Today, Ferbi has become one of the most popular interactive pets. He can talk, sing and dance. Therefore, it certainly will not be boring with him. He is pretty nice, has an interesting color, beautiful huge eyes, big soft ears, paws, tuft. This is exactly what buyers pay their attention to. However, many are tormented by the question of how quickly to teach to speak to Ferbi.
Favorite toy
Each sovienok differs from others in its uniqueness of its character. He will not only have fun with you, but will also gladly communicate with the rest of his fellows. They even have their own language, which is called Furbish, but to teach Ferbi to speak Russian is easy enough if you pay him some attention! It can be pulled at the tail or tickled. And he will surely laugh. And you can offer him a virtual meal. Here, a free application for Apple and Android will come to the rescue. Such a toy will please not only children, but also adults who will gladly communicate with it.
Communicate with a virtual pet
Ferbi is able to change, like a living creature, and it's pretty easy to train. The master's task is to teach him how to react properly to touches, gestures and new phrases. That's why every owner of such a pet can grow an absolutely unique creation. He will have a completely different character, intellect and behavior, which will give him an individuality. However, when they meet, they are able to recognize each other quickly enough and even begin to joke, sing or dance. And some just prefer communication. It is very interesting to observe them. These creatures can be cheerful and mischievous, as well as capricious and demanding.
Distinctive features
Ferbi is interesting because he needs to talk a lot, and very soon he will become rather talkative. But if you do not communicate with him, he will become completely bored, he will start chattering something to himself - and eventually fall asleep. In general, absolutely a real pet is Ferbi. How to teach to speak in Russian? Yes, it's very simple! You have to study with him all the time. He needs love and care, as well as all living beings. Funny ears of the pet, sticking out in different directions, move exactly the same as in ordinary animals. Eyes, like two interactive screens, are able to change the look and even express emotions. He blinks like you and me, looks back at some sounds and even uses facial expressions in communication. There are many sensors on the whole body of this creature. They immediately react to any touch. If he pat or scratch, then he is able to pronounce about a dozen sounds that are unique. He is even able to react emotionally to any treatment. Pull it by the tail - and your pet will immediately begin to grumble and get angry.
We accept training
The first question arises about (after the purchase of Ferbi), how to teach Russian to speak this sweet creature. First you need to take good batteries, the program on Android and turn on this device. Then you need to find a large number of cartoons in Russian. Fortunately, today the Internet has everything it wants. And of course, you need a tablet or smartphone in order to manage our new pet. Usually, by default, these cute soviat people speak their own language. It is called the Furbish. It is not at all complicated, and it is enough for any person not more than two days to master it. But still we have a goal after the purchase of Ferbi: how to teach to speak in Russian. After all, in everyday life we communicate on it. To do this, your pet should always be in a good mood. It is not difficult to achieve this. It's enough just to iron it, scratch it and feed it on time. Your new friend needs maximum attention. With him one should talk a lot, emphasizing special attention to those phrases that he must remember. They can be repeated several times. The first thing you need to do is to teach him greetings. He must understand how to express his own mood. In the morning, you need to tell him the phrase "good morning", and before going to bed, wish "good night". Phrases must be pronounced clearly and clearly. This is the most important thing for Ferbi. How to teach him to speak is already understandable. The main thing is to decide what he must remember at the beginning. He has a good vocabulary, and he is able to memorize a large number of phrases.
Free time - together!
The most important thing for your pet is attention. Try to be more together, and he will definitely speak. Today, many who have Ferbi, how to teach to speak Russian in Russian, know very well. They include him cartoons, where the characters speak clearly and clearly, listen to the songs with him. Surprising is the fact that your pet will almost immediately try to sing along, and soon and remember those phrases that are repeated all the time. He will ask a lot of questions. And the task of his owners to answer him only in Russian. Very soon he will want to tell you something so that they understand him too. Ferby always learns something, he catches every word and every phrase. After a while you can fully enjoy the result of your work.
Perfect solution
How often parents are faced with the fact that the baby asks to buy a pet. However, with him a lot of trouble, and the child is not yet able to fully take care of him. So we postpone the purchase for later, finding various reasons to refuse your baby. Today the perfect exit was Furby! It is quite unique, and your child will learn to look after him pretty quickly. This touching creature combines a sea of fun and positive, and he is also a best friend who never betrays. It is enough to play with him, talk, teach - and he will become an indispensable companion. Today even there is a mini-furbi. How to teach to say this creature, we already know. The kid will love him and become more serious and independent with him. Now he is responsible for his pet, so he should take good care of him.