of Windows 7 forgot the password, in the new menu it is necessary to select the item "Command line". Using the command line, open the Registry Editor by entering regedit in it and confirming the selection with the enter key. Next, select the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE section and in the main line download the hive section from the "File" menu, selecting the desired item. In the next window, find the System file located in Windows / System32 / config, which is most often located on drive C. After finding the one you need, open it. The editor will suggest the name of the section, which can be arbitrary. Conditionally call it 123.
In the editor, you can see that HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE has a new partition with the name entered and several child sections. Next, select the Setup section, resulting in the right section parameters appear. Only two of them are needed. In the CmdLine parameter, enter the value of cmd.exe, confirming it with the OK button. In the second parameter with the name SetupType, you must change the value from zero to two, also confirming with the OK button. After the performed operations, you should again select section 123 and in the menu "File" - the item "Unload the bush". Now close the editor, take out the disk and reboot the computer. These actions tell the computer to start the command line after the reboot. That is, it is thanks to the work done that you can recover the password of Windows 7. Next, you should enter three commands in the strict order:
Net user "username / password" / add - creates a new account.
Net localgroup Administrators "user_name" / add - assignment of the "Administrator" status record.
Net localgroup Users "user_name" / delete - delete a record from among ordinary users.
It remains only to close the command line and log in with the new password in the desired account. Now it is clear what it is necessary to do if you forgot the password of Windows 7. But remember that when you select a new password, you need to make it so that you do not have to repeat this procedure later.
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