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Elevated hemoglobin in the blood - what does this mean? Hemoglobin indicators by age

In a laboratory blood test, the doctor often makes the conclusion "elevated hemoglobin in the blood". What does it mean, is it dangerous to raise hemoglobin and how to normalize its level? All these questions worry patients and cause feelings and unreasonable fears.

What is hemoglobin?

Hemoglobin is a complex heme, consisting of protein and iron-containing parts. Functions of hemoglobin consist in transportation of oxygen to organs and tissues and removal of carbon dioxide compounds from them.

With insufficient hemoglobin, anemia develops in the blood. This helps reduce the activity of the body and worsen the performance of all vital systems. At the same time, excess hemoglobin is fraught with a thickening of the blood.

As a result, there is a blockage of blood vessels, thrombi are formed and difficulties arise in the transport of oxygen. To determine the severity of the pathological process and the peculiarities of its treatment, it is necessary to know the norms of hemoglobin indices.

Age norms of hemoglobin

The normal level of hemoglobin varies with the age and sex of the patient. In men, this indicator is slightly lower than that of women. The following norms are typical for them.


Norm, g / l

3 months


6 months


1 year


3 years


Teenagers and mature men


Since the functions of hemoglobin are in the transportation of oxygen, its rate is very important for the proper functioning of the body. For female patients, the table looks like this.


Norm, g / l

3 months


6 months


1 year


3 years


Teenagers and mature women


With an increase in normal indices by 10 or more units, it is necessary to prescribe therapeutic therapy and a diet that allows to restore the balance in the blood. Neglect of one's own health can lead to the development of many complications and pathologies that could be avoided with timely diagnosis and treatment.

Causes of increased hemoglobin levels

Why does a person have elevated hemoglobin in the blood? What does it mean? High hemoglobin in itself is not a disease - it's just a symptom that accompanies many pathological processes taking place in the body. The increase in the indicator is typical for:

  • Oncological diseases;
  • Intestinal obstruction;
  • Respiratory insufficiency;
  • Cardiovascular insufficiency;
  • Congenital malformations in the development of the heart;
  • Fibrosis (congestion of dense tissue in the lungs);
  • A sharp increase in the number of erythrocytes (for example, with blood transfusions);
  • Hormonal disorders that interfere with the formation of erythrocytes.

In addition to diseases, a high hemoglobin content in the blood can be a consequence of a lifestyle. For people living in the mountains, high hemoglobin is the norm. This phenomenon is associated with a lack of oxygen in the air, so the body requires more iron-containing protein for sufficient intake of oxygen to tissues and organs.

Smokers also increased this rate. Long-term smoking causes a lack of oxygen in the tissues, which is compensated by a high level of hemoglobin in the blood.

Nutrition also plays a very important role. The lack of folic acid and vitamin B12 provokes an increase in the amount of hemoglobin. To maintain balance in the body it is necessary to lead a healthy lifestyle, eat fully, play sports and regularly walk outdoors.

Symptoms of increased hemoglobin

The first symptoms of increasing hemoglobin levels, which are worth paying attention to, are:

  • drowsiness;
  • Increased fatigue;
  • loss of appetite;
  • Pallor or redness of the skin;
  • Disorders in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Disruption of the genitourinary system;
  • Decreased visual acuity;
  • Increased blood pressure (no reason);
  • An ache in joints.

If such symptoms are found, it is necessary to take a blood test, among the main indicators will be listed and hemoglobin. By age and sex of the patient, the hematologist will be able to orientate in how to build a therapy regimen, if necessary, prescribe the correct medication and a supporting diet to reduce the level of complex protein in the blood.

Than it is dangerous to increase hemoglobin

Most people do not fear increased hemoglobin in the blood. What does it mean? People do not pay attention to their health, they do not know the symptoms and the reasons for the increase of this indicator and put themselves at risk, which manifests itself in the development of complications of existing diseases and the development of new pathologies.

  • Condensation of blood - causes the formation of thrombi, clogging of blood vessels, disrupts the normal transport of oxygen. In the absence of treatment, thrombophlebitis develops (clots of blood clots on the vessels), and then thromboembolism, which causes disruption of the vital organs due to the attachment of blood clots to them.
  • High hemoglobin in pregnant women can provoke a delay in fetal development, confusion and lack of cognitive abilities.
  • High blood viscosity caused by excessive hemoglobin in the blood, contributes to heart attacks and strokes.
  • Violation of the balance in the composition of the blood causes a change in the form of red blood cells. This pathology is called sickle-like anemia, because red blood cells take the form of a crescent moon and can not perform their work (attaching hemoglobin and transporting it throughout the body).
  • High hemoglobin affects the general condition of the body, causing drowsiness, weakness, lack of appetite, rapid fatigue, dizziness and decreased efficiency.

If this condition has not been diagnosed and treated for a long time, the consequences can be very serious for the work of the whole organism.

How to lower hemoglobin

High hemoglobin levels, not associated with pathological processes in the body, can be affected by blood thinning medications ("Aspirin", "Cardiomagnolo", "Curantil", "Trental"), and a certain balanced diet.

At a high hemoglobin it is necessary to adhere to following rules of a delivery:

  • To exclude from the diet red fruits and vegetables (especially beetroot);
  • Exclude the use of dry mushrooms, by-products (liver, kidneys, heart);
  • Use a large amount of water - it is important to take into account the norm (40 ml / 1 kg of human weight), this is necessary to prevent excess burden on the heart;
  • Dairy products allow to lower the hemoglobin level, since they interfere with the assimilation of iron.

In rare cases, you can resort to a variant of donation or erythrophoresis (a decrease in the number of red blood cells in the blood stream by removing them).

High hemoglobin in women

High hemoglobin in pregnant women is a very dangerous phenomenon. Violation of the norm indicates that the mother has pathologies in the kidneys and liver, as well as the presence of violations in the development of the child.

A woman should always adhere to proper nutrition, use vitamin complexes, have enough time to spend in the fresh air and lead an active lifestyle. In this case, high hemoglobin will quickly return to normal and will not cause dangerous disorders in the body.

High hemoglobin in men

In men, the cause of such a pathology is often harmful habits, especially smoking. To prevent the development of complications, it is necessary to take a blood test at the first suspicions of elevated hemoglobin in the blood. What does it mean? When there is drowsiness, fatigue, frequent or difficult urination and redness of the skin, it is important to consult a doctor.

The hematologist will help to adjust the regime of the day, talk about the need to maintain a rational diet, physical activity and the rejection of addictions that negatively affect the functioning of all vital systems.

High hemoglobin in children

In newborns, the hemoglobin level in the blood is always elevated. This is not a pathology, because it is associated with physiological processes. As you grow older, the indicator should decrease and come back to normal. If this does not happen, it is necessary to exclude the presence of congenital heart defects, blood diseases and oncology.

Knowing what hemoglobin means to the human body, you can pay attention to the onset of symptoms and seek medical help in time. With timely diagnosis and treatment, many complications and diseases can be avoided.

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