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Features and structure of philosophical knowledge (briefly)

In a global sense, philosophy is a concentrated knowledge of the world. But in its structure a separate area is distinguished - philosophical knowledge, which differs significantly from the ordinary one. The structure of philosophical knowledge, a brief description of which includes a list of the main sections of philosophy, is formed gradually, together with the process of specialization of comprehension of different areas of life.

The concept of philosophical knowledge

Historically, philosophy is the source of all knowledge. In pre-antique times, its structure included science, mathematics, poetics, ideas about the world. The thinkers of India, China, Egypt comprehended everything around, accumulated general knowledge about the world and did not separate into separate spheres, for example, astronomy or anatomy. Everything that did not belong to religion and art was a philosophy.

In the late ancient times specialization of information began to take shape, and philosophical knowledge, fundamentally different from the scientific one, was gradually emerging. The structure and specificity of philosophical knowledge can be briefly presented as a theory of knowledge of man, the world of things and the spirit world. Philosophy forms a complex of knowledge about objective reality, which does not depend on a person, but teaches him to build his behavior in accordance with the laws of the universe. The subject of philosophy, the structure of philosophical knowledge can be briefly called the word world-view. Its main task is the discovery of regularities in the existence of the world as a whole.

Features of philosophical knowledge

The specificity of philosophical knowledge lies in universality. It operates on concepts and categories and has a very high level of generalization. The structure of philosophical knowledge, briefly described, is a form of comprehension by a person of himself and reality around. Philosophical knowledge is knowledge of the whole world, unlike science, which accumulates information about a particular part of reality. Unlike religion, philosophy is built on logic, and unlike science, philosophical knowledge is based on inferences, and not on experiments.

The features and structure of philosophical knowledge can be briefly described as reflections on the real and the proper. Philosophy reflects not only about what is in reality, but also about how it should be. Philosophy often answers the global questions of being, tries to solve the abstract problems of all mankind as a whole. At the same time, philosophy uses logic and argumentation, so philosophical knowledge is verifiable and objective. This is not the fruit of the thinking of one subject, but a logical answer to the question. Another important feature of philosophical knowledge is its reflexivity. It is a person's view of himself from outside.

Structure of philosophical knowledge: a summary and description

Philosophy as a field of knowledge answers a number of main questions that determine the essence of human existence. Philosophical knowledge is divided into various functional aspects in accordance with the main aspects of the comprehension of reality. They are the components of knowledge of the world. At the same time, the structure of philosophical knowledge and the function of philosophy are closely interrelated. It is the functions that underlie the stratification of philosophical knowledge.

In an effort to present an all-encompassing, universal knowledge of the world, philosophy performs such functions as: worldview, cognitive, value-oriented, critical, communicative, integrating, prognostic, educational, and some others. Each function heads a special section in philosophy and is an element of the structure of philosophical knowledge.

In the most general form, the structure of philosophical knowledge, the main sections of philosophy can be represented as equal parts of the whole, among which are: ontology, axiology, anthropology, gnoseology, praxeology, ethics and logic. Thus, the structure of philosophical knowledge (sections of philosophy) covers all areas of scientists' thinking about the essence and purpose of being, and also about the place of man in this world.

Ontology in the structure of philosophical knowledge

The main and first part of philosophy is ontology. The structure of philosophical knowledge can be briefly called precisely the science of existence. Philosophy answers questions about how the world works, where it came from, what time, space, in what forms existence exists. Ontology comprehends everything that exists, it stands above all the sciences of the world, since it gives ultimately universal answers to global questions. Ontology as a part of philosophical knowledge arises one of the first in an attempt to understand and comprehend the surrounding world. Ontology considers reality in the fullness of its incarnations: ideal, material, objective, subjective, and seeks general patterns of the emergence and development of the world.

Axiology in the structure of philosophical knowledge

Another important function of philosophy is the orientation of man in the world of values, the alignment of the hierarchy of phenomena and objects of reality. The structure of philosophical knowledge, briefly presented, includes information on the basic values of mankind. Axiology helps to understand the significance of phenomena and objects, performs an orienting function. The value theory comprehends the significance of spiritual and material phenomena in human life, it represents thinking about universal, universal values and a set of subjective values of individual social, ethnic and demographic communities. The axiological component in the structure of philosophy is designed to help the subject build a hierarchy of values and realize the degree of proximity of his current state to the ideal.

Gnoseology in the structure of philosophical knowledge

Cognition is an important part of human life and, in particular, philosophy. The structure of philosophical knowledge, briefly described as an aggregate of information about the world, includes such a significant component as epistemology. The theory of knowledge first of all answers the question of the possibility of knowing the world and its essence by man. So there are currents that, on the one hand, assert that the world is intelligible, while the latter, on the contrary, assert that the human mind is too limited and can not comprehend the laws of the universe. In addition, epistemology comprehends such problems as the features of the subject and the object of cognition, studies the structure of the process of cognition and its types, discusses the boundaries of cognition, the methods of obtaining knowledge, and what truth is.

Logic in the structure of philosophical knowledge

The structure and specificity of philosophical knowledge, briefly defined as a set of methods for obtaining knowledge, is based on logic. This section of philosophy formulates laws and methods for obtaining knowledge, evidence. In fact, logic dictates the norms of thinking, it controls the process of obtaining reliable knowledge. It helps a person to find the way to achieve the truth, and the methods used must lead different people in the course of cognition to the same results. This allows us to speak about the verifiability and objectivity of knowledge. The laws of logic are universal and applicable to any science, this is the philosophical significance of logic.

Praxiology in the structure of philosophical knowledge

The structure of philosophical knowledge briefly describes various aspects of human existence. An important component in this are philosophical reflections on human activities, this section is called praxeology. The main questions to which this part of philosophy seeks answers is what is human activity, what is the significance of labor and practical skills in a person's life, how activity affects human development. The subject and structure of philosophical knowledge briefly represent the characteristics of the methods of achieving human results in practice.

Ethics and philosophical knowledge

The place of ethics in the structure of philosophical knowledge can be briefly described as the regulation of human behavior. Ethics is the normative part of philosophy that seeks answers to questions about what is good and evil, what are the universal laws of morality, what virtue is and how to achieve it. Ethics formulates universal moral laws in the form of ideas about what is due. It dictates to a person certain standards and norms of behavior that will help him move towards the ideal. Ethics explores the nature and norms of morality, helps a person to rise above his biological essence and find a way to spiritual existence.

Anthropology in the structure of philosophical knowledge

The structure and functions of philosophical knowledge can briefly be defined as reflections on the origin and development of mankind. This sphere of human knowledge comprehends the nature and essence of man as a representative of a biological species, she reflects on the degree of spirituality and sociality of a person, and, most importantly, she reflects on the meaning of a person's life, on how he lends itself to verbalization and what role he plays in life and development Rights. The main range of problems, comprehended by philosophical anthropology, includes reflection on the essence and existence of man, reflections on the connection of man with the universe, the possibility of development and improvement of mankind.

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