Health, Healthy Eating
Everyone wants to know: how many calories per day
The modern world is very worried about excess weight. Especially loud about all this, the Americans say. In fact, for a while it seemed that the nation was facing an epidemic of obesity. Guilty of everything, of course, considered fast food, beer and the wrong way of life.
Today, one of the solutions to the problem of excess weight is rightly considered a system of proper nutrition.
Therefore, American restaurants took note of the request of their visitors and began to indicate the number of calories of each dish in their menu. And it's already a personal affair of the visitor, how many calories a day he needs to eat.
Calculating the daily calorie rate for an adult
Calories are the units of measurement necessary to establish the rate of energy consumption per day.
The norm of a kilocalorie a day excites people of different ages and weight categories.
So, for each age, sex, weight, growth there are norms. They will be individual in each case. In no case should not talk about some common norms and proportions. The fact is that for each living organism it takes its own amount of calories. In addition, consumed foods should be intended for a healthy diet. If there are any problems in the body, all diets and calculations can be prescribed only by a nutritionist or a doctor.
Usually, excess weight is considered problematic . Most often it is for him to calculate the calorie intake per day.
Do not forget (albeit not in such a large number) about people with underweight. The fact is that the correct calculation can be useful to them. The difference is that the necessary caloric intake per day will increase, not decrease.
There is a very simple way of counting.
For calculation it is necessary to know the weight (for example, 85 kg).
This parameter is multiplied by 28.
85х28 = 2380 is the daily norm.
If this is the desired weight, then the food can be left on reaching this amount.
If the weight desired is 65 kg, you can calculate the required amount for it and feed on that amount.
So, 65x28 = 1820 - this will be your daily calorie rate per day.
It must be remembered that this principle of counting does not fit elderly people, patients and children. For the first two categories, work on reducing excess weight is only possible with a dietitian or a doctor. Children have their own norms.
Calculation of daily calories for children
Children are the most precious thing their parents have. Everyone cares about them the way they think is right. But in matters of nutrition that affect the child's further health, it is worthwhile to know the facts.
Calorie table for children:
6 months - 1 year - 800 kcal;
1-3 years - 1300-1500 kcal;
3 years - 6 years - 1800-2000 kcal;
6-10 years - 2000-2400 calories;
10-13 years - 2900 kcal.
Children's nutritionists recommend receiving calories for a child from the following foods: meat, vegetables, fish, cereals.
Sweet and flour products, as a rule, are very high-calorie, therefore the use of these products is a sufficient norm for obtaining calories, but insufficient for feeding the growing organism. Therefore, when calculating the nutrition of the children's menu, parents should first of all think about the benefits of consumed foods.
Undoubtedly, children are part of humanity, capable of burning a large amount of calories consumed. This category of people leads the most active way of life.
But here you can count everything:
- Calm video games -22 calories / hour;
- Mobile video games - 150 calories per hour;
- Cycling - 118-172 calories / hour;
- Riding on skateboard - 74-108 calories / hour;
- Ballet - 100 calories per hour;
- Sleep - 13-19 calories / hour;
- Watching TV - 15-22 calories / hour;
- Homework - 20 calories / 15 minutes;
- Laughter -10-40 calories / 15 minutes;
- etc.
General rules.
Of course, there are general rules for counting.
- Men need more calories than women.
- For every 10 years of age, the required number of calories is reduced by 2%.
- High people need more calories than low calories.
- The average (accepted in the world) is 20 calories per 1 kg of weight.
- Proper nutrition can produce the desired results only in combination with the right lifestyle.
The norm of calories per day can be established by each person independently (for himself personally). The main thing is not to forget about health.
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