
Flax seeds. Application for various diseases

The curative properties of flax seed have been known since the time of Avicenna. As part of many recipes in one form or another there are flax seeds, the use of which is widespread in folk medicine. What is their strength?

Flax seeds. Healing properties

In the composition of flax seeds, 45% is flaxseed oil. It contains irreplaceable (not produced by the body) Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids, which are involved in fat metabolism and the construction of the membranes of all cells of the body.

The presence of mucus (up to 12%) makes it possible to treat stomach diseases. Slime, enveloping the esophagus, protects it from irritation. It is important that this action lasts a long time, neutralizing the increased secretion of gastric juice. In the large intestine swollen seeds facilitate the movement of its contents, effectively regulating the activity of the intestine. Proteins (23%) and carbohydrates (13%), a rich complex of micro- and macroelements contribute to strengthening the protective functions of the body.

The treatment of vessels (coronary and peripheral) in atherosclerosis occurs due to a decrease in fat and cholesterol in the blood by burning saturated fatty acids, forming cholesterol plaques, with unsaturated Omega fats. Avicenna believed that the flax seed had thinning, cleaning and softening properties, and used it in the treatment of a wet cough.

Flax seeds. Application

Atony of the intestine. Two - three times during the day, drink an infusion of 2 teaspoons of chopped seeds into a glass of boiling water. Adding honey or sweet jam will strengthen the effect of infusion.

Cystitis. Diseases of the urinary bladder. Cleansing the kidneys. Every two hours, take the same infusion of 100 ml.

Diabetes. Instead of seeds, oat straw is used in a mixture with blueberry leaves and empty bean pods. Chilled and filtered broth (3 tablespoons for 3 tablespoons water, 15 minutes to boil) is taken with a meal of half a cup. Over time, the feeling of dryness and thirst that usually accompany the disease disappears. With the disappearance of symptoms, you can gradually reduce the amount of drunk broth.

How useful are flax seeds for men and women? Application of their pregnant women improves the growth and development of the fetus. Nursing mothers can increase the amount of milk. Phytoestrogens (female sex hormones) weaken premenstrual syndrome, at an older age they help to relieve the discomfort of menopause. Men receiving flax seed can help with the treatment of alcohol and drug addiction, alleviate the condition of withdrawal from withdrawal syndrome.

Prophylaxis of cancer. Lignans and tocopherol contained in flaxseed have antioxidant and anticarcinogenic properties. Using antitumor effect, flax seeds for breast are used to suppress the growth of cancer cells in the mammary glands.

Excretion of radionuclides. Broth (a glass of seeds, filled with 2 liters of boiling water, languishing in a water bath for two hours) is taken before meals (half an hour) up to 7 times a day for half a glass.

Pain in the joints. A linen bag with mashed linseed seeds should be lowered into hot water for 10 minutes, attached to a sore spot and held until cooled.

Another important issue of interest to many, when talking about flax seeds, is their use for weight loss. Here are a couple of recipes that can help. A tablespoon (without a slide) of seeds, filled with two glasses of boiling water, insist during the night in a thermos. Take a decoction for half an hour before eating. The second recipe will help get rid of hunger. Add flaxseeds to a not very thick berry jelly, where they swell, forming a useful mass, and satisfy hunger.

Perhaps, without exaggeration, we can say that the use of recipes based on such a simple and affordable product will benefit any person.

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