
Estelle wash: how to use

Most women can be boldly divided into two categories. First of all, these are those who have never dyed their hair and do not plan to do it in the future. However, it is not necessary to renounce, the fair sex representatives from this category can always go to the second. It is known that it is worth experimenting with the hair color at least once, and want to do it again. In the second large group, respectively, are those who make the staining quite often - at least once a month.

Not all changes associated with hair are successful, even when staining with a specialist. Of course, going to the salon to a proven master significantly reduces the risk of failure, but still does not guarantee a 100% result. So problems can arise in women who paint often and love to change colors, especially if they use paints of different manufacturers or even the first one they liked in the store. There are so many different pigments accumulating in their hair that it is almost impossible to predict how they behave when staining.

There is always a risk that after the procedure, some undesirable, unexpected shade will manifest itself. But contrary to the widespread misconception of failure when staining can occur in a person who has never before painted. In this case, the cause should be sought in the structure of the hair. Some natural pigments significantly complicate the task. Hair can take on paint badly if they are too porous or have a strong basic shade. Also, problems will arise if a person decides to raise the hair color to several tones, for example, repaint from dark to light.

As a result, we get the whole gamut of unwanted shades: yellow, red, blue, orange and even green. No woman will want to wait when the hair grows, and will not walk until then with an incomprehensible color. Therefore, we are looking for ways to get rid of the consequences of an unsuccessful coloration as soon as possible. Fortunately, the means for this exist long ago. Almost all salons should have different corrective paints and compositions as well as special washings. You can buy these funds yourself - in a specialized store.

Hair wash "Estelle"

From the companies represented in the modern market, it is worth paying attention to Estel. Democratic at a price, this cosmetics is the most sparing and yet effective. Among other things, the company produces a wash "Estelle Color Off". Its great advantage is that the harm done to the hair will be minimal (if compared with similar means from other manufacturers). This tool refers to bezammiachnym, which also speaks in his favor.

When using the smelting "Estelle" does not affect the natural pigment of hair, which is still left. But be prepared that the original shade will not return to full measure, because every coloring or discoloration washed away a part of the pigment from your hair. Nevertheless, the structure remains untouched, which means that the head of hair will remain as soft, shiny and healthy as it should be.

Washing Estel: instructions

It is best to do the washing in the salon, as this is a very serious operation with the hair. But not everyone has such an opportunity. Estel products are not difficult to use, so you can try everything yourself. So, what is the procedure for? To begin with, it is necessary to prepare the composition with which we are going to work. Let's take a plastic bowl. You can replace glass, but (!) By no means iron, otherwise the undesirable chemical process will go.

Next, we mix the required amount (based on the hair length) of the reducing agent and the catalyst. This is the first and second bottles (they are both signed, so there should not be problems). The ratio should be one to one. The resulting composition is applied to the hair, after which it is necessary to wait 20 minutes. Then the hair should be thoroughly rinsed with running hot water. From the first time to achieve the desired effect will not succeed, but do not be scared. Washing "Estel" is designed for use in several stages.

To check the effect, you need to select a strand in an inconspicuous place and apply a neutralizing composition to it. Then wait about five minutes, rinse it with water. If the old color returns, then you need to do the wash again. And so on until you achieve the result. But it is recommended not to wash hair for more than three to four times. Therefore, if the desired shade is not obtained, it is better to repeat the procedure in a few days. And for this time to spend treatment by masks and balms for the damaged hair.

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