Education, Secondary education and schools
Federal state educational standards. Federal component of the state educational standard
Federal state educational standards are a set of specific pedagogical norms. They are compulsory for execution by educational institutions. Next, we will analyze in more detail why federal state educational standards are needed.
General information
The requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard apply to virtually all pedagogical activity in Russia. Until 2009, these standards were applied to a slightly different name. It lacked the word "federal". State educational standards apply to educational institutions that have state accreditation. Until 2000, educational institutions had to comply with the standards for the minimum content of the level of graduate training for each level and specialization.
Historical reference
1 Federal state educational standards were adopted in 1992. This happened together with the publication of the relevant Law. Article 7 was entirely devoted to GEF. The federal state educational standard was initially adopted by the Supreme Soviet. In connection with the adoption in 1993 of the Constitution, this Regulation was abolished. The right to introduce the Federal State Educational Standard passed to the executive bodies. The Government of the Russian Federation determined the procedure under which these standards were to be adopted. It should be noted here that during the whole period of the right to adopt the standards the Supreme Council did not approve them. According to Eduard Dneprov, the draft amendments to the Law significantly threw him back - towards unitarism in pedagogy. They excluded such a notion as a "national-regional component". This trend can be traced in the main curriculum, approved in 1993. By 1996, the standardization of education had increased markedly. This caused some resistance from the pedagogical community. The indignation of the teaching staff was expressed at that time in the form of strikes and protests.
First editions
In 1992, as already mentioned above, a draft law was drafted. The federal component of the state educational standard in accordance with it included five elements:
- The amount of classroom load (the maximum permissible).
- Requirements for the basic content of basic educational programs.
- The presence of pedagogical goals at each stage of education.
- Requirements for the level of preparation of children ending different school levels.
- Standards on the conditions of the learning process.
Under the influence of adherents of the subject-methodological approach, this edition was subjected to deformation by deputies from the trade union committee from the Supreme Council. As a result, the Federal component of the state educational standard was reduced to a 3-component form:
- Required minimum for the content of the main curriculum used.
- The maximum permissible load of trainees.
- Requirements for the level of graduate training (in this case, they also meant graduating from primary school).
As a result, from Art. 7, the following issues were excluded:
- The target component.
- The requirements for the basic content of the basic curriculum used were replaced by the "minimum required" - the standard list of subject matters.
- The concept of the limit of the permissible load, which, in fact, does not equal the maximum.
- Requirements for the conditions of the learning process.
Standards of HE
The federal state educational standard of higher education is compulsory for use by almost all Russian universities. They include those who received state accreditation. According to the Federal Law "On Moscow State University and St. Petersburg State University" and the Federal Law "On Education", Moscow and St. Petersburg universities, as well as universities with the category "federal" or "national research" and other educational institutions, the list of which is approved by the Presidential Decree, have The right to develop and adopt educational standards independently on all levels of the HE. However, the established standards can not be lower than those already existing.
Federal state educational standards are designed to provide:
- Unity of the pedagogical space of the Russian Federation.
- Continuity of the main curricula for all levels of education.
- Spiritual and moral education and development.
The federal state educational standard determines the periods of passage of general and vocational education, taking into account their various forms, pedagogical methods and technologies, as well as the characteristics of certain categories of students.
Based on the standards that the Federal State Educational Standard contains, it is ensured:
- Organization of the educational process in institutions that implement the basic plan in accordance with the standards, regardless of their subordination and organizational and legal form.
- Planning of preliminary basic training programs.
- Development of educational subjects, literature, courses, as well as control and measuring material.
- Planning of standards on financial support of pedagogical activity of educational institutions. These include, in particular, those that implement the implementation of federal state educational standards.
- Control and supervision of compliance with the provisions of the Law.
- Carrying out of intermediate and final attestations.
- Building a system for internal monitoring of the quality of education in an educational institution.
- Organization of the activities of methodological groups.
- Certification of pedagogical staff and staff of the administrative and management system of municipal and state educational institutions.
- Organization of professional training and retraining, as well as professional development of specialists.
In accordance with the Federal Law dated December 1, 2007, each standard includes three types of requirements:
- To the results of mastering the basic training course.
- To the conditions under which the implementation of the basic curriculum, including financial, human resources, material and technical, etc., takes place.
- To the structure of the basic curriculum.
As a result, the VOs must form the professional and general cultural competences of the student .
The application of standards in the teaching process
The implementation of each Federal Standard by the educational institution should be carried out according to the basic educational program (PLO). It includes a calendar schedule, curriculum, working charts of subjects, disciplines, courses and other elements, as well as methodological and evaluation materials.
The federal state educational standard of 2004 was the first-generation standard for the general level of education. Subsequently, for each level of the educational process, their own standards were approved. So, for primary education (from 1 to 4 cells), they were adopted in 2009, for the main (5-9 cells.) - in 2010. The federal state educational standard of middle level (grades 10-11) was approved in 2012. The standards for the first stage of professional training were adopted in 2000. Standards of the 2nd generation were aimed at obtaining students' skills, knowledge and knowledge. They have been approved since 2005. The standards of the third generation are adopted from 2009. In accordance with them, higher education for students, as mentioned above, should develop professional and general cultural skills.
Standards of professional training
Until 2000 the state uniform standard of professional higher education was used. It was adopted by the Government Decree of 1994. This standard determined:
- The structure of professional higher education and the composition of documents about it.
- General standards for the student's workload and its scope.
- Basic rules for compiling a list of specialties (directions).
- Requirements for basic educational programs of professional higher education, as well as the conditions for their application.
- The procedure for planning and approval of standards for the level and minimum content of training graduates in accordance with specific specialties (directions).
- Rules for monitoring compliance with the requirements of the state standard for professional higher education.
For each specialty (direction of training), state requirements were taken with respect to the minimum content and level of training of students.
New Generation Standards
Since 2013, according to the Law regulating pedagogical activity in the Russian Federation, adopted in 2012, the standards corresponding to the present time must be approved. This provision extends to higher education curricula. In particular, this particularly applies to the training of scientific and pedagogical personnel. In addition, the federal state educational standard of preschool level is provided.
Development of standards
It can be carried out in accordance with the levels, professions, levels, areas of training, specialties. The standards of pedagogical activity can be replaced by new ones no less than every ten years. Federal educational standards for the general level are developed in accordance with the levels of the educational process, for the professional - in the specialties (areas). The formation of the latter takes into account the relevant provisions. The development of Federal educational standards is carried out taking into account the perspective and actual interests of society, the individual and the country as a whole, its defense and security. At the same time, the need to develop science, culture, technology and technology, the social sphere and the economy is taken into account. The development of the GEF is carried out in accordance with the procedure established by the relevant legislation of the Russian Federation. In particular, the work is carried out in accordance with the Regulations governing the execution of works and provision of services for municipal or state needs. Standards for professional higher education are developed by educational and methodological associations of universities in specific areas (specialties). The compiled projects are sent to the Ministry of Science and Education of the Russian Federation. It places them on the official website on the Internet for further discussion. Representatives of interested executive bodies, scientific and pedagogical communities, state-public groups functioning in the educational system and other associations take part in it. Further projects are independently evaluated.
Independent evaluation of draft standards is carried out within 14 days from the receipt. Examination is carried out:
- Institutes for public participation in the management of education, executive bodies in the subjects of the Russian Federation. They are evaluating draft standards for the overall link.
- Associations of employers and organizations that carry out their activities in the relevant economic sectors. These structures evaluate projects for the standards for higher, secondary and primary vocational education.
- Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation and other executive bodies, in which the law provides for military service. They carry out examination of the standards for a complete general, secondary vocational education in the area that deals with the preparation of citizens to stay in the ranks of the army.
In accordance with the results of an independent evaluation, a conclusion is drawn up. It is sent back to the Ministry of Science and Education. The expert opinion shall be signed by the head of the body or institution that carried out the assessment, or by a person authorized to do so. All projects, comments, as well as the results of the analysis are discussed by the Council of the Ministry. He decides to recommend them either to approval or to completion. Projects and other materials can be rejected. After that the Ministry of Science and Education makes its own decision with respect to one or another standard. The introduction of any changes is made in the same order as, in fact, the very adoption of regulations.
The new Federal State Educational Standard of 2014 came into force on January 1. The procedure for the adoption of regulations in general is regulated by the Rules for their development and approval. They, in turn, are adopted at the level of the Government of the Russian Federation. New standards apply today also to pre-school education. They are based on several main principles. So, the Federal State Educational Standard of 2014 is aimed at:
- Support diversity, preserve the value and uniqueness of childhood as one of the most important stages of human development.
- Humanistic, personality-developing character of the relationship between an adult (parent or legal representative, pedagogical worker or employee of another institution) and a child.
- Realization of the state program in forms acceptable for children of each specific age category, first of all in the form of play, research and cognitive activity, creative activity, etc., providing artistic and aesthetic development.
- Formation of respect for the child.
The objectives of this Federal Standard are as follows:
- Raising the social status of preschool education and upbringing.
- Ensuring equality of opportunity for all children in obtaining quality education.
- Preservation of the unity of the pedagogical space of the Russian Federation in this direction.
- Provision of state guarantees on the quality and level of pre-school education on the basis of the integrity of mandatory regulatory requirements for the conditions for implementing curricula, their structure, and the results of their development.
The new Federal standard is aimed at the following tasks:
- Strengthening and protecting the child's mental and physical health, his emotional well-being.
- Providing equal opportunities for adequate development in the preschool period, regardless of gender, place of residence, language, nation, social. Status, psychophysiological and other features (the presence of limited health opportunities, including).
- Unification of education and training in a single process, the course of which is carried out on the basis of socio-cultural, moral and spiritual values, accepted rules and norms of behavior in society.
- Formation of an enabling environment for the development of the child in accordance with his individual and age inclinations and abilities.
- Provision of psychological pedagogical support of the family, as well as raising awareness of parents or legal representatives in the field of health promotion, protection, education of children.
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