
Hydrocompensators "Niva Chevrolet": photo, device, repair, replacement by own hands

The first hydraulic compensators appeared in Russia in 1989. At that time, they acquired the prevalence in the modernization of the engines "Zhiguli". Modern hydrocompensators "Niva Chevrolet", the photos of which are presented below, appeared as a result of making many changes and improving the design.


When using such a device, plunger pairs are installed in the head of the unit, which replace the screws that regulate the valve clearances. The oil passes to them through additional hoses, so that the lever is pressed against the cam of the distribution system. This allows you to forget about regular checking and adjusting the valve clearances.

The device of Niva Chevrolet hydraulic compensator and other brands ensures correct passage of the gas distribution phases, due to which the period of operation of the structural parts considerably increases and the noise produced decreases. The impact of shock loads, fuel consumption and the amount of toxic elements in the exhaust are also reduced.

Structural Complexities

Despite the extensive list of positive aspects, there were some shortcomings that arise in the process of conveyor assembly. First of all, it should be noted that the Niva Chevrolet hydraulic compensators during the installation require special care and long-term adjustment, it takes much longer than can be given during the factory installation.

Compliance with all the subtleties of the process is also rarely noted at the service stations, as it is not economically viable. Another difficulty is that after removing the head, the unit is dismantled, because its reassembly with old gaskets is not possible, it becomes necessary to purchase a new set of gaskets.


In part, the design of this element began to undergo modifications due to the difficulties associated with the installation. In the beginning, a plunger pair was created , characterized by the absence of oil supply, since it was supplied from the space under the head cover. Such hydraulic compensators "Niva Chevrolet" differed by easier installation in comparison with its predecessor. But they did not get spread because of their resemblance to shock absorbers, which was especially noticeable at high revs.

Later, the elements carrying out the introduction of an oil liquid were modernized. They replaced the ramp, which is mounted much faster than the old design, which has an addition in the form of a set of o-rings. The latter are absent in the ramp, as the connecting parts are the plates made of heat-resistant plastic, from which the nozzles are made. Such an improvement ensured the possibility of multiple disassembly and assembly, while doing all the work does not take much time and effort.

When to repair

Hydrocompensators "Niva Chevrolet" are self-regulating and are in the valve valve system. This property is provided by levers, the force from which is transferred to the valves. Also, due to them, there are no gaps that can often appear in the drive.

The gas distributing device, in the presence of a malfunction, produces a characteristic tapping, which makes it possible to determine the necessity of repair. Repair of hydraulic compensators "Chevrolet Niva" is carried out in the event of noise or other shortcomings. It is worth noting that the replacement work does not require removing the cylinder block from the unit itself. To begin with, it is necessary to prepare tools for sequential removal of elements and their reassembly.

Because of what there is a noise

Occurrence of extraneous noise is possible for various reasons. In some cases, knocking is only heard when the engine is warm. Special attention is required for noise, which does not disappear after reaching the required temperature level and when switching to different modes of operation. Untimely replacement of hydraulic compensators "Niva Chevrolet" with its own hands can lead to serious breakdowns and engine failure.

For many car owners, this task may seem difficult, so if you have any doubts about the correct execution of the work, you should contact the specialists. But if there is a need for an independent replacement, in addition to the CC themselves, you need to purchase a set of keys. It is undesirable to buy Chinese goods of questionable quality, their low cost is the only advantage.

Repair "Niva Chevrolet"

Tapping the hydraulic compensators requires replacing the part. To begin with, the cover that closes the head of the unit is removed. At the same time, it is necessary to pay attention to the hydraulic legs and check their condition. For this, the plunger supports should be attempted to drown by alternately pressing the valve actuating levers. If everything is in order, the plungers will be more resistant to pressing.

The presence of malfunctions is characterized by easy maintenance of the plunger down. Then the crankshaft rotates in such a way that the marks located on the bearing structure and the camshaft are aligned. In this case, the plunger of the tensioner is pressed using a conventional screwdriver or steel rod. A mounting bolt is removed from the camshaft sprocket, and the plunger must be in such a position that it can be removed without detaching it from the chain.

What you need to pay attention to

Particular attention must be paid to connecting the sprocket of the pump drive and the chain, they must not be disconnected. The engine is mounted on the engine together with the chain and the fasteners on the camshaft bearing housing are also twisted, which also holds the union of the part that leads the oil to the hydraulic supports. Pipeline is diverted to the side after removal of the union. Extremely careful move elements located in the rubber rings of the racks. On the bearing housing there are other nuts that must also be removed together with the flat washers located under them.

After dismantling the camshaft and the bearings, the parts from the stud bolts are taken out, the hydrodrive is unscrewed, the lever of the valve drive is removed. This will make it easier to extract the item. It is not advisable to scroll the camshaft after removing the housing, as this will complicate the subsequent reassembly and assembly.

Before installing the hydraulic compensators "Niva Chevrolet", it is necessary to remove the oil collected in the cylinder block holes. If you do not pump it out, the operation of the valve drive will be wrong, and the element does not turn out to be completely screwed. After assembly, all the parts removed earlier are assembled.

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