
Distillation is the best way to purify water

Water is the origin of all life, an indispensable and natural indispensable
Product for humans, animals and plants. Not only is water the most important food for us, it also has the highest solubility of all known substances, the discovery of which has led to the production of pure water by distillation.
The process of water purification can reduce the concentration of microparticles, including suspended particles, parasites, bacteria, algae, viruses, fungi and a number of dissolved and suspended materials.
Simple procedures, such as boiling or using a domestic activated carbon filter, are not sufficient to purify all possible contaminants that may be present in the water from an unknown source. Even natural spring water, which is considered safe for consumption without boiling, should now be checked. Water overcomes a number of deep groundwater and is stored many tens, hundreds, thousands of years. Soils and rock layers naturally filter groundwater before it enters the treatment plant. Such water can appear as springs, artesian sources, or can be extracted from a well or well. The water of deep groundwater is usually very high bacteriological quality (ie, pathogenic bacteria are usually absent), but water is usually rich in dissolved solids, especially carbonate and calcium and magnesium sulfate. Depending on the layers through which the water passed, other ions may also be present, including chlorine and bicarbonate.

The most qualitative water needs to be purified for human consumption (drinking water), but ultracold water can also be used for various other purposes, including those that meet the requirements of medical, pharmacological, chemical and industrial applications. In general, the methods used include physical processes such as filtration, sedimentation, and distillation, biological processes such as bioactive carbon filtration, chemical processes such as flocculation and chlorination, and the use of electromagnetic radiation such as ultraviolet light.

Gosstandart, as a rule, dictates drinking water quality standards. These standards require a minimum / maximum number of pollutants and the inclusion of controls, the production of drinking water. Quality standards in many countries require specific amounts of a disinfectant solution (eg chlorine or ozone) in the water after it leaves the wastewater treatment plant to reduce the risk of re-infection.

Distillation is the most effective and reliable way of obtaining clean water, an exceptional feature is that only electricity is required. In addition, water treatment systems require minimal maintenance. Only periodic cleaning is required.
The distillation process means phase transformations of liquids (spring water, tap water or pretreated water) into steam and back into the liquid. The transformation of liquid into vapor effectively separates
Water from impurities and has a greater effect than the boiling point of water. Impurities remain in the condenser (evaporator). Steam and some substances that have a boiling point lower than water settle in the condensate. Condensation of steam produces distilled water, also called aquadystylyte. This "pure water" has a degree of purity of about 99.5% relative to salts, organic substances, microorganisms, pyrogens and bacteria. The PH values of the produced pure water make it slightly acidic if carbon dioxide from the ambient air dissolves in the distillate. Carbon dioxide is absorbed before the dynamic equilibrium between
Water and air environment. Therefore, clean water must be quickly used or stored under sealed conditions. The conductivity of the distillate mainly depends on the quality of the source water and the Distiller model. With the process of double distillation (double distillation) and special materials used in bidistillators (glass models), the purity of the distillate can be increased

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