
The healing properties of the viburnum

Long ago the viburnum served a man: it was used in everyday life, and as a gadi on the swamp, and gave food, and, of course, medicine.

In modern medicine, the bark, fruits and flowers of the plant are applied. The medicinal properties of Kalina are widely used in obstetric practice. Galenic preparations made from its bark in the form of a liquid extract, or a decoction from it, are used in uterine bleeding. The effect is already on the second-third day.

Healing properties of the Kalina act as an anti-inflammatory and strong hemostatic agent, which makes it possible to use medicines from the bark of the bush with hemorrhoids, diseases of the intestine and stomach.

Decoction from it well lowers the pressure, acts as soothing in epilepsy, hysteria, neurasthenia.

The juice of the viburnum also acts hypotensively, as well as a diuretic and tonifying. The fruits of this plant, thanks to diuretic properties, help with edema of renal and cardiac etymology. They are recommended for patients who are on the mend, as well as for liver diseases, colitis, gastritis.

The healing properties of the viburnum were noted and folk medicine. The juice of her fruit lowers blood pressure, drinking with diabetes. It is used as a means to prevent the development of malignant tumors.

In a warm form, the viburnum juice is used for hoarseness, coughing, colds and bronchial asthma. With frequent attacks of cough, it is useful to eat 5-10 fresh ripe berries.

Frozen fruits, left on the bushes, have laxative properties, remove the headache. The fresh berries of the Kalina are bitter, so they are more pleasant to eat with sugar. Using a spoonful of mashed berries before meals, you can help yourself with constipation, stomach ulcer, hypertension and colitis, inflammation of the kidneys and pulmonary tuberculosis.

The compote, made from the fruits of the viburnum along with twigs and leaves, is popular among the people all day as a tea for the treatment of uterine fibroids. You need to take up to a month.

Also from berries prepare infusion, which treat the heart and stomach, diseases caused by metabolic disorders (purulent skin lesions, carbuncles, furuncles, eczema). In the mashed form they are applied to the wounds. Acne on the face is useful to lubricate the fruit juice. Even better - moisten them with a napkin and apply to the skin for 10 minutes in the morning and evening. Attention: with a dry skin of the face, the procedure is undesirable! Frequent washing of the face with infusion or fruit juice results in its purification, gives it freshness and velvety. You can mix equally the berries with egg whites or any cream and make masks for thirty minutes.

The healing properties of the viburnum spread to its flowers. Water infusion is taken with cancer, pulmonary tuberculosis, cough, cold, sclerosis, liver disease. Children who suffer from diathesis, eczema, bathe in the decoction of flowers of the viburnum. Treats viburnum and scrofula. Children bathe in the decoction of young shoots of the bush - this is a proven tool for centuries.

Even with carbon monoxide poisoning, they escaped before the Kalina. Her fruit was given to chew the injured and laid the berries in the ears.

Curative properties of viburnum have been successfully used even in veterinary medicine: its bark and flowers were treated with FMD for large horned cattle.

In addition, due to the above-mentioned properties, bush fruits belong to dietary products. Drinks from it are refreshing and refreshing. The basis for most dishes from the viburnum, known to the culinary experts, is its juice. Adding it, you can immediately prepare a mors, jelly, syrup or compote. And you can and prepare the juice of the viburnum for future use. And it is well kept for a long time without pasteurization and sugar. It is enough to squeeze it through a juicer, pour into bottles or other clean containers of glass and put in the refrigerator.

Brushes of the viburnum, collected in late autumn and evenly interspersed with sugar, do not spoil for several years. Thus, at hand there will always be a wonderful medicine and cosmetic.

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