Health, Medicine
Enzyme enzyme. The rate of its activity level
A biochemical blood test is performed to determine the activity of enzymes. Enzymes are protein molecules that accelerate the flow in the human body of all biochemical processes. Each person has several types of enzymes, each of which is responsible only for one strictly defined reaction. Consider one of the enzymes that take an active part in the digestive process - amylase.
There are three types of amylase: α-, β- and γ-amylase, but the most common determination of the activity of α-amylase. It is produced by the pancreas, and its maximum content is in saliva and pancreatic juice . This, in turn, means that the active center of amylase is calcium ions.
Isolate P and S-type α-amylase. It must be said that both in the blood and in the urine there is amylase. The norm is the content of 65% of the P-type α-amylase in urine and about 60% of the S-type α-amylase in the blood. In biochemical studies, in order to avoid confusion and avoid mistakes, it was decided to call the P-type alpha-amylase diastase. The norm of amylase in the blood for an average person who does not have health problems should not exceed 200 units / l, but the activity of urine diastase can reach up to 1000 U / l.
It must be said that when determining how active amylase is, the norm plays a significant role, since any deviations from it may indicate pancreatitis or any other pancreatic diseases. Sometimes there may not be the best result of the study, determining to what extent the amylase of blood is active. The norm of the put enzyme activity can be exceeded. This condition is called hyperamilazemia. The reason for its identification may be the following factors:
- The onset of acute pancreatitis;
- Exacerbation of the chronic form of pancreatitis;
- Presence in the pancreas of stones or tumors;
- Intoxication with alcohol ;
- Acute viral infection, for example, such as mumps;
- ectopic pregnancy.
There are cases in which quite normal in the blood of amylase, the norm of diastasis of urine is exceeded. This phenomenon is called hyperamilazuria. It can develop in such situations:
- Acute pancreatitis (diastase activity increases 10-30 times);
- Various inflammatory diseases of the liver;
- cholecystitis;
- acute appendicitis;
- Alcohol intoxication;
- Intestinal obstruction;
- When treated with diuretics, sulfonamide drugs, oral contraceptives and morphine;
- Bleeding ulcer of the gastrointestinal tract.
It must be said that with pancreatic cancer, chronic pancreatitis, and also with the development of total pancreatitis, it may generally not increase its activity of amylase. The activity rate of this enzyme can be reduced. So, for example, a decrease in the activity of urine diastase is detected mainly with such a serious disease, which is hereditary, like cystic fibrosis. Reduced levels of α-amylase activity in the blood can be caused by another acute attack of pancreatitis or pancreatic necrosis.
An interesting fact: amylase is present not only in the pancreas, but also in the kidneys and liver. However, the level of its activity is determined mainly by the presence of various pancreatic diseases. Urine tests or blood from a vein on an empty stomach for testing are performed from the very morning. In this case it is worth considering that for more accurate results, it is not necessary to eat fatty and sharp foods in advance. In general, in recent years, practically all modern laboratories have started using enzymatic methods for studying the activity of amylase. Such methods are highly specific and at the same time sufficiently fast and accurate.
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