BeautySkin care

Face mask gold: review, application features, reviews and performance

Rejuvenation is the eternal concern of women. Since ancient times, they, and men, too, are concerned about their appearance, changing under the influence of time. Mask for the face of gold - this is not just a beautiful name and not successfully promoted brand. This is an excellent tool for skin care, which will help her not to grow old and even rejuvenate. Its effectiveness attracts the attention of a wide variety of consumers and producers.

A brief overview of the varieties of facial masks with biogold

Face mask with gold invariably contains collagen as an integral component. In the rest they differ in their composition, consistency and methods of use.

A mask for a golden face can contain bee or snake venom, which, according to cosmetologists, have a very beneficial effect on the skin, working towards its recovery and rejuvenation. And also the composition can include polypeptides, hyaluronic acid, plant extracts, starch, snail extract, clay and other deeply penetrating, moisturizing, nourishing, cleansing and disinfecting components. So, the golden collagen face mask can be gel, fabric, powder, in the form of foil or viscous viscous mass. In addition, among them there are both those that are used during the day, and those that are used at night, during sleep.

Application Features

The variety of collagen masks with biogold is quite large. And it is only natural that their application is also different. The common thing is that they need to be applied on a clean face. There are masks that do not require additional efforts to prepare for use. These include fabric, gel, gold foil and gel-like. But the powder must first be diluted with water. The beauty of these masks is that you can add components to them, such as honey. And they can be diluted not only with water, but with milk or some herbal decoction. In addition, they are much cheaper in price, and their effectiveness is high.

It should be noted that gel, fabric and mask of foil are easily removed from the face, without requiring any additional action. A powder should be carefully washed off. In special attention needs a face mask for gold in the form of viscous and viscous mass. It is usually packed in a tube, which is the most convenient solution in this case. Its effectiveness is unquestionably very high, but we need to talk more about use.

First, the contents of the tube must be squeezed out in small parts, as it quickly solidifies and, squeezing out a large amount, it will be difficult to distribute evenly. Secondly, apply it with a cosmetic spatula or in special gloves. Otherwise, the remnants of the mask will surely dry up on your hands. But it's okay, everything is then easily removed. Thirdly, after the required time (from 20 to 40 minutes), the mask will need to be removed. It's to take off! Do not try to wash it off with water - it's almost impossible. Just hook the edges with your fingers and slowly, carefully remove it. Try to remove the whole layer. There will not be a very pleasant feeling of light peeling. But the result is worth it: deep-cleansed, fresh, elastic, tightened and flattened skin.

Fourthly, carefully examine the face, neck, eyebrows, especially the places where the edges of the mask were. After discovering its remnants, remove them, so as not to spoil the impression of the effect.

About masks used during sleep

This is a great way to cheer yourself up for the whole day, seeing in the mirror in the morning not a rumpled and swollen face, but a well-groomed, young woman with a beautiful, tight and fresh skin. Usually, this mask looks like a gel in consistency. We put it on cleansed skin. We wait about ten minutes, until it dries. And that's all. We lay down to sleep. Masks used at night, do not stain the pillow, do not fall off, and in general, they are completely invisible on the face. And if, for example, your husband does not know that you go to sleep in a mask, then he is guaranteed this and does not find out. In the morning, wash well and proceed to subsequent cosmetic procedures.

Efficiency of using a golden mask

The quick effect of using a face mask with gold is striking. Customer feedback proves this. So, after the first use, women are observed wrinkle smoothing, including deep, elasticity and tightness. There is a feeling that the face was exposed to Botox. The swelling is gone, and the color is leveled.

Of course, the first application will not lead to a permanent effect. And soon again, wrinkles will appear on your face, but not as deep as before. And the skin almost to the end of the day will remain more elastic and tightened. But if the mask for the face of gold will be used regularly, several times a week, for a fairly short time the effect will begin to be fixed and become longer. And he, of course, will begin to notice others. This is no magic, and a woman older than sixty can not be turned into a girl of twenty. But a couple of decades you will unequivocally drop.

Secrets of the effectiveness of the golden mask for the face

The secret is that gold is not only a precious metal, the refinement and beauty of which has been recognized all over the world for a long time. It is successfully applied in various fields, including cosmetology. Experts have determined that when gold contacts 24 k with the dermis, it releases the negatively charged ions, while strengthening the influx of oxygen to the cells. Ions activate the flow of blood, restoring energy reserves. This stimulation stimulates the regeneration of cells, which means renewal and rejuvenation.

First, these masks contain in their composition some more valuable components, which beauticians attach great importance to, as substances necessary for maintaining the skin in perfect condition. It is generally accepted to include collagen in their composition as one of the most important components of the skin, under the influence of which it acquires elasticity, elasticity and freshness. Accordingly, with a deficiency of collagen, we observe its flabbiness and dryness, which is a sign of aging and the root cause of the appearance of wrinkles. Given that with age, the production of collagen is significantly reduced, the skin needs to be saturated from the outside.

Secondly, a huge role is played directly by the biogas. Under the influence of its ions, the dermis is released from toxins and disinfected. The result - the freshness of the face, the alignment of color and no inflammatory foci. Gold ions of 24 k are active conductors that improve the penetration of useful substances, deeply saturate the layers of the dermis and epidermis, stimulating the necessary biochemical processes. Due to this, the efficiency of the procedure is significantly increased.

Reviews of masks with gold

It is thanks to the responses of good consumers that people can be guided by what they choose from the mass of goods. Very often this way a person not only learns about the quality of the goods, but also picks up the one that corresponds to his individual tastes and needs. You can be sure, you will be pleased with your speed and efficiency of the golden mask for the face. The feedback received from the mass of people who used it, suggests a significant superiority of this product over many other rejuvenating agents.

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